47-375 803   RESEARCH III: Laboratory


Sample Results


Remember that everything that appears in the results section should be foreshadowed in the Introduction and Methods sections.  The comparisons you make should be clear from your hypotheses.  Any scores you use should be clear from your descriptions of materials or procedure.  Any demographic data you choose to explore (or included in your hypotheses) should be described under Participants.


Start with descriptives.  Move to comparisons.  Continue with any exploratory analyses.  Report statistics to two decimal places only.  Report the direction of difference (what is greater or less than what).  Illustrate what is clarified by illustration if it is a significant finding.  Summarize in a table if it is helpful.  The sample below is totally fabricated.  The numbers are not real, and do not add up.  The single spacing is not APA style.  Consult your text book for additional examples.


ANOVA:  2x2 with one between and one within  


Descriptive statistics are summarized in Table 1.  These data were examined using a 2x2 ANOVA with one between (type of background music) and one within factor (affective tone of words).   The main effect for music was significant (F (1, 36) = 5.87;  p < .01) with participants in the happy music condition recalling more words than those for whom sad music was played in the background.  The effect for word type within subject was not significant (F (1, 36) = 1.23, n.s.)




Table 1.  Number of words (M (SD)) by music and word type (N = 40)




                                                          Type of Music


                                                   Sad                                 Happy   

                                                 (n=20)                               (n=20)


Sad Words                              27.65 (9.89)                    32.25  (10.88)



Happy Words                           29.75 (10.33)                  34.25  (9.11)