Program Read c...Read the half-widht and line shift databases in the 2003 format real*8 FF character*3 Avibu,Avibl c... FF - frequency of the transition in cm^-1 c... Avibu - upper vibration state (v1,v2,v3) notation c... Avibl - lower vibration state (v1,v2,v3) notation c... Ju - upper state rotation quantum number, J c... Kau - upper state pseudo prolate quantum numvber, Ka c... Kcu - upper state pseudo oblate quantum number, Kc c... Jl - lower state rotation quantum number, J c... Kal - lower state pseudo prolate quantum number, Ka c... Kcl - lower state pseudo prolate quantum number, Kc c... g - half-width in units of 10^-3 cm^-1/atm c... ge - error in the half-width (same units as g) c... xn - temperature dependence of half-width, exponent of power law model c... xne - error in temperature dependence c... d - line shift in units of 10^-3 cm^-1/atm c... de - error in the line shift (same units as g) c... xnd - temperature dependence of line shift (not currently used) c... xnde - error in temperature dependence c... ISO - Isotopologue code, HITRAN convention c... IRefx - Reference of the data, see accompanying reference list Read(1,905) FF,Avibu,Avibl,Ju,Kau,Kcu,Jl, + Kal,Kcl,g,ge,xn,xne,d,de,xnd,xnde,ISO,IRefx 905 FORMAT(F12.6,2(1x,A3),2(1x,3I3),2(2(1x,F7.2),2(1x,F6.3)) + ,I2,1x,I3) end