Instructor: Joseph E. Garreau, Ph. D., Professor of French Studies
Office: Coburn 113D
Hours: Regular: M 1:00 - 3:30; Tu 2:00 - 6:00 ; Th 2:00 - 3:30
Voice Mail: 978-934-4297
E-mail: Joseph_Garreau@uml.edu
HomePage: http://faculty.uml.edu/jgarreauCOURSE DESCRIPTION:
French 102 is a continuation of French 101, which is the normal prerequisite, and is the first stage toward mastering the basic vocabulary and structures of the French language. The same textbook, Débuts, will be used.COURSE OBJECTIVE:
The goals of French 102 are as follows:
1 - to continue the acquisition of the fundamentals of French grammar and pronunciation (speaking, reading, listening, writing) through exercises in reading, writing, and conversation;
2 - to examine some current French and Francophone cultural issues.GENERAL INFORMATION:
A. TIME ALLOTMENT: The class meets twice a week, Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11:00 to 12:30B. GRADE & EVALUATION METHOD:
- Class attendance and participation (25% = 2 points per class) and 6 (lowest grade) dropped) bi-weekly tests (50%). Comprehensive Final Examination (25%)
All students are expected to come to class prepared. Each student will come to class having completed the assigned work (see Syllabus)
- prepared to ask and to answer questions on the assigned work.N.B.: A maximum of three absences (excused or unexcused) is allowed in this course. After three absences, your participation grade will be significantly lowered.
No make-up exams allowed under no exceptions. French 102 is a demanding course, requiring a fair amount of homework. A bon entendeur salut!Grading sytem
A : 94-100; A- : 90-93: B+ : 87-89; B : 83-86; B- : 80-82; C+ : 77-79; C : 73-76; C- : 70-72; D+ : 67-69; D: 63-66; D- : 60-62; F : <60REQUIRED TEXTS:
Required: Débuts: An Introduction to French
Optional: Workbook/Lab Manual, Part II - Strongly recommended for true beginners
Optional: CD-ROMS to accompany Workbook