47.375  Research III: Laboratory

Checklist for Research Reports

Research Report is due Thursday 12/21/06




1.      Are all references in text also cited in reference section using complete APA style, including as appropriate for electronic sources?

2.      Are all sources appropriate for inclusion—empirical or theoretical papers from scholarly journals or texts?

3.      Is text arranged in APA style, including title page, running head, and use of headings?



  1. Is your abstract on a separate page from the title and the body of your paper.
  2. Does your abstract provide a brief (125 words or less) synopsis of the study you have completed?
  3. Is the abstract written in past tense?



1.      Do you describe the literature in past tense since these are studies already done and conclusions already reached?

2.      Do you use no more than one direct quote?

3.      Are assertions backed up with research and citations rather than broad sweeping generalizations or opinions?

4.      When you cite previous studies, do you say enough about what they found and how so that your reader can make a judgement about how it fits in with your work (not just their conclusions, but what evidence—data, results—the conclusions were based)?  Explain.  Provide operational definitions.

5.      Do you have minimally 5-7 citations that provide a rationale for the methods of your study?

6.      Do you tie your introduction together with the results of research that you are citing, rather than just listing study after study after study?

7.      Does the previous research you cite lead to the research question posed by the current study (that is, the study you are reporting)?  Note that here you begin to shift to your work (e.g., “The current study was designed examine the effects of….”).

8.      Do you end with a clear statement of the hypothesis or hypotheses for the current study?


Methods—Continue writing in past tense


1.      Do you describe who your participants were with respect to the demographic characteristics that matter for your study?

2.      Do you identify the source for any data that you used in ascertaining who should comprise your sample (e.g., data from the US Census or UMass Lowell Office for Institutional Research)?  Give complete citations.

3.      Do you provide the N and clearly identify your sampling units if they are other than individuals (neighborhoods, for example)?

4.      Do you describe and justify your sampling method?


Materials or Apparatus

1.      Do you give complete citations for tests or questionnaires that you used from journal articles or other published sources?

2.      Do you describe what each test or questionnaire was designed to do and how it does it (e.g., Likert scales, adjective checklists, etc.)?

3.      Do you report psychometric data on tests or measures you used (test-retest reliability coefficients, for example)?

4.      If you chose items to create tests or assessments of, for example, word learning, do you indicate what constraints you put on the words so that extraneous factors (e.g., frequency of usage or type of word) are held constant across conditions? 

5.      How did you test the psychometric properties (reliability and validity) of your own homegrown survey or questionnaire?

6.      If you are developing videotapes or other kinds of procedures (e.g., written scenarios) for an experiment, do you say how you know they will present what you intended (e.g., manipulation checks on the validity)

7.      How were extraneous variables (a) held constant or (b) counterbalanced?

8.      What kind of score did each measure provide for each participant?



1.      Do you indicate that informed consent was obtained prior to participation?

2.      Is it clear whether this is a between or within subjects design?  If there are two factors, one between and one within, is it clear which is which?

3.      If you have a two group experiment, is it clear what aspects of the procedures vary between groups and which are the same for everyone (e.g., “All participants were asked to ….  Half of the participants were then… and half were…  Finally all participants were asked to….”)?

4.      If you have tasks such as memorizing words or reading news articles, have you specified how long the exposure and retrieval period was, how many words participants were exposed to at once, how many total trials (e.g., 10 trials of 10 words each for a total of 100 words) how they responded (free recall as in “Write down as many words as you remember” vs. recognition as in “Circle the words below that you saw earlier.”)

5.      Do you specify counterbalancing (e.g., for order of presentation, assignment of gender to main character across stories, etc.) for experimental designs?

6.      Is the relevance of all the procedures you describe clear from the introduction (i.e., are there no surprises)?

7.      Do you describe debriefing if used?

8.      Could someone else take over for you in administering your study based on what you have written (and will someone else be able to replicate)?


Data Analysis and Results—past tense

1.      Have you stated exactly what data you was analyzed and what tests were conducted.

2.      State your results in both a statistical sentence and an interpretation in English.

3.      Is it clear that your statistical tests are tied to your hypotheses/research questions?


Discussion—tense may be present or future here

1.      Do you interpret what outcomes mean and what utility they have?

2.      Do you indicate what limitations there are to the study?

3.      Do you suggest what the next steps will be, i.e., follow up research?



1.      Begin on a separate page?

2.      At margin for first line and indented for subsequent lines?

3.      Double spaced?

4.      APA style exactly?

5.      Do you use only those references you have cited in the body of your paper?





Once you have written a first draft, go through and check each of these items off as you ensure you have done them.


Papers will be graded according to how consistently these guidelines are used and how well the report summarizes the research.