Languages of Europe: A Cultural Introduction
Cultural Introduction to the Languages of Europe
Joseph E. Garreau
I’ll begin with a
little story, a true story that tells you about A German feels about an
Italian, more exactly how a young German driving a German car felt about an
Italian automobile. That was in the summer of 1961, I was hitchhiking on my way
to Innsbruck, in Austria, to join a group of German and Austrian friends I had
met at the university of Louvain in Belgium where I was a student at the time
and go hiking with in the Austrian Alps.
A young German salesperson in a blue Volkswagen, not the bettle but the
1500 squareback of old, picked me
up on the German autobhan on his way to Munich. There was no speed limit on the
autobahn in those days, and I still can see the needle past the 150 km mark,
and that was fun ... Suddenly a red Alfa-Romeo sped by at about 170, 180...
like a bolide (a French word from Latin bolis, from Greek bolis like a
missile (or a missile). We both looked silently at the vanishing beauty. Then, my German driver said to me in
perfectly intelligeable French :
you see – he was talking about the fast and flashy Alfa-Romeo,
that is the girl to love, but THIS, adding a gentle tap to the steering wheel
of his reliable VW (pronounced “FaVé”) IS the girl to marry.
This true example shows
how Germans see Italians : nothing in their view replaces Teutonic reliability.
Italian women may be beautiful, fancy Italian cars are perhaps very fast, but
we Germans prefer German engineering!
A big difference!
Here is another
important notation: One of the major cultural differences between northern
Europe (Scandinavian countries, Benelux, British Isles, Austria and Germany)
and southern Europe (Italy, Spain, Portugal and Greece) is the way to conduct
business, namely on a much more concessus-type approach in the north whereas it’s a more autocratic
and authoritarian, - understand “bossy-type” in the south. Human nature may be the same everywhere
but we do not think or act alike. The’re is, for example, an expression
in Dutch ‘een
zuideneuropees leventje’, which
says it well. It can be translated as something like “a little life from
the south of Europe” that is to say an easy life without problems.
We never must not
forget the “weight” of European history : centuries of wars between
the British and the French, the French and the Germans, the British and the
Irish, the British and the Dutch.
Why do you think we still say in English “to talk like a Dutch
uncle” or “to go
Dutch”? This is just a reminder of the time when
the rivalry in international commerce between these two sea powers was high.
Dutch courage, for the British, is the courage of the drunkards, a Dutch wife
is (“pardon my French”) a
bitch of a wife.
In the late Middle
Ages, when the lingua franca was
Latin, there were already a series of formulae more or less proverbial, in
which were expressed stereotypes, which already were a form of linguistic
racism. The most often quoted of
these examples is the one about the multilingual Holy Roman Emperor, Charles V
(1500-1558) and what language he would employ. If he wanted to talk to men, the Emperor said, he would
speak French; if he wanted to speak to ladies, he would speak Italian; to speak
to his horse, he would speak German and, if he wanted to talk to God, he would
speak Spanish. This is, of course,
the Franco-Spanish version of the anecdote ; for the Italians, Italian, of
course, is the language of men and French the effeminate language. .
. German is also ill-treated in another proverb that goes back to the
XVIIth century: “German howls, English cries, French sings, Italian
plays the comedy, and Spanish talks.”
• Let’s
begin with the French and see how other languages treat them. English first. Sure, we find ‘French
cuisine’, ‘French dressing’ , ‘French fries’, but
immediately after, in alphabetical order: ‘French kiss’,
‘French lover’, ‘to take the French leave’, and other pejorative expressions, such as the ‘pardon
my French’ just mentioned...
Spanish treats the French a bit more
generously. They say ‘desperdirse a la francesa’, (which
means without saying good bye), the same as the Germans say ‘sich auf
französich empfehlen’ (to
escape the French way), which, in both cases seem to have been borrowed from
The Dutch may say about
the French and their cuisine :
‘Leven als God in Frankrÿk’, that is to say : live like God in France, but they also nasty things about them: ‘Franse
complimentem maken’ (to
compliment the French way, that is say, ‘to flatter’), ‘Met de Franseslag’ (in the French manner, that is to say sloppy), and
here is another one: ‘Parÿse opvattingen’ (Parisian ideas, which means allowing all kinds of
The Danes are nor far
behind: ‘frankske artikler’ (French articles, no! not le, la, les, but condoms). The French, on the other hand, used to
say - for the now all too-common préservatifs - ‘capotes
anglaises’ (= ‘English
raincoats’). For the Danes, ‘franske postkort’ (French postcards mean erotic postcards). Here is another one: ‘franske
ydelser’ (French benefits, by
which, you must understand, mean not taxable).
From all this we gather
a rather negative image of the French: flatterers, lazy and debauched for the
Dutch; with a reputation for “taking the French leave”, not very trustworthy in a word. Or again, take the English dictionary
and what it says in a Shakespeare’s concordance at the word French: “the
lusty French”, “the false French, “the fearful French”.
Truly, the French have
had bad press. As individuals they
are much like anyone else, some good, some bad. But everyone has the same gripe
about the French as a nation : that they’re arrogant. Even the English
and the Germans think so, and they should know. They complain that the French
act if they had invented culture, as if no one else could cook with élan, write poetry with panache, or behead aristocrats with finesse. For
proof of French arrogance, people say, one need look no further than their
generous contribution to the lexicon of snobbery, to which they have donated nouveau
riche, parvenu, arriviste, petit bourgeois, faux pas and chauvinist, among others.
Now, what about the
The French say ‘capotes
anglaises’, and the English
reciprocate with ‘French letter’. In
slang, you’ll hear the expression ‘les Anglais ont
débarqué’ or ‘avoir
ses Anglais’ (in reference to the red uniform of the
British army in the XVIIIth century.
For the French, the English are also des rostbifs, whereas the Dutch prefer to say ‘Engels
gaar’, cooked the English way,
that is to say badly prepared. But it’s mostly their supposed coolness
that seems to dominate with stereotyped expressions such as : ‘Engels
flegma’ in Dutch, le flegme
britannique, or as they say in Danish “stive
englændere’’, the ‘stiff
More seriously, what
does this mean? Let’s try to make sense out of this.
When you look at all these stereotyped
expressions, which are like fossils or traces of times past, what do we see?
First, the profusion of popular ways to name people living on the other side of
the border, based on their food habits: froggies or frogs, rosbifs, Krauts or sausage eaters, or macaroni or pizza eaters, with a geography based on four poles: overcooked
roastbeef in England, saucisse and
cabbage in Germany, frogs and escargots in France, and pasta and
more pasta in Italy.
The second picture we get is simply the way the English talked about their
neighbors, the French, the Dutch, and the Irish. You know some of these expressions about the Irish : ‘Irish
bull’, ‘to get on’e Irish up’. In other words, these pejorative expressions are like
fossils, traces of times past, reflecting the ideological look that the British
cast on their former enemies and that have been kept in the language without,
many times, any thought of offending anyome anymore.
There is a third form of racism prevalent in Europe, racism against
foreigners. Just think of the word
we use in French, Italian, Spanish for a foreigner: étranger,
straniere, extraño, the word
means both foreign and strange. In
the Romance languages, the word for ‘stranger’ also means
foreigner, outsider. It has a
clear ‘them and us’ distinction.
Since the1950s, many
new strangers have come to Europe –
Indians, Africans and Arabs - ‘guest’ workers are they’re
call in German or former colonial subjects, some of whom are now in Belgium,
France or England second generation Europeans. But there is a widespread reluctance to accept them as
fellow Europeans. The Italian press has found a novel way of calling these
people. They call them extracommunitarios, meaning from outside the European community, which disregards the
large number who are European citizens. The expression has caught on, but in
shortened form: they’re call the extras.
To me this outwardly innocuous little word (“extras”) is more dangerous than froggies or Krauts or rosbifs. Names
can always hurt you. Sometimes they stick, sometimes people become what you call
them. It’s been 1500 years since the Vandals devastated Gaul but - what
do you think the word ‘vandalism’ come from? – they still get
the blame for graffiti and broken public toilets.
There is indeed a
paradox, Frogeaters, Rosbifs, Krauts, Macaronieters and others, in short the very people who call
themselves names, are working toward a European Union and, at the same time,
they don’t seem to stop making fun of each other.
BE REWORKED] Is there is hope, it is with the young people of Europe required
to study two foreign languages in school and having constant student exchanges.
To study another language is to mold yourself into another view of the world,
and go farther in your perception of the ‘other’, deeper than the
fact he or she eats frog legs, cabbage, spaghetti or roast beef. This will take
years. And whatever form the
European Union takes, the non-flattering portrait is not going to fade away in
one or two generations.
E u r o p e a n E t y m o l o g i e s
Some Examples
• Etymology : from Gr.etumos (true)
and logia (science or study that deals with a certain subject) is
the study of the origin, formation, and development of a word. Semantics is the study of
meaning in language forms, particularly with regard to its historical change.
•Whisky <
Gaelic uisce (which is pronounced [ishgui] and means
In a similar fashion, vodka is the
diminutive of Russian voda, which
also means water and can be compared to French eau-de-vie or
Spanish agua ardiente.
• Carnaval < carnem
levare = to take meat away = allusion to the
meatless days of Lent. Cf. carême, < quadragesima dies (fortieth day), end of Christ’s fast in the desert.
Marshal (high officer of state, of the army, in
charge of ceremonies)
< OF. mareschal (mod. maréchal) < OHG.marah (horse) and
scalc (servant) = he who takes care of
> pants, F. pantalon < San Pantal(e)one, a favorite saint in Venice,
whose name means “all misericordious” (pan eleimon in Gr.) ; then a Venitian caracter in Italian comedy
represented as a foolish old man (xvi); breeches in fashion after the
Restoration (xvii); tight-fitting trousers which superseded knee-breeches
(xviii); trousers in general (xix).
Belladonna = “fair lady”: medicinal
plant containing atropine, the propriety of which is to dilate the pupils of
your eyes. Said to be so named because in Italy (xv) a face cosmetic was made
from it, making the lady beautiful = bella donna.
Symposium =
“drink together”; initially a banquet. (same word: potion).
Pregnant, Sp. incincta < from
Latin etymology meaning wearing no belt.
Stallion ,
Fr. étalon < (ad stallum) = at the stall, i. e. reserved for reproduction.
Porcelain > china ware < porcella , diminutive of porca: sow: - porca, fem. of porcus swine; originally the shiny shells are said to have been so
named from their resemblance to the vulva of a sow. Fr. procelaine, It. porcellana. [porcus < (0)F porc > pork: flesh of the pig used as
food (xiii)].
•Book. In English, the word book is related to beechtree. In Russian, beech is said bouk. In German, a letter from the alphabet is Buchstab, which literally means a beech
stick; letters were inscribed on such sticks.
In Romance languages (Sp. and It. libro, Fr. livre
> librairie > Engl. library), the word comes from Latin liber, i.e. the thin part of the tree between the cork and the
sapwood, which is used as paper.
The same vegetal origin is found in the word paper < papyrus. This Egyptian reed is also at the origin of the city of
Byblos in Lebanon, which gave the word bible. It is interesting to note that
exceptionally the word parchment
(< Fr. parchemin) is not
linked to the vegetal world, etymologically it means “Parthian
skin” i.e. writing material prepared from
skins invented at Pergamum in Asia Minor.
2. Names of Monetary Units
[TO BE REVIEWED – add story
of the Euro
Ï ]
The dollar is a deformation through bad
pronounciation of the word Thaler, old German currency. The word comes from
Joachimst(h)aler and the Joachim’s valley in Bohemia where mines were
exploited to make silver coins.
In Germany, the name mark comes from
the mark that identifies the coins, such as the écu , i.e. the shield struck on old
French coins of the same name, which is found in the Portuguese escudo. (ecu = European Currency Unit.)
The franc is the beginning of the inscription
from the legend Francorum rex = king of
the Franks, on gold coins first struck in the reign of Jean-le-Bon (1350-64).
We may compare it with the future European currency, the Euro, which is also a prefix.
Many names of monetary units are linked to the idea of weight, the weight of a
precious metal, usually gold. Peseta (peso) <
Spanish silver coin : dim. of pesa weight.
(from L. pensa, pl. of pensum > poise, to ponder,
peser). < Pound = £ ( French reminiscence of livre = pound). Same in Italian (Turkish, Lebanese) with lira.
British penny and German Pfennig are the same word, probably from Latin pannus, a cloth (pieces of cloth were in
Barbarian Europe used as a medium of exchange).
The florin (Netherlands) is a gold coin first
issue at Florence in 1252. It. fiorino, from
fiore flower; the coin originally so named
bore the figure of a lily on the obverse.
The Russian ruble comes from the verb roubit (to share, to partake). A ruble is a “parcel” of gold.
The dinar of some Arabic countries is the
equivalent of the old Latin currency thedenary, whereas the Morrocan dirham is the Greek drachma ; the rial is
the king’s money: the réal. Denary, drachma, rial all are European names.
The Haïtian gourde comes from Spanish gordo : big amount of money!
3. Names of Peoples and their
The Germanic tribe called the Franks, whose chief was Clovis, gave the French their name. In many foreign languages the name remains the
same, simply deformed or “disfigured” by local phonetics and the
different endings of the adjective form: Engl: French, Ger. Franzose, It. Francese, Sp. Francés,
Slavic Frantsouz, Arabic Fransaoui, etc.
In Finnish, where are not used words beginning two consonants, the omission of
the intial [F] in France, gives the name Ranska.
The Japanese insert the letter u between f
and r, which gives Furansu.
The Chinese utilize an [a], which gives fa-lan-sa, shortenend in fa. The ideogram, i.e. the Chinese
character that represents this fa means
“law”. A Frenchman: fa-guo-ren
[fakwojen] = “a man from the country of the law”.
The Greeks, who are an old people, retain the Gallic name, i.e. the one
preceding the invasions of the Frank tribes. France = Gallika.
Germans are designated by one or the other of the Germanic tribes that settled
in Germany, or in Allemagne (from the Alemanni) as we say in French. In the first case, the generic term of German is used, in the latter the name of a group of Germanic
tribes, the Alemanni, who were defeated by the Franks in 496. The Sandinavians use the
name Saksa (Saxons). The name Teuton, which means people or tribe in
Celtic, is at the origin of what the Germans call themselves: Deutsch (< Lat. Theudisca ) or its Italian equivalent:Tedesco.
The Russians call the Germans Nemtsy (Nemets in the singular), perhaps because they occupy territories
situated beyond the Niemen river; or
perhaps because they are “mute”(niémoï) for the Russians!
Many peoples name their neighbors by using a pejorative term, which often stays
with them for ever. Examples: The Greeks call “Barbaroi” those who did not speak their
language, and consequently were the equivalent of savages.
Similarly, for a long period of time, the Western world
considered North Africa populated by “barbaric” peoples and name
them Berbers,
who named themselves (in the singular form) Tamazight i.e. free man or Kabyle , i.e. man of the tribe.
can always hurt you. Sometimes they stick, sometimes people become what you
call them. Wales is from welisc, the Saxon term for foreigner. Or the Gypsies, so called
because they said they had come from Egypt. A last example: It’s been
1500 years since the Vandals - where
do you think the word vandalism come from? devastated Gaul but they
still get the blame for graffiti and broken public toilets!
4. Days of the Week and Months of the Year
The days of the week very often are named according to their numerical order;
thus in Portuguese: segunda feira (second
fair) is Monday and so on until sexta feira (sixth fair), i.e. Friday. Saturday and Sunday retain their
religious reference: sabado (sabbath),
and domingo (Sunday), day of the Lord (Dominus in Latin).
In English and in German, Sunday /Sonntag is the day of the sun; Monday /
Monntag is the day of the moon = lundi; lunedi; Tuesday is the day of Mars, god
of war and fire; Wednesday, mercredi = day of Mercury, god of commerce and
trade, or in English day of Wotan, Germanic god of war. In German, as in
Russian, Wednesday is the middle of the week (Mittwoch). Thurday, day of
Jupiter (in Latin Jovis dies), is Donnerstag, literally day of Thunder, the latter
being the attribute of Jupiter. In English, Thursday is derived from thunresday <thunder. Friday, (French: vendredi, day of Venus), is equally devoted to woman in both English
and German (Freitag): i.e. the day of Frigg,
the spouse of the god Wotan. Saturday is the day of the planet Saturn.
The names of the months have a great unity in European languages. The first
months of the year originate in names of gods, goddesses, emperors or Roman
holidays, such as Janus for January, februa, feast of the Purification, for February; Mars for the god of war; Maius, god of vegetation; Junius for June; Julius (Caesar)
for July; Augustus for August. The last months are a
reference to their numerical order in the old Roman calendar, which began in
March with the arrival of spring, from Sept-tember (seventh month) until Dec -ember (tenth month).
Finnish is a very rare exception. The names of the months are linked to nature.
Thus there is the month of the oak tree, seeding, wheat or mud, which somewhat
resembles the calendar used by the French Revolution (fructidor,
ventôse, etc.)
5. Names of Persons
Are of Semitic origin first names ending in -el, which is the root of Allah,
meaning God. Names, such as Michael, Emmanuel, Daniel, Raphaël, have the
meaning of “similar to God”, “God with us”, “God
has judged” , “God has healed”. . .
First names originating in Greek are mostly compound names: Veronica :
“the true icône i.e. image; Christopher: “carrying
Christ” ; Philip: “who loves horses”; Eugene: “of a
good race”; Alexander
“defender of men”. One also finds simple first names:
Stephen (Stefano, Etienne crown; Basil, equivalent to Vassili: :the king; Catherine:
the pure; (Cf. the Cathars); Sophia, wisdom (cf. philósophos: : lover of
Latin first names, examples: Cesar, Julius, Antony, Aimé,
René(e): reborn through baptism, Felix: happy, Victor: victorius.
First names of Germanic origin come from pagan names of men (and women) who
were later canonized by the Church; Richard: hard king; Karl / Charles: manly;
Hugh: intelligence; Albert
(Adal berht): noble and brillant.
For your curiosity: In the Caribbean (Lesser Antilles), it was customary in
colonial times to give as a first name the one figuring on the calendar. So you
could have Fetnat (for those born on July 14, Fête
nationale) or Immaculéon (December 8)
or Pievépape (Pie V, pape).
6. Family Surnames
In Europe, family names, much more recent that first names, appeared when a
registry for baptism and, later on, a civil registry, were kept. Nobles,
usually, bore the name of their estate (Michel de Montaigne), whereas people of
the common adopted as patronym such and such particularity: character trait,
physical appearance, or a personal designation which had passed into a
professed trade. Some examples of names of trade: Le febvre < Latin faber (Cf.
fabricate); Schneider in German is the same
as Taylor in English; Cooper is one who makes and repairs casks; Thatcher is one who makes or repairs roofs, especially with straw;
Eisenhauer (Eng. Eisenhower), one who strikes iron.
Among the many traits indicating physical appearance, examples (in French) are
many: Boiteux (Lame), Têtu (Stubborn), Lecourt (The
Short), Lelong, Lenoir,
Leblond. Are numerous also names indicating a
geographical origi, or names linked to a particularity of the land: Deschamps
(from the fields), Duchêne (of the oak tree), Dubois (of the woods), - as well as Siobud, Dubois written backwards. Maisonneuve (of the new house). In English, we have Churchill: hill of the church, Copperfield: field of copper.
It is interesting to note also how some Jewish names of people who have settled
in Europe have been modified. Some have retained the name of the religious
function, such as Cohen, Levi, Kaplan (priest
assistant), others have chosen a name linked to the emblem of the tribe to
which they were attached. Thus, the tribe of Juda, whose emblem is the lion,
have given in German names such as Löwen. The Nephtali tribe, whose emblem
is the deer, has given many Hirsh families,
or the wolf of the Benjamin tribe, people by the name ofWolf. Jacob
evokes in the Bible the story of Jacob at the well; in the Netherlands,
in translation, we may find people by the name of Putteman (from Latin puteus, “people from the well”, Eng. pit, Sp. pozo, It. pozzo. Hence in Italy people by the
name of Pozzo.
well-known French last name is that ofVeil, simply the anagram of Levi.. In the Caribbean, there are
names such as Manlius, from the Roman
centurion awaken by the geese of the Capitol, or names such as Balicoups (baille-lui des coups = beat him up), whose ancestor probably
must have been in charge of administering corporal punishment.
7. Some Examples of Toponymy.
Istanbul (the ancient Constantinople = Constantinopolis: the city of Constantine) owes its supposed etymology to the
Greek phrase Eistan polis, “here is the city”
said by a Turk. But it may as well be the simple deformation of
Naples < Neapolis : “new city”.
Saragossa < deformation of “Caesar
Augustus”; Badajoz < Paz de Agosto:
“peace of Augustus”. Many Spanish names have an Arabic origin: Valladolid (i.e. Belad
el-walid) is “the country of the father”; in Grenada the Alhambra
is al-hamra (the red), from the color of
the stone used to construct the palace. Guadalajara, oued el-Haraja, is “the
river of pebbles”. Cadiz bears a
Phoenician name, a deformation of Gaddir (wall), which we find in the Berber
city of Agadir in Morroco.
In Portugal, the capital city of Lisbon
(Lisboã), according to some philologists, stands for Olisippo, “the city of
Ulysses”, and, according to others, Alisibbo, a Phoenician name meaning “good harbor”.The
province of Algarve originates in the Arabic al-gharb (the west), which we find in Maghreb, lit. “where the sun sets” i.e. the west.
Trafalgar (Taraf al-Gharb) = “direction of the west”.
In Greece, Athens owes its name to Athena,
daughter of Zeus, goddess of Art & Thought. Thessaloniki comes from
the name of Alexander the Great’ s sister.
in Germany, Munich or München, evokes the word “monk” (in OHG munih). Köln bears a Roman name: the ancient Colonia (in French, Cologne) Agrippinensis. Similarly, Koblenz draws its name from the Latin Confluentes, the cofluent of Rhine and
Mosell. Mainz (Mayence) is a bit more complicated: it
is the old Moguntiacum, from the name of a Celtic god, known as Mogo.
Austria (Autriche) is a deformed pronunciation
of Österreich, “Orient Empire”. Its capital, Vienna, is a simplification fromVindobona, a pre-Latin appellation meaning
“white location”.
Zurich (in Latin Duriacum ) comes from the Celtic root*dur
, which means water, the same as in contemporary Breton. Basel (Bâle) was in Greek Basilea, the royal (city).
Luxembourg is also a deformation, that of Lützelburg : small protected castle.
In the Netherlands, (Holland < holt :
woods = a “wooded land”), the
names of cities ending in -dam evoke a dam
or a barrier constructed across a waterway. Amsterdam is “the Amstel
In Belgium, the city of Mons (a Flemish
appellation of “monts” = mounts), not surprisingly, is called Bergen
in Flemish, i.e. “mounts”.
Brussels, originally Bruoc Sella, is composed of Broek
(marshes) and seli (dwelling).
In Flemish, Antwerpen (Anvers), means
“with piers / jetties running out into the sea”.
In Denmark, literally “march --
[from Frankish *marka i.e.
“boundary] - of the Danes”, the capital Copenhagen
(København) means “port of merchants”,
(cf. German kaufen, to buy).
In Iceland, “ice country”, the name of its capital, Reykjavik, means “smoking bay”.
(Reyk has the same root as German rauchen, to smoke.
Sweden owes its local name of Sverige to
the Varangian people, one of a group of Scandinavian seafarers who established
a dynasty in Russia in the ninth century.
• In Great
Britain, if we’re not sure of the origin of the name London, we know that
Oxford means what is says: the ford of the
oxen, the Greek
equivalent of which is Bosporus. All the
endings in -chester (Winchester,
Manchester...) originate in Latin castra (camp). The Essex county is “the country of the Saxons
from the east” in opposition to Sussex, which is “that of the
Saxons from the south”.
In France, many cities bear the names of peoples or tribes, whether Gallic or not. (Parisii) > Paris, Angers, Nantes, Poitiers, etc.. Many places bear
also a religious name: Saint-Brieuc, Saint-Malo. Sometimes, the name suggests a monastery, Moutiers, or a
specific cult (Montmartre : mount of martyrs). Some towns have their names
linked to a person: Orléans evokes the emperor Aurelianum.
Châteauroux is “le château de Raoul ; Cherbourg comes from Caesaris
burgus: the village of Caesar. In Normandy, the
names of cities ending in -fleur are a
deformation of the Scandinavian word fjord ; for example, Barfleur = “the creek in the shape of a wedge ; Dieppe, simply means “deep”. In the East, the names
ending in -wy originate from Latin vicus, meaning village; Longwy =
“the long village”. The English equivalent, even closer to original
Latin, is-wick (ex. Gatwick, the “Goat
Farm”) or -wich (ex. Greenwich).
To conclude: Indo-Europeans, more than other peoples perhaps, appear to exalt
the cult of personality. The Greek emperor Alexander, for example, gave his
name to Alexandria (Egypt), Qandahar (India), Iskenderun
(Turkey). Roman emperors have been particularly celebrated. Just in
France, we have Orléans
(<Aurelianus), Grenoble (Gratianopolis), Coutances (<Constantia), Cherbourg (Caesaris burgus). We find the name of Caesar in Israel (Césarée), Kayseri (Turkey), Jerez (Spain);
Augustus in Augsburg (Germany), Aoste (Italy), Badajoz (Spain), Famagouste (Cyprus), or, with both names together, Saragossa (Caesar Augustus). Saints, all over Europe, have also given
their names to many cities and towns.
seen the same cult of personality in former USSR, but it lasted just the time
of a revolution! Leningrad has
returned to its previous Saint-Petersburg. Outside
Europe we have, of course, Washington, Harare (Zimbabwe) after the name of a
tribal chief, Hochiminhville (formely Saïgon).
in topology, God seems to be less present than his saints. In France, we have Villedieu (The City of God), in Sweden, Göteborg, ... and that’s about it.
Let’s mention alsoAllahabad in India
and Bagdad in Irak.
languages from the Indo-European group, i.e a family of some 132 diverse but
related tongues that range from Armenian to Swedish, are spoken by half of
humanity. The most distant ancestor that we can study is Sanskrit, one of the
first languages of written culture.
begin by examining the mysterious family ties that link languages as diverse as
Russian, English, Latin, Greek, Hindi, Bengali, Singhalese, French and others.
The most known example of similarity of that of numbers, where the systematic
character of variations helps us prove that we are not talking about
coincidences but family resemblance.
us select English, German, Spanish, French, Greek, Russian, Persian, and
Bengali (8 languages)
1 one eins uno un énas odin yek êk
2 two zwei dos deux dio dva do dui
3 three drei tres trois tris tri sé tin
4 four vier cuatro quatre tésséris tchetyrié tchahar car
5 five fünf cinco cinq penté piat’ pandj panc [pantch]
6 six sechs seis six heksi shest shish choe [chhoy]
7 seven sieben siete sept hepta siem haft shat
8 eight acht ocho huit okto vosiem hasht at
9 nine neun nueve neuf énia déviat no noe
10 ten zehn diez dix déka désiat dah dosh
hundred hundert ciento cent hékaton sto sad shô
1. Woman...
• At the origin, we
don’t find “Adam’s rib” but an Indo-European root: *dhé (to suck), which we find in the Greek word thêlê
(nipple, teat).
The Latin felare
(same meaning) takes us to the word femina, (femme), by definition
“the one who breast feed”. From the same root is the Latin fetus or foetus (pregnancy), which takes us to filiation.
(fils, fille, figlio, filho, Sp. hijo). Hijo gives us the etymology of the famous hidalgo, the origin of which is hijodalgo, “son of something”, which is the condition of
every being of masculine sex, notwithstanding in vitro fertilization.
literary term fecundity (borrowed from French fécondité), i.e. fertility, goes back to the same root, but
also to felicity (happiness), since the Latin felix meant fertile and therefore
happy (Sp. feliz, It.
may be surprised to discover that
Latin fenum,
Sp. heno, It. fieno, Fr. foin (hay) and Latin fenusculum, (lit. “small hay”),
Eng. fennel,
French fenouil,
Sp, hinojo, It. finocchio have the same root. However, this does not tell us why in
Italian slang a homosexual is called finocchio.
• (Just a
note discovered in a recent British book: “Aside from finocchio, which is of Florentine origin, the most common pejoratives
for gay men in modern Italy are frocio, more
or less equivalent to ‘faggot’, and recchione (sometimes rendered as ricchione). The latter originated in Naples and may derive from orecchio (ear), touching their earlobes being one way that men would
signal to others that they were gay. In Mafia slang a gay man is a seicento (six hundred), a reference to the rear-enginded Fiat
600.” (Your Mother’s Tongue A Book of European Invective, by Stephen Burgen, London, 1996, 136)
is how we can show the evolution of the Indo-European roots that take us to femme,
Frau, mujer, moglie, dame, donna, doña.
*dhé *per *dem
(to suck) (forward) (domestic)
Latin Gothic Latin Latin
felare fra mulier domus
French Engl Ger Spanish Italian French Italian Spanish
femme from Frau mujer moglie dame donna doña
another Latin root, mulier, that takes us to Spanish mujer, Italian moglie (spouse). The Italian donna didn’t follow a straight progression road (*dem, in Indo-European, designated
the idea of domesticity). This takes us to Latin domus (house) and the master of the
house, dominus
(master). Thus we have in English (some borrowed from the French) domicile,
domain, donjon, dominate, domestic, etc.
most curious one is the word danger, directly
connected to dominus. In Low, decadent Latin, dominus had given the word dominiarium (dominion) power, which has
evolved in French into the form dongier and
has given the expression “estre en dongier”, i.e. to be under the
control, or the power of somebody, and therefore . . . in a dangerous
situation. The same root dominus reappears in the Spanish title don (Master), the French dame et the Italian donna: by
definition la “bella donna” stays home!
English woman,
for it part, is an alteration of wifeman, the wife of the man, (which is found in the other
Germanic languages: Ger. Weib, Dutch wijf, Danish viv ); this at the time when the word man designated a person of both sexes. In German, the word for
woman, Frau,
is related or linked to Indo-European *per (forward, through), Greek peri (around), Latin per (through), which in Gothic gave
the root fra- (indicating origine). It gave also the
English preposition from.
2. Man, the “terrestrial
Romance languages, man, is linked to an
Indo-European root *khem-, meaning “earth”. We have in English (from
French) the words humus and humility. Man, by definition, is a
“terrestrial” being (by opposition to God, the
“celestial” being). However, the Latin term, homo, at its origin designated man and
woman, both terrestrial beings. With time, the term became more specific and
designated a human being of male sex: homme, hombre, uomo, homem. During the Middle Ages, in
Europe, the whole vocabulary of feudality will be based on the same word homo: hommage /homage (homenaje,
omaggio, homenagem.
Besides homo,
Latin also used another term, meaning more specifically of “male sex”,
the word vir
(related to Indo-European *wir (man), which takes us to such words as: viril,
virtue, virtuous. This
demonstrates what esteem was granted to the male sex!
is a telling example: in Latin we had the word virago, which originally meant a woman
who has the ‘virtu’ i.e. the courage of a man. In today’s
French (kept in English), a virago is “a
woman who looks like a man”, i.e. lacking feminity. The fact that this
latter word has taken such a pejorative meaning in French, for example, is a
clear indication of the type of machismo or
male superiority that took hold in the Mediterranean world. In short, woman
cannot compete with man in the domain of virtue! (Or compare the two Spanish
expressions: “el hombre de la calle” i. e. the regular guy , and “una mujer
de la calle” i.e. a prostitute).
Germanic languages, man is still more
pretentious. His name is linked to the root *men-, which designated the process of
thinking. Therefore, English man, German Mann, Danish mand, are all related to the word mind.
*men *khem
“thought” “earth”
Gothic Latin
Engl Dutch German
French Italian Spanish Portuguese
man man Mann mand
homme uomo hombre homem
The doublet homo-vir (human species - man) still exists in German:
Mann - Mensch, whereas
it has disappeared in English and in Romance languages. Remains a
“small” problem: that of human rights! When we say in French les
droits de l’homme, or in Italian diritti
do we mean to include the rights of the woman as well? German says: Menshenrechte, the same as English human
rights, and
Spanish derechos humanos. Canadian
French found the solution by saying droits de l’être humain.
on a light note, on could argue that man
seems less important than woman, since the word man has given the indefinite derivative: one in English, on in French,
(based on the simplification homo > omo >om >on) and German man, which means
one, people, as in Man spricht deutsch , lit.: One speaks German. Some
German feminists however are not happy with this abusive use of the indefinite
and have proposed to replace man by Frau!
3. Father and Mother
pair father-mother constitutes one of the most telling
examples of the “family links” betwen Indo-European languages.
Indeed, when we consider the following chart, it’s hard to doubt *pater
-*matr were the
original Indo-European roots. Let’s start with Sanskrit, Greek and Latin;
then from the Romance language side and Old English and Old German to modern
English, German, Danish and Dutch.
Sanskrit: pitar-matar Old
English: faeder-modor
Greek: pater-mêtêr Old
High German: fater-muoter
Latin: pater-mater Danish: fader-moder
French: père-mère ` Dutch:
Italian: padre-madre German:
padre-madre English: father-mother
Span.: padre-madre
notice the phonetic equivalencies originating in the Indo-European *p ; we notice also that the *m initial remains unchanged.
However, this does not mean that father and mother are two invariant, i.e. unchanged notions through centuries
of evolution. Everything leads us to believe that there was, in early
Indo-European languages, no present day parallelism between our words father and mother.
Indo-European *pater is the chief, father as well as priest or boss, whereas *matr denominates all the women within
a social cell, mother as well as female servants and slaves. The emphasis is
placed on the father, whose social importance is overvalued in relation to the
mother. Here is an example: etymologists have been able to reconstruct a whole
set of vocabulary to designate the man’s family, such as “mother of
the husband”, “father of the husband”, “sister of the
husband”, “wife of the husband’s brother”, etc.,
without being able to reconstruct anything similar on the woman’s side.
- feminists would say not surprisingly- this over-valuation of the importance
of the father is far from being universal: in a semitic language like Arabic
for example, one finds the same root for the word mother, the word um, and the idea of community of all
Muslims, or that of nation: the word umma. In Hebrew, the Jews for example, consider that
only the mother can transmit “Jewishness” to the chidren.
Greek Latin
Germanic N.
mêter mater
French Italian
Spanish Portuguese English German Dutch Danish
mère madre madre madre mother Mutter moeder moder
Greek Latin West
Germanic N.
patêr pater
Italian Spanish Portuguese English Ger Dutch Danish
père padre padre padre father Vater vader fader
In summary, *pater and *matr had a much contrasted lineage. Around the notion of father has developped a system
essentially linked to property and its transmission: the father is the garantor
of both the land and the property, the well-named patrimony, he is the protector of the family, therefore the patron (boss). He transmits the membership, i.e. the idea of
belonging to a larger group, which, in Romance languages, took the name of patria (fatherland). This idea of patria is everywhere linked to the father, although in English we
alternate betwen fatherland and motherland (We always say in French “la
mère patrie”).
French Italian
Spanish English German
patrie patria patria fatherland Vaterland
patrimoine patrimonio
patrimonio patrimony Vatererbe
patron patrón padrone Patron patron
Things are somewhat different on the mother’s side,
“the one who gives life”, who guarantees legal maternity (if there
are doubts as to who can be the father, there is no doubts when it comes to the
mother!). The mother,therefore, symbolizes reproduction. Following these
different directions, we find first the idea of marriage, with in Sp., It.,
Port., the word matrimonio. (There was
also in Old French the word matremoigne, the ancestor of mariage).
Latin matrix
meant both the female ready to give birth, and, in a larger sense, a stock
bearing offshoots (cf. offspring in
English). We have in English the word matrix used in linguistics or in math; the word matrice in French means the womb, the uterus. We say in English
“to register”and in Romance
languages, e.g. in French, “immatriculer”. This matrix / stock
stump leads in Spanish to the word madera, Port. madeiro, (wood), French madrier (beam), Sp.madero, Port. maddeiro and
It. madrillo,
with the same sense. This leads also to the word matter and material (Ger. Materie, Fr. matière,
Sp. materia, etc.
4. Emperor, partisan and
Indo-European root *per, with the sense of procurating, quickly separated into three
branches: one that expresses the notion of bringing to the world (Lat. parere), the second, the notion of
preparing: parare,
and third, the notion of portion, part (Lat. pars).
parere Latin parare Latin pars
(to give birth) (to
prepare) (part)
parents to
separate party
parturition emperor partisan
the three cases, the basic idea of procurating remains as the origin of the
word: parere
(to give birth) is to procurate a child to the husband, parare means to prepare with the
intention of giving, and pars designates the part or portion granted to someone. But
this basic meaning evolved in three directions.
With parere
(to give birth), things are relatively simple: we have the word parent (Sp. pariente, It. and Port. parente), and in these three languages the
word parto, which in French isaccouchement and in English delivery -
although we’ve kept the Latin in post-partum depression..
The Latin form parare, for its part, very logically gave in French parer (It. parare, Sp. parar) with the meaning of blocking or stopping, and its
derivatives: prepare, repair, separate. The
word appareil (apparel) is directly linked to
the idea of preparation: the word originally means preparations, before taking its modern sense.
Latin verb imperare, still derived from parare, had, for his part, taken the sense of “to take
measures”, “to direct”, hence, in Latin imperium and imperator, which leads us to empire and emperor, (empereur, imperador, imperatore).
pars, which brings to the verb to part,
to separate, to partake, hence “to part from somebody” (Port. and
Sp. partir, It.
partire), Eng. party.
From there we have the word partisan (partigiano, partidario): a militant supporter of a party.
complete the family, let’s finish with uncle and aunt. The Indo-European
designated inclusively a grandparent with the term *aw, which gave in Latin avus, grandfather, It. avo, Sp. abuelo, and avunculus, i.e. “the mother’s
brother”, which gave in French oncle, Eng. uncle. In fact, the Romans
distinguished between the paternal uncle (patruus), the maternal uncle, just
mentionned, (avunculus), the paternal aunt (amita), and the maternal aunt (matertera). Two of these terms have
disappeared. Remained solely uncle and aunt (from amita). In
French, baby-talk transformed the wordante to tante. (In popular Canadian French,
I’m told that they go to a “second degree”, and say “ma matante ”).
Italian zio and Spanish
tîo (zia and tía) come from
Greek theios
via Low Latin thius.
5. The children : brothers and
latin word infans,
which gave the word enfant, infante, infancy, meant “he who does not talk”. At the origin,
there is the root *bha, which gave the Latin verb fari: to talk. By definition infancy is a very short period of life.
for brothers and sisters, we need to go back to *bhrater, which changed into frater in Latin, frère in French, fratello in
Italian (in the sense of “Frère Jacques”). It corresponds to
the Spanish fray (Fray Luis de León) and
the Italian fra (Fra Angelico). The same root is found
in Germanic languages via the Gothic brothar: Eng. brother, Dutch broeder, Danish broder.
same Indo-European root had given in Greek phratêr, with a slightly different
sense: “a member of a phratria”, which gave in old French confrarie, an association of religious men, modified into confrérie through the influence of the word frère.
word sorella,
sister in Italian, soeur in French finds its origins in *swes via the Latin soror, whereas Gothic swistar gave English sister, German Schwester, Dutch zuster, and Danish soster. The Latin term soror had in addition another form,
that of sobrinus,
which gave cosobrinus, to designate the children of two sisters, which, in turn, led to
French cousin and English cousin. All in the family!
6. Race and Engine/ Engineer
Indo-European root, *gen/*gne had a large very progeny (offspring)! The first Latin
form corresponding to this root: genere, is found in a whole set of terms, such as to
engender (in Physicsto generate ), engendrer, generation ; as well as the word gens in French, (Sp. and It. gente), as well as the word gentil (Sp. gentil, It. gentile,
Engl. genteel).
The original
sense, of course, was “belonging to the same race”. Then in Church
Latin Gentiles came to mean the non-Jews, a calque i.e. a copy on the Hebew
word goim.
Belonging to “the same gender”, you are necessarily “generous”!
the same root *gen
we have finally the word germain (which we
translate in Eng. as cousin), which in French retained at first the sense of
“frère” (brother), a sense kept in Spanish in hermano and Portuguese irmão.
French word engin (which gave engine), which before designating a
machine meant skillfulness, dexterity, in a word ingeniosity, gave the word engineer.
Surprise? The
Sartrean word “néant” (nothingness) has the same origin: néant <ne gentem: no one,
prolific root gave in Latin another form, nasci (to be born) and an abundant
offspring: the verb naître in French, (nacer,
nascere), aîné (antius natus = born before) , Noël (day of birth), nature, nation, etc.
French word imprégner, Eng. impregnate, which meant in the Middle Ages to
fecundate was confused or mixed up with the word empreindre
(lit. to imprint). We find the same image in Italian
and in Spanish with the word pregno full, and
the words for pregnancy, It. prenezza, Sp. preñez.
there is the Greek form gono-, that we find in a series of technical terms such as gene,
genealogy, cosmoginy, genesis, genetic, etc.
we compare all these Greek and Latin terms with the Germanic side, we find only
a few. The root *gen is found in the Gothic kunni, tribe, then in English with the word kind (genre, sort) and in German with
Kind, meaning child.
1. Feet and hands
word designating the foot is also among the word showing best the continutity
of Indo-European languages: from the Indo-European root *ped to Sanskrit pat, to Greek pous-podos and to latin pes-pedis, then to French poed,
Sp. pie, Port. pé and It. piede.
Gothic fotus,
for its part, is at the origin of the word foot, Danish fod, Dutch voet and German Fuss.
*p *gen-/*gne
Latin Gothic Latin
genere kunni nasci
to generate genie kin,
kind Noël
progeny Kind naïf
genre engine pregnant nature
generous engineer impregnate nation
Sanskrit Greek Latin Gothic
p p
surprise in discovering that the same root has produced pédicure (chiropodist), podium. What about pedigree in English? The word is a deformation of French “pied
de grue”. The word “péage”, which we translate as toll,
is a payable fee to have the right to set foot. A pionnier, Eng. pioneer has also
the same root.
hand, “on the other hand”, has a less linear story. We have a Greek
root, palamê, palma
in Latin, which ended in French paume, the
palm of your hand. Hence the series of words such as plaine, planche, llano,
llanada, plancha,
plato in Spanis ; piano, pianura, piatto in Italian.
the Latin manus,
we have manual, maintenance, manuscript, manoeuvring, manner, mandate, etc. and all their cognates.
However the connection between manus and emancipatio is less evident. In Latin, the verb mancipare (to sell), meant to take with
the hand. The suffix -cipare, which has the same origin has to chase, had the sense of
“catching”. Therefore, emancipation (ex-mancipare) i.e. freeing of slaves is the opposite of
2. Leg / Gambling &
Vaulting Room
time, it’s a European root (rather than Indo-European) *kamg, expressing the idea of
curvature, (Greek kampê), then of articulation, that leads us to two words with
no apparent relations: leg
is called in Frenchjambe or in Italiangamba is by definition “that which can bend”, and
so is jambon (ham), Sp. jamón. We have in English, talking of
animals - and lottery -- the verb to gambol (a wild jump into luck?).
same root, *kamb,
takes us to Greek kamara, a vaulted roof, then to Latin camera, and to the verb derived from
it: camerare,
“to build in the shape of a vault”. Therefore, by definition, the
word chamber, chambre, It. camera, Port. camara, GermanKammer, cannot have a flat ceiling. (The French word plafond means exactly what it says: plat fond : flat bottom
whether with flat, vaulted or cathedral ceiling, a chambre has always been the place where one would hide one’s
possessions, which could attract prospective robbers, who nicknamed a chambre cambriole ; which, for example, explains
the word cambriolage in French i.e. breaking
and entering.
the other hand, between friends, one shares a chambre, hence the word camarade in French and comrade in English, Kamerad in
German, camarad in Spanish and Portuguese, camerata in Italian; it’s always the same idea of
“sleeping under the same roof”, (vaulted or not)!
3. Head
words, French tête and Italian testa, are atypical and isolated: they originate in Latin testa, meaning an earthern vase. Testa has obviously retained the trace
of a pleasant image, which we find today in many slang words in French,
assimilating the head to a pot or a bottle: bouille, cafetière,
carafon, fiole.
understand the other designations used for head, one needs to go back to Latin caput, a word originating in the
Indo-European root *kap, which we find also in the Greek kephalê and the German Gipfel (summit, top).
Greek Latin Gothic
kephalê caput haubit
chef capo cabeça
cabeza head Haupt hoofd hoved
Indo-European *k
has evolved into a h in Germanic, hence the word head, German Haupt, Dutch hooft, and Danish hoved. The Latin caput evolved into French chef (in English chief) and Italian
capo, whereas
a popular Iberic form, capitia, gave cabeça in
Portuguese and cabeza in Spanish.
same head or summit is at the origin of the word chapter (chapitre, capítulo, capitolo), as well as “capital”
punishement: French décapiter, Italian decapitare, Sp. descabezar, Port. descabeçar), and a certain number of words
designating different kinds of chiefs:
caudillo, caporal, capitán and jefe
in Spanish, caporale and capitano in Italian,
the same paradigm, we have the verb precipitate : “to fall with the head
forward” (Sp. precipitar, It. precipitare).
the same Indo-European root gave in Latin capitalis, capital. The word cattle (in French cheptel) first
meant riches or possessions, a proof that in a primitive rural
society the maincapital was the ownership of many heads
of cattle.
4. (Evil) Eye, graft and carnation
Indo-European root *ok, (eye) leads to Sanskrit aksi (eyes), to Greek osse (with another Greek form, ophthalmos, as well as the Latin oculus. However, the word oculus in Latin had also the meaning of
bud, hence the word inoculare (to graft), Engl. inoculate, as in “to inoculate a
patient against a disease”.
suffix -ox is found in such words as atrox (atrocious), lit. “looking
black”, and ferox (ferocious), lit. “with a fierce eye”. Féroce and atroce have their
Romance cognates: feroce, atroce in Italian,
atroz and feroz in Spanish, atroz and fero in
Gothic augo, similarly to Greek ophthalmos, have not followed the normal
development of the Indo-European form *ok. Most
likely the Gothic word augo has been volontarily modified in order to avoid to
pronounce the word “eye”, for fear of the “evil eye”.
Therefore, we have eye in English, Auge in German, oog in Dutch, øje in Danish. We have here a common phenomenon, which consists,
in order to respect a taboo, to deform or to modify an appellation, because of
the naïve belief that the word itself and the thing that it so named are
slit shape of the eye gave birth to an image, which is at the origin of the
Spanish word ojal and It. occhiello, boutonnière or botton hole. We’ve seen that the
verb “inoculate” at first meant “to graft”; we stay in
the same field with the word “oeillet” (carnation), by definition
“a little eye”, which at first designated the eyelets of a shoe,
then the odorous flower, oeillet in French, carnation (because of its fleshy colors) in English, and clavel in
Spanish. Clavel finds its origin in the word clavo, meaning both nail and cloves , because of the powerful smell. In Italian, garofano means both carnation and cloves.
those who would doubt that animals have a soul, etymology has a formal and
formidable answer, since the two words, animal and anima, soul, refer to the same Indo-European root, *ane-ani, breath, and more specifically
vital breath. Are we in for some surprises?
1. Bee, Honey, and Flee
have been gatherers before practicing agriculture, hunters before raising
cattle. Therefore wild honey was one of the products men gathered in the wild ;
only much later did they trap bees to produce honey in beehives.
Indo-European root *medhu (honey) became *mel in European languages; thus we have meli in Greek, mel-mellis in
Latin, which gave
Fr. and Sp. miel, or It. miele. Curiously however, English
(where miel is honey, from Anglo-Saxon hunig (cf.
German Honig, Danish honning and Dutch honig) goes back
to the *mel
root to create the word mildew -word for
word “honeydew”, to name a disease in plants, especially vine and
potato plants.
bee, for its part, is named quite differently according to languages. English bee,
Dutch bij, and German Biene remain faithful to Indo-European *bhei. Greek inovates by naming the bee
melissa “honey flee”, probably
because the Greeks avoided to give the insect its real nam during the
harvesting season for fear of bringing bad luck (another taboo). In Romance
languages, the name came from Latin apicula, a diminutive of apis, which became abeja in Spanish, abelha in Port, abelha in langue d’oc (southern France), hence the French abeille.
Old French had a form stemming from apis, which was ef (pronounced é) and
had become too brief to remain as such, hence the borrowing from langue
d’oc (also known as Old Provençal). Italian has retained the short
form ape.
honey is an old commodity that men and bears
have been consuming for millenia, there is no Indo-European word for beehive,
simply because the beehive had not been invented: men were satisfied to gather
honey from bees in the wild.This explains why the forms are recent and varied: arnia in Italian, colmena in
Spanish (Celtic origin? we don’t know), French ruche (from rusca, of Gaulish origin, rusca = bark). In English we have hive, in Dutch huif (perhaps from Latin cupa, (cask, vat), German Bienenkorb,
lit.“bee basket”.
about beewax? The Greek kêros and Latin cera gave in Italian and Spanishcera as well as cierge (religious
candle), Sp. cirio, It. cero, Germ. Kerze.
summary we see that the semantic field of bee, honey, and wax takes root at an early period in history and retains a
certain unity: beekeeping (or apiculture < api
(bee)) is an ancient and generalized practice in Europe (Read Virgil).
the bee to the fly, there is but a flapping (flutter?) of wings. Again an
Indo-European root *mu-/mus-, which we find with the same sense in Latin musca (“Puer, abige
muscas”), gave the French mouche, Sp.
and Port. mosca,
Germ, Mücke (we’ll also see another form, Fliege). From the word mosca, Spanish derived mosquito, which was kept in English, French
say moustique, German Moskito. The Italian form, moschetto, designated at first the arrow shot from a crossbow, before
designating the arm itself. Thus we have in Spanish the word mosquete, French mousket, and English
is how we can summarize the philological evolution of the musca (flee) turned into a musket.
Latin musca
French Italian Spanish
mouche mosca
mosca > mosquito
French Italian
moustique moschetto musket
We haven’t dealt with the English fly yet, nor the German Fliege. Both words stem from a German
root, *fliek,
with the sense of “flying” or “fleeing”. This explains
the English verb to fly, German fliegen, but also in Romance languagesflecha in Spanish, flèche in French, freccia in Italian,
which we call an arrow, but simply means
“a thing that flies”. Thus the flee has given its name to two weapons, which is quite a lot for
a harmless insect!
2. The cuniculus or rabbit:
another taboo word?
word as common as rabbit or lapin in French
(also a term of endearment: “mon petit lapin”) is just an
etymological mystery in practically all European languages. In fact, there is
no Indo-European root to name our fluffy bunny!
Latin we had, on the one hand, the word cuniculus (Sp. conejo, It. coniglio, Port. coelho, Old French conin and conil, English cony (as
in Coney Island), German Kaninchen. But we
don’t know the origin of cuniculus. In Latin we had the word lepus, which gave the word lièvre
(hare in English), that’s all. The word
cuniculus, it
has been suggested, was borrowed from pre-Roman Iberic with a sense of
underground gallery, den. In other words, the rabbit was defined as an animal
living underground.
(as opposed to women) being who they are, very early in historical philology,
the French form conin and conil lended themselves to sexual jokes. You simply need to think
of the proximity with the word cunnus in Latin,
which gave in French the word con ,(a taboo word, reduced nowadays to the meaning of
jerk). Hence, in French, the word conin was
abandoned in exchange for the word lapin, the origin of which we know also nothing!
It’s only in the XIVth century that appeared the words lapin and lapereau (young
rabbit), which permits us guess the origin of a word *lap or *lappa for which some etymologists
suggest the sense of flat stone with the same image of burrow, or hole in the
ground, as in pro-Roman cuniculus.
French lapin cannot be linked to the word lepus, which gave lièvre (hare in English), Spanish liebre, Port. lebre, It. lepre. On the
other hand, we find in Portuguese, despite the form coelho (rabbit), a laparo (French
lapereau), which again could lead to an Iberic origin. The word lapereau does not originate from lapin. We may surmise that the word laparo could have arrived to Portugal via the seaways, linked, who
knows, to the trade of pelts.
English, we’re faced with the same duality: rabbit on the one hand and cony / coney on the other. Cony <cuniculus poses the same eymological problems as its corresponding
Spanish or Italian. As for the word rabbit, perhaps it is connected to the
Old Dutch word robbe (rabbit), which still
does not reveal its origin. We’re left with the word hare. In Romance languages, the word lièvre, Sp. liebre, Port. lebre, and It. lepre, all stem from the word lepus. As far as we can tell, hare in English, haas in Dutch, Hase
in German are connected to Sanskrit çaça (çaç), meaning the jumper, without
philologists however being able to reconstruct the Indo-European root.
this leads us to believe that there existed with rabbit and hare, a kind of
semantic taboo and that, for obscure reasons, the rabbit in particular must
have been considered a taboo animal.
3. Pig, Pork, Porpoise and
domesticated pig seems to have played a major role as a source of meat for our
ancestors. We’ve been able to reconstruct two roots, one purely European,
*pork, and
the other Indo-European, *su.
the above *su,
we arrive at Latin sus, hence the Italian suino (pig) and,
via Gothic swein,
with the same sense, to English swine,
German Schwein, Dutch zwijn, and Danish svin, as well as to the word designating the female: sow in English, Sau in German, so
in Danish and zo in Dutch. Curiously, the root sus, of Latin origin, seems to have
developed essentially in Germanic languages.
The root *pork, for its part, takes us to Latin porcus, the domesticated pig which gave
the origin of porc in French (we do not prononce the final
c), Spanish puerco, Italian and Port. porco, but also their derivatives, such as pourceau or porcelet (piglet).
No surprise in the naming of the English porcupine (from Old French porc espin --porc d’espine), "a pork with quills”). Porcelain is a different story! Again, the British borrowed it from
the French, porcelaine, earlier pourcelaine (sound
“ou” in Old French), Sp. porcelana, It. porcellana, German Porzellan. The word originally designated a
very shiny and large univalve shell (named cowrie or cowry in English)
before qualifying, by analogy, a type of ceramic. The shape of this shell with
its slit in the middle, because of its resemblance to the vulva of a sow, was
given in Italian the name of porcellana, from the feminine porcella (sow).
4. Fox and Foxy
fox gives us another example of taboo animals, with the rabbit, probably one of
those malefic creatures considered to bring bad luck. Curiously, this animal
bears its Indo-European name - from a root *puk meaning bushy - only in Germanic
languages: fox in English, vos in Dutch, Fuchs in German. It has given also the verb fuchsen in German (to trick, to vex). In English don’t we
have the familiar verb to fox, to puzzle or to deceive as well as the adjective
Latin vulpes
have much success in Romance languages; it has survived in Italianvolpe, Romanian vulpe, and in a few
dialects. This vulpes at first had given in
Spanish vulpeja,
which disappeared and was replaced by raposa, itself replaced by the actual zorra.
Raposa is generally considered as being linked
to rabo,
which means tail, the same way as the Germanic series of fox, Fuchs is sometimes compared to the Sanskrit word pucchah, meaning tail. In summary, in
both Spanish and Sanskrit, a fox would mean “the
tailed one”.
is interesting in this example is the general tendency that consists in naming
animals from their exterior appearance, the fox being first caracterized by its
bushy tail (The same thing is true of the squirrel, < Greek skiouros, “shadow-tail”).
Originally, the Spanish word zorro probably
meant lazy, and in modern Portuguese the same word for fox still means the
animal on the one hand and “slow, drugging one’s feet” on the
was in Old French a word for fox, which was goupil, a diminutive of *vulpiculus. This term however as early as
the XIII century was replaced by the name of a man, Renart then Renard, which had
been given to the goupil in many literary texts,
the most famous of which is the Roman de Renart.
short, we see that in Romance languages, the fox, which was given the name of a
person in France and meant lazy in Spain and Portugal, seems to have been the
object of some kind of taboo. In Germanic languages on the other hand, the name
retained is that of the “tailed one”.
5. Cats, Dogs and Wolves
name for cat does not go back to an
Indo-European-root, but probably to a Celtic one, *catt. Some etymologists however think that the European name for cat could originate in Africa, because in Arabic or in Berber,
are foundwords with the same consonance kit, kaddiska. Nothing indicates however that the borrowing could have
taken place the other way around.
any rate, it’s rather late in history, around the Vth century, that the
domesticated cat
, with the corresponding Latin word cattus, makes its apparition. Latin, in fact, had only feles,
(hence feline),
which designated
a wild cat.
Therefore, it is from this Latin cattus that we derive chat in French, gato in Spanish,
gatto in Italian and gato in Portuguese.
Germanic languages, for their part, had English cat, German Katze, Danish and Dutch kat, which they either borrowed from
the Romance languages, or took from the Celtic *catt just mentioned.
A note on the French verb chatouiller (to tickle) and the German verb kitzeln (same sense). The origin of the French verb in unclear.
It may have been borrowed either from the Dutch verb katelen or it may stem back to the word cat itself: chatouiller would then mean to scratch the way you stroke a cat or
comparable to a cat’s fur. The German verb kitzeln could suggest a reference to the word Katze.
of “cat’s fur”. . . You probably won’t be surprised to
learn that French chatte (female cat), or the
more familiar minet, gatto in Italian or pussy
in English, in addition to our furry friend, mean all the same thing . .
. Incidentally, the word puss for cat (also puss-cat) finds its origin in Gaelic pus, of unknown origin.
The word *kwon (for dog) on the other hand, appears very early at the
side of man. Dogs were utilized by Indo-Europeans to guard their livestock and
protect them against wolves in particular. This *kwon root is found again in Greek kuôn and Latin canis. It’s from the Greek term
that we have learned words such as “cynocephalus” (dog-faced
baboon), lit. a monkey with a dog’s face or “cynical”, lit.
resembling a dog. Originally, the Cynics was the name given to philosophers who
pretended to return to nature and refused social conventions.
for its part, gvae chien, cane in Italian, cão in
Portuguese, and its derivatives, in particular chenil and kennel. More interestingly, it produced also the word canaille in French, canaglia in
Italian and canalla in Spanish, which in
English is translated by rabble or riffraff, both pejorative words as well.
may be interested to learn why in Romance languages we named the scorching heat
of mid-summer canicule in French, canicola in Italian, and canicula in Spanish. The word comes from Latin canicula, meaning little dog, which
designated the Sirius star - named in French chien d’Orion - and appeared with the hot sun going from July 22 to August
23, hence the name of the star for the burning summer heat. This “little
bitch” of canicula (canicula, lit. means little female dog),
has also given the word chenille
(caterpillar), retained as chenille in
the textile industry, simply because our ancestors saw the larva of the
caterpillar having a head resembling that of a little (female) dog!
Spanish and Portuguese distinguish themselves by naming
the dog perro and the female dog perra. In reality, medieval Spanish had another word, can, derived from Latin. Perro was only used in a pejorative manner, without philologists
being able to discover the origin of the word, perhaps the sound that shepherds
made (“prrrrt”) to give orders to their watchdogs. Perro prevailed over can as well as
its derivatives, such as perrera for
kennel (Italian canile, French chenil), perrengue for an
aggressive person compared to a fierce dog. Portuguese, on the other hand, has both cão and perro, the former
used more frequently than the latter.
let’s return to *kwon. The corresponding Gothic form, written with h, led to German Hund, English hound (hunting dog), and its derivatives, suchs as in German Hündin (female dog), Hundelhütte (kennel), and, as a calque (a copy) on the word canicula, Hunstage, (lit. dog days).
What about English? The Saxon word dog was borrowed by different languages to designate not a dog
in general but a particular type of dog proper to England, the bulldog. The
word has given French dogue (bouledogue),
German dogge, Duch dog and Danish dogge.
wolf, *wlkwo, designated an animal, which, with the bear, was at the center of
Indo-Europeans’ preoccupations, for wolves attacked their flocks and
killed their livestock. Their languages have preserved this root: lukos in Greek, lupus in Latin (Fr. loup, Sp. & Port. lobo, it. lupo) an wulfs in Gothic (Eng. wolf, Ger. Wolf). The Latin lupa (she-wolf), designated also the prostitute, hence the
word lupanar in Romance languages to designate the
The Latin lupus gave also
in French the expression “marche à la queue leu leu”, meaning “walking in a single / Indian file”,
where the Old French word leu for loup has survived.
you pick up the phone and say “Hello”, an expression borrowed from
the French “Allô”, you’re in fact “crying
wolf”! “Allô”, so it seems, originates in the
expression “au loup! au
“A wolf there!”.
wolf was an important “feature”
in European cultures. We find the name in many places in France, for example Saint-Loup-sur-Thouet in my native Deux-Sèvres or Saint-Leu. In Paris itself, the famous Louvre museum owes it name to a region infested with wolves.!.
6. Cows, Vaccine, Veal and Velum
Although raised for many years all through Europe, bovidae i.e. animals of the bovine family, have retained the most
varied names. Let me mention first the French series of vache (cow), veau (calf), taureau
(bull), boeuf (ox), which gave correspondingly in German, Kuh (cow), Kalb (calf), Stier (steer), Ochs (ox), and
in Spanish vaca, ternero, toro, buey. We see that there are no connections between Romance and
Germanic languages, and despite clear correspondences within the two groups, vache
- vaca in Romance or cow-Kuh in Germanic, one still finds divergences:
ternero in Spanish, veau in French, or Stier
in German
and bull in English.
Bull and cow in
Indo-European come from the same term, *gwow, which gives, one the one hand,
Greek bous and Latin bos, which naturally takes us to boeuf in French, buey in Spanish,
bue in Italian, and boi in Portuguese, and, in the other Germanic languages *ku, which ends up as cow in English, Kuh in German, ko in Danish, and koe in Dutch.
We see that the double semantism of Indo-European *gwow is divided between the Romance
languages, where only the sense of boeuf, bue, bue, boi for the ox was retained and the Germanic languages, where
was kept the name of cow.
languages named the female of the bull from a Latin term, vacca (Fr. vache, Sp. vaca, It. vacca, Port. vaca), whereas Germanic languages, to
name the male, used a root typically Germanic, Eng. ox, Dutch os, Danish okse, Ger. Ochs.
French vache, or Italian vacca, presented very early the problem of carrying a disease
called in English cowpox, lit. “the smallpox of cows”, which is a
translation from the Latin variola vaccina, translated in French by variole
vaccine, later
on abbreviated in justvaccine, from which
came the word vaccin in French, vaccine in English. It had been discovered by scientists that when
human beings were inoculated with the virus of the “variola
vaccina”, they were protected from smallpox.
Hence the word vaccine, by definition inoculation of cowpox, and, by extension, inoculation
of other vaccines, as Pasteur’s famous vaccine against rabies.
male partner of the cow is not an Indo-European
word either. It goes back to the Greek tauros, Latin taurus, Sp, toro, French taureau, whereas the English bull, Dutch bul, German Bulle , in addition to Stier, has an unclear etymology.
baby of the cow brings us back to an Indo-European root, *wet, which means year. Hence the Greek etos (year), and the Latin vitellus) > It. vitello, (French veau), because the vitello was born in the course of the year.
for the Germanic calf, German Kalb, Dutch kalf, Danish kalv, it has an
etymology difficult to reconstruct, perhaps linked to Sanskrit garbha, which means foetus. To support this hypothesis, we
can mention the fact that the skin of still-born calves was utilized to make a
very thin parchment, called velum (vélin in French).
Therefore it is not excluded that calf comes
a word meaning foetus.
is a summary of this complicated evolution, where are kept only Indo-European
ox & cow
(of the year) Sansk. garbha
Latin bos Ger. *ku Latin vitellus
Despite this diversity, we find some convergences in
English and French (Anglo-Norman to be more exact) between calf and veal. These borrowings from French are to be placed in a
coherent series that go back to the social organization of England when it was dominated
by an aristocracy speaking French in the XIIth, XIIIth and XIVth century.
origin of the doublets, as you
know, is to be found in the fact that during England’s Norman domination,
“old Alderman ox continues to hold his Saxon epithet, while he is under
the charge of serfs [...] but becomes Beef, a very French Gallant, when he
arrives before the worshipful jaws that are destined to consume him. Mynheer
Calf, too, becomes Monsieur de Veau in the like manner; he is Saxon when he
requires tendance, and takes a Norman name when be becomes matter of enjoyment.”
(More on this later) From Ivanhoe,
where Walter Scott (1771-1832) gives us
a colorful lesson of English vocabulary).
7. Horse, Cart and Career
reconstructions have demonstrated that Indo-Europeans used both the horse *ekwo and the cart. This root evolved toward Greek hippos and Latin equus. In Romance languages, however,
the various names for horse do not originate in Latin. As for French cheval, Italian cavallo, Spanish and Portuguese caballo, they hardy pose any etymological
problems: they go back to Latin caballus, perhaps of Gaulish origin. This root is also at
the origin of the whole vocabulary of chivalry, chevalier, caballero,
cavaliere, etc.
“the noblest conquest of man” still has a few surprises in store
for us. The female of the horse,
in Old French, was called ive, based on Latin equa. In Spanish we still say yegua for a female horse. However it’s the Latin jumentum, (work horse?), which took over, for example in French under
the form jument.
The noble horse, for its part,
continues “to make war”. It’s even doubly utilized: the
valiant knights move about on a palfrey but
fight in combat on their steed. This palfrey or palefroi owes its
name to a compound noun, Greek and Gaulish, paraveredus, which gave birth to German Pferd (horse). You’ve guessed that the English word palfrey is just the English pronounciation of French palefroi.
still have to add the word destrier . This destrier, for
its part, was led
by an an écuyer, (a young horseman) who, while holding the reins of his
own horse with his left hand, held the reins of his master’s horse with
this right hand, i.e. his dextera mano, hence the word destre (right) and destrier, a now poetic term translated in
English by steed (< Old English steda, stallion).
for the wordhorse itself (Dutch ros, German Ross , poetic form of Pferd), we go back to Indo-European *kur, a root that is clearly at the
origin of the Latin currere, and therefore French courir (to run), Spanish correr and corrida, Italian correre. This same root has also given the word courrier, which we call mail in English as well as courier when we mean the messenger rather than the message. It has
also given the word corsair, which we call pirate or corsair, and
literally means a roamer of oceans. French courrier has
its equivalent in Sp. corrreo, It. corriere. Corsaire has the
cognates corsario in Spanish and corsaro in Italian.
In Germanic languages, *kur has evolved into a ros form, which gave the word horse in English (i.e. the runner), Ross in German, and also the Old French rosse, which means a bad horse; and probably the name of Don
Quichotte’s horse, Rossinante.
not finished yet with *kur. In Gallic, it took the sense of cart or carriage, and it was borrowed by Latin with the same sense (carrus) to produce in English car,
chariot, cart, carry; Karren,
chargieren in German, char, chariot, charrette,
charger in French. (See how French spelling is
unconsistant: chariot is spelled with one r and charrette with two!)
enough, the word caricature (It. caricatura) comes also from the same root by the intermediary of Latin
verb caricare
(to charge, to
in order to prove your point).
most interesting avatar of *kur probably is the notion of career, in the sense of
“professional progression”. Isn’t a career, which literally means a
carriage-road, “a course of life or employment”?
8. Pink Flamingo and Spanish
often, semantic passages are eloquent witnesses of the manner certain peoples
see other peoples. Here is another example: the way the Spaniards view the
Flemish people and their rosy complexion
swarthy Spaniards (who occupied the Low Countries between 1519 and the middle
of the XVIIth century) had been struck by the fair skin of their Flemish
subjects. Plus the fact that the Flemish called themselves Flaming was going to give its common name to the Phoenicoepterus roseus, the pink flamingo, which is equally Flamingo in German and flamant rose in
French, i.e. a Flemish. Only the Italians
changed the name in fenicottero.
the Sapniards, this rosy skin-color of the Flemish people was then to be
applied to women with fair skin. How did the word changed later on to mean “provocative” (a simpler
word probably would be sexy? I don’t know. Women different from your own
kind are supposed to be “lighter”, n’est-ce pas? The fact is
that the adjective flamenco - flamenca in the feminine form
- came to mean the idea one had of the Gypsies, Gitanas in Sapnish. So, via another semantic passage, the term flamenco ended by naming the Gypsy songs of Andalusia, the flamenco (which in Spanish is an exact homonym of the flaming o bird).
1. From Salt to Salary
*sal root
concerns only the Western branch of Indo-European languages. From that root
have emerged Latin sal, then French sel, Sp. and Port. sal, It. sale, Eng. salt, German Salz. Salt has always been a vital commodity, therefore the Latin salarium designated the money given to military men to purchase their
salt, hence the word salary ; by
definition a soldier is the one who is paid “in
salt”, or at least paid in cash to purchase
his vital salt.
The French term used to pay soldiers incidentally is la solde, (a term we also use in accounting
in its masculine form:le solde to mean the balance of an
account. This solde does not originate in *sal but in Latin solidus, which is the goden coin that we find in the word sou in French, Spanish sueldo, It. and Port. soldo. [The word shilling, on
the other hand, comes from Germanic skillingaz [unattested]). Is there a “crossing” between the
idea of salt and Latin solidus?
We don’t know, but
it’s possible.
as we know, is essentially used in cooking. We find the same root in such words
as sauce (salsa in Sp. or It., sauce in
French or in English), sausage (Sp. salchicha,
Port. salsicha, It. salsiccia, Fr. saucisse).
as an aside, the great majority of slang words in French used as a synonym for
money find their origins in food: fric (<fricot), oseille (sorrel), blé (wheat), avoine (oat), galette, etc.
2. Beer and Bread
symbolic basis for food is bread and wine, rather than bread and beer. Except that wine is a Mediterranean creation, whereas
beer is much more ancient, and that the making of beer appeared in very
different parts of the globe: it already existed with the Assyrians, the
Egyptians, the Gauls, as well as in Africa where was made a beer with a grain
called millet (which we give to the birds!). One way
or another, beer is made from the fermentation of an aqueous (water-based)
extract of germinated cereals.
European languages we find three roots for the word beer.
An Anglo-saxon root ealu, which is continued in Suedish öl and in our English ale
A Dutch root, bier, borrowed by the French in the XVth century, which gave bière,, beer in English, Bier in German, bjorr in Islandic and birra in
A Gaulish root, cervesia, which has survived today in Spanish cerveza, Port. cerveja, and in the Old French word cervoise.
additional note on the origin of the word beer. The Concise Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology (Oxford Paperbacks) I’m using says: Old English beor = Middle Low German, Middle Dutch ber, Old High German bior (Dutch, German bier), a West Germanic word. And here is the interesting
(wrong) note: “perhaps from monastic Latin biber drink, adoption Latin bibere.”
just to signal that our etymological roots often leave room for
see then that, despite the rare counter examples (ale, cerveza), it’s the West Germanic word that has won over.
the fanciful allusion about the drinking monks “imbibing” their
celibate life in booze. More seriously, at the origin of beer, there is an
Indo-European root, *bher, expressing the idea of bubbling, which via Latin fervere (>fever), to
boil, gave in French the word ferment, It. fermento, and via Germanic gave in Italian
brodo, English broth, the verb to brew, and, importantly, “our daily bread”. Similarly in German we have brot (bread),
Brühe (broth), and brauen (to
brew, when talking about beer).
beer is closely related to bread and German Brot. The German
word Bärme (yeast) marks perfectly the semantic
link beween these two products, which have in common their processus of
fabrication based on the idea of fermentation.
Sanskrit Greek
bread goes back to the idea of fermentation
in Germanic Languages, it is rather based on the idea of food in Romance
languages. An Indo-European root, *pa, *pas, *pat (to feed), gave in Latin the
verb pascere
with the same sense, from which we have the word pastor (he who feeds the flock). It
also gave in Latin the word panis, which gave in French “Au bon pain ”, Sp pan, It. pane, Port. pão.
the preposition cum (with) with panis, and you have “the one with whom you share your
bread”, that’ your companion. Thus we have in French compagnon and copain, Sp. compañero , compagno in Italian, andKompan in German.
companion to company, the passage is easy. This derivation is found in several
European languages: accompany, Sp. accompañar, It. accompagnare.
In the same series, we have words
such as Fr. panier, It. paniere (bread carriers =
baskets). The Sp. panera means both basket and granary. If the French word boulanger (baker) goes back to Latin bulla, thus designating the maker and
seller of “boules de pain” (Sp.: panaderor, It.: panettiere), all from
the same root.
German Bäcker and English baker go back to a root indicating heat and cooking: *bhogo, which via Greek phôgô (to roast) and Latin focus (Fr. feu, Sp. fuego, It. fuoco), take us to other words such as foyer (hearth, fire place) as well as fusil (rifle). (The word fire, for its part, has an Old Saxon
origin: fiur,
Old High German fuir, Ger. feuer)
close parent of baker or Bäcker is the word bath (Ger. Bad, city of Baden-Baden) by means of what is implied in the root
*bhogo. It
has nothing to do with the Roman bath,
which originates in Latin balneum and
gave in French balnéaire as in “station balnéaire”, which is
translated as seaside resort.
3. Fodder, Feed and Fur
*pa root,
from which we derived the idea of food seems to be linked to another
Indo-European root, that of *poi, to guard or to protect. If we follow these two semantic
directions, we have a series of words denoting protection on the one hand, Fr. fourreau (sheath), fourrure (fur), and
what needs to be protected on the other: our food, and for animals: fodder or forage (< Fr. fourrage). Here is how we can schematically represent the semantic
to guard, to protect
(to feed)
fourreau fur
begin with terms indications protection. Gothic fodr is at the origin of the French
words fourreau (sheath), which protects the blade of
your sword,
It. fodero, Sp. forro (which
means lining) and fourrure (which
protects your body). In English we have fur, furrier, Ger. Futter (case), and füttern (to stuff and to feed animals?).
between the idea of protection and that of food, we have, from Latin pascere, all the words that suggest the
notion of pasture andwatching over, which we find in the Fr. word pâtre (shepherd) or the English word pastor, Sp. pastor, It. pastore, Fr. pasteur (= Protestant minister by opposition to the priest <presbuteros i.e. the old
and respectable one).
the French verb repaître, a literary term we could translate as to feast and, more basically to feed asto feed one’s mind on books, we arrive at the word repas, English repast, a word based on Old French repast (adoption of Latin pastus, fodder, food.)
the Gothic fodjan
to feed, which is going to generate the vocabulary for food with two variants, one corresponding to animal food: foder
[Fr. fourrage, It. foraggio, Sp. forraje] and the
other human nourishment:
the English word food.
4. All by itself: Wine
is a purely Mediterranean creation. Greek oinos and Latin vinum are words originating from the
same root, reconstructed under the form *wein, which does not go back to
Indo-European, but rather to a non-identified Mediterranean language. The
reason is simple: Indo-Europeans didn’t know wine, no more than they knew
olive oil or cultivated fig trees. . .
Greek has replaced oinos (which we find in learned words such as oenologist) by krasi (the first meaning of which is
mixture). Latin vinum is transmitted to the various Romance languages (Sp. & It vino, Port. vinho,
Fr. vin) and Germanic languages (Ger. Wein, Eng. wine). The vinum paradigm unfolds without
problems in Romance languages and, part of it, was borrowed by Germanic
is how it can be summarized:
vin vino vino vinho wine Wein
vignea viña vigna vinha vineyard
vignoble viñedo vigneto vinhedo - Winberg
vendange vendimia vendemmia vindima vintage Weinlese
vinaigre vinagre (aceto) vinegar Weinessig
last note: “Le vin réjouit le coeur de l’homme” (Wine rejoices man’s
heart). Yet the semantic derivatives have nothing of a rejoicing nature: vineyard, vintage, vinegar. The French word ivrogne (drunkard) or ivresse (drunkenness) originates in an another source, Latin ebrius > ivre (drunk), which is incidentally at the origin of the word sober, from Latin se-ebrius.
By definition, sober (sobre) means “sans-drink”.
5. “Fruits of the
we call in English seafood or more poetically in French or in Italian fruits
de mer or frutti di mare were not known by Indo-Europeans, more accustomed to steppes
than shores. True, the word for fish has a
distinct Indo-European root, *pisk, which leads, as it is expected, to forms in -f- in Germanic languages: fish, Ger. Fisch, Dan. fisk) and in -p- in Romance tongues: Fr. poisson, It. pesce, Sp. pez). But this type of fish was only
freshwater fish.
it comes to fish from the sea, the names are hardly unified. For example, the
Italians name pescecane (poisson-chien =
fish-dog), what the French call requin, English shark, Spaniards tiburón, Portuguese tubarão, and Germans Hai; all this not without posing some etymological problems.
a few indications in three directions.
Sp. & Port. tiburón / tubarão. It has been suggested that the word has its
origin in the Tupi language of the Indians, uperu, borrowed by the Portuguese (at
the times of Brazilian colonization) with the normal agglutination of the t, which in Tupi represents the
article: tuperu = the shark; -- Hyundai, probably playing on
shark/sharp appeal, has just named one of its cars Tiburón. You see, it
helps to know some Spanish!
English shark may find its etymology, somewhat like
the verb to search, in an old verb, to shark meaning
“to roam in search of a prey”, which itself originates in the Old
French verb cherquier to search ;
The French word requin is just an etymological
mystery. One (wrong) hypothesis is that the word comes from Church Latin requiem. \He who is attacked by a requin is bound to end up in the beast’s belly with only requiem mass said to for put his soul to rest! Others have suggested
that the requin was so named because of its teeth, from
the Old Norman verb rechigne:
to show
one’s teeth, and its corresponding adjective rechin, which means grumpy. Others have suggested quin, a form of chien . Conclusion: Nobody seems to
know. . .
Indo-Europeans didn’t know either what were crustaceans, so named because they are protected by a crust (from Latin crusta
- the same word that gave us “French custard” < from same crusta > to Frenc croûte) . Therefore, it’s uniquely
a Latin root that gave, via Greek Kammaros and Latin cammarus, crustaceans such as Sp. camarón (shrimp), It. gambero
(crayfish), French homard (lobster)
and German Hummer.
French langouste, (which my Collins-Robert
French-English Dictionary translates as both crawfish and crayfish), for its part, goes back to a European root in which we find
the idea of jumping, hence the Latin locusta, English locust, Sp. langosta, It. locusta (grasshopper) and aragosta (crawfish), and finally English lobster, (Old English loppestre, lopystre, lopustre, adoption of Latin locusta crustacean, locust, with unexplained “p” for “c”, etc...)
European root, *gerbh (to scratch), which is at the origin of the Greek verb graphô, (to write), presides over two
parallel series naming one a freshwater crustacean and an ocean crustacean. On the freshwater side, *gherb gave us High German Krebithz, which took us to Old French crevisse (hence, modern Fr. écrevisse (crayfish), and to German Krebs (same sense). Spanish cangrejo and Italian granchio, for their part, go back to Latin cancer ; on the sea side, *gherb takes us to a series that is
mainly productive in Germanic languages (Dan. krabbem, Dutch krab, Ger. Krabbe, and, of course, Eng. crab, from which the French (for a
change) borrowed the word crabe.
Crayfish and crab (crawfish),
which are quite distinct for gourmets, are much less so for languages and
dictionaries. Thus, crab in Spanish
is called cangrejo
de mar, i.e. crayfish of the sea, the same as
in Italian we have ranchio di mare. And supreme confusion, English extends this
“oecumenism” further, since - as printed in my Collins-Robert
Dictionary - crayfish or crawfish mean both
the freshwater and
the sea water crustacean. However, no
French gourmet is going to confuse écrevisse and langouste or langoustine!...
complete our fruits de mer extravaganza, we need to add to
our plate oysters and mussels. The French huître (for oyster) goes back to Greek ostreon, via Latin ostrea, which ends up in Spanish as ostra
, It. ostrica, Ger. Auster and Eng.
a note about the bizarre French spelling. There should be no h in huître, it should be written “uitre”. But, at at time when -u- and -v- were written exactly in the same manner, how can you
distinguish “uitre” and “vitre” (window) pane of glass? The h was added to prevent confusion.
As for the moule, or mussel, its origin goes back to Latin musculus, which gave German Muschel,
Sp. mejillón and Por. mexilhão.
6. Life, Soul (Anima) &
Indo-European root *gwey (life,
alive), it as the origin of two Greek verbal forms with the meaning of alive,
one with an initial b- (bios, (life) sumbiôsis (to live together) and the other with a z- (zôon, alive, and zoê,
life), which leads a philologist to conclude that, despite appearances,
zoology and biology are,
etymologically speaking, the same science.
Sanskrit Greek Latin Gothic
jiv zoos
bios vivere quius
alive, life
alive life
vivre quick
biology vivacity
Latin verb vivere,
naturally, is going to produce in Romance languages, vivre, vie, vif (quick) in French and, more unexpectedly, viande (victuals) from Latin vivenda (“things that keep you alive”), a term that at
first designated all that people eat, all kinds of foods, before taking the
specialized meaning of flesh.
the Greek originate many learned forms, such as amphibious, lit. “living a double life”,
microbe i.e. “mini life”, zodiac “animal constellations” (zodiakos [kuklos] =
(*circle of carved figures), or azo- az- in chemistry, from French azote (from a - [not] + zoê,
life, i.e. “lifeless” [unlike the life-sustaining oxygen].
these forms, or almost all, are found in all the Romance languages: for
example: vie, vida, vita ; vivre, vivir, vivere, Port. viver, with however some interesting semantic variants. For
example, in Spanish, vivienda means
“the place where one lives”, “abode”, whereas in
Italian, vivanda designates “food”. In
general, however, the *gwey root gave Romance languages forms designating life, the
living (men and beasts), physical nourishment (which allows one to stay alive),
and the concept of vivacity (proof of life). Conversely, this track is less
productive on the Germanic side, where the Gothic quius is hardly found except in our
English quick, and in the compound German word Quecksilber (unpredictable, mercurial).
conclude, let’s point out that the encounter between the animal world and
life in general, between zoology and biology, which we find in all Romance
languages, is not surprising and is “written” or expressed in the
words thelmselves:
French Spanish Italian Porguguese
âme alma anima alma (soul)
anima animal animale animal
the origin of this conjunction or union, we find the Latin anima, breath, based on the Greek anemos, wind, which itself goes back to
Indo-European *ani, breath, that is to say the “breath of life” that animal
shares with man.
1. Shiny Silver or Money and
Brilliant Clay
an Indo-European root, *arg- (to shine), which is going to be, in this example, the
point of departure: a root that Greek argos (shiny) prolongs naturally. But,
if, as we know, “everything that shine is not gold,” it’s
precisely because gold is not the sole shiny metal: silver shines too, and therefore took in Greek the name arguros. This metal (Latin argentum
> Fr. argent, It. argento) is then going to represent money. But the idea of brilliance
applies also to the brilliance of the spoken word: thus, from the same arguros we have the word argument, Fr. argument, It. argue, Sp. argumento or the verb to argue. Hence we go from the concrete (metal and money) to
the abstract (mind).
passage from silver metal to silver money tookplace as well is Spanish, where the word plata (silver) first referred to money before being replaced
with the same sense by dinero (although
in South America the word plata for money is still used.) This dinero, as well as the Portuguese dinherio, goes back to the Latin denarius, which itself originates in an
Indo-European root *dek’m (ten). The Latin denarius was in fact a silver coin, which
was worth ten as (the ace of our card games was in Latin
a unit used both for money and a weight measure. We find this compound meaning
in the French denier, but also in the word denrée (foodstuff); a denrée is the quantity of food you can purchase with one denier, which is an image that is
frequent in slang, as we’ve seen earlier: blé (wheat) in French or dough in English.
argos argilos
argument (silver)
racine *dek’m is also at the root of all the manners of saying ten in Indo-European languages (diez, dieci, ten, zhen), as well as ways of saying eleven, twelve and therefore of saying Dec-ember (the tenth month in the Roman year). The least unexpected
heir of *dek’m is perhaps the word dean, Ger. Dekan. It. and Sp. decano, Port. deão, French doyen, which comes from Latin decanus, “commanding ten men”.
last word on the *arg root, which means to
shine and is used to designate silver (metal), argument, and money. The Greeks used a word coming from the same root, argilos
(white clay) to
name a white earth, shiny as money. Hence, the Romance languages (Sp. arcilla, It. argilla, Port. argila, Fr. argile) are closely
related when it comes to lump together earth, mind and money.
2. Water and Fire
the origin of the naming of water in European languages, two roots are found,
one uniquely European, *akw and the other, Indo-Europen, *wed, which both reappear in Latin,
where the Romans had two views of the water: one as element, aqua and the other as movement, unda.
form aqua
evolved normally toward ewe in Old
French, then eau, or agua in Spanish and Portuguese, acqua in Italian, and, of course, toward all the derivatives of aqua in English as well: such as aqueous (watery), aquatic, aqueduct (acquae-ductus: a water conduit) or words like aquarelle: a drawing done in transparent water colors, an English word
borrowed from French aquarelle, It. acquarella, Port. aquarela. The word gouache, (a method of painting using
opaque water colors mixed with a preparation of gum), originates as well in aqua, via Italian guazzo (puddle)
idea of fire idea
of water
*peuor *bhogo *akw *wed
Romance Germanic
Romance Germanic
bure fire feu bath
onde water
bureau feuer foyer bake eau
undulate Wasser
gouache winter
posterity of Latin unda is as numerous as aqua: onde (Sp.
and It. onda), but also, since unda carried the idea of water in motion, of such verbs as Fr. ondoyer (to undulate, to ripple), Sp. ondear, it. ondeggiare), onduler (to undulate, to ripple, to wave), Sp. undular, It. ondulare. hese derivations are almost visual, based on the image of
the water surface that, under the breeze, undulates.
between the verb inonder (to flood) Sp. inundar, It. inondare,
and the Latin root unda are visible in the words
themselves: in-undar, Engl. in-undate. It may not be as clear in the case of the verb to abound (Fr. abonder), from Latin ab-undare, where we easily see the root unda, which meant to flow, hence the idea of aboundance.
same Indo-European root *wed has evolved toward Germanic forms that have kept the
initial -w- :
wato in
Gothic, water and wet in English, as well as Winter (wet season), Wasser in
German, vand in Danish and water in Dutch.
the fire side, again we find the same type of duality, two European roots
expressing, one the idea of fire, *peuor, and the other the idea of heat, *bhogo. Via the Latin focus, *bhogo gave the names for fire in Romance languages: feu, fuego, It. fuoco, Port. fogo, and the names for bath in
English, Ger., Dan. and Dutch Bad), as well as the notion of cooking in a oven in the
Germanic languages: Eng. bake, Ger. backen,
Dan. bage, Dutch bakken.
root *peuor
is, for its part, at the origin of the Greek form pur, (fire), that we find, for
example, in the compound pyromaniac (arsonist),
and the Latin burrus, (brown), hence in French the word bure (It. burello), which means
a coarse woolen stuff of brownish color (i.e.
the color produced by fire) used to cover writing desks, and gave the word bureau, originally the name of the cloth
that was placed on a table to write on it. The meaning of the word then has
evolved from desk to the room itself: un / le bureau = office. In English the word has evolved
to mean also a government department.
Indo-European root evolved also toward a Gothic form, fon, and the names for fire in Germanic languages: fire, Ger. Feuer, Dan. fyr, Dutch vuur.
3. Rain and Fleet
Indo-European root expressing the idea of “moving water” is *pleu, which we find in Greek in the
form plein,
(to navigate), hence the Greek verb periplous, “to navigate
around”, which gave the French périple (from peri around), Eng. (sea) voyage or (land) journey.
Latin, the root gave pluere (to rain) and pluvia, Fr. pluie, It. pioggia, Sp. lluvia, and in Old Scandinavian the root flod, which gave fleet in English. This Germanic form is the one that became the
most fertile for European languages: for example, flotte, flotter (to float); in English flow, flood, flush, fleet; in Ger. Flut , Fluss
(river), Floss (raft), fliessen (to run, to flow), etc.
there is an interesting connection or metaphoric encounter between
“liquid” and “money” as “flow of money” in
English and its French equivalent: flux monétaire. The French verb renflouer, which, etymologically means to
“refloat”, is used also in the sense of “aiding
financially”, which is called in English “bailing out”.
4. Down to Earth and With Your
Feet on the Ground
uncertain, yet attractive, etymology has the word terre (earth) originate in the
Indo-European *ters expressing the idea of
“drying out”; the earth would be, then, by opposition to water,
“what is dry”. A
“torrent” (from torrens, the present
participle of Latin torrere, to dry, to burn) would be an “etymological
brother” of earth, as well as the word toast, thirst (Ger. Durst). However, it’s more prudent to stay with the Latin
etymology and the word terra, which gave
Fr. terre,
Sp. tierra,
It. and Port. terra. This etymology provides us with words such as territory and terrain, but also terrace and the Mediterranean Sea,
by definition “in the middle of the terrain.
the Germanic side, we find a coherent series: English earth , Dutch aarde, Ger. Erde, Dan. jord : a series that did not originate in Indo-European any more
than in Romance languages, and probably came from Greek era (earth). It’s rather
limited when we consider the earth to be the basis of our world. We may have,
as the expression goes, “our feet on the ground”, and yet we
don’t know where the words designating our “common grounds”
come from!
Ground is translated in Romance languages assol in French, Sp. suelo, It suolo; a
word that seems to go back to a European root meaning “the sole of the foot”.
Hence, Eng. sole, Ger. Sohle. The proximity of the foot and
the shoe made it that this same root gave us the name for sole (sole in Old French, semelle in Modern), suela in Spanih,suolo in Italian) for the shoe and the word for ground: sol,
suelo, suolo...
In every language, we need to keep our feet on the ground.
5. Air and Wind
air and wind come from an Indo-European root, *we or *wen, which mean to wind, to blow, and is expressed in Greek
under the form aêr and in Latin under the form ventus. As we can see on the chart, in
Romance languages air and wind have the same root, whereas in Germanic languages wind and wheather go back to *wen, which is a caracteristic of
Northern (and windy) climates and people whose work is often associated with
the ocean.
note some interesting isolated words, such as the word éventail (It. ventaglio) for fan (instrument or range in a figurative sense) or Spanish ventana, which means window: “the eye of the wind”, a word that came from
Old Norse vindauga, vindr, wind, air + auga eye
*we- *wen
Sanskrit Greek Latin Gothic
vayuh aêr aer
“vent” “air”
“air” “wind”
asthma ventus
“short breath”
Fr. Sp. It. Port. Eng. Eng. Ger. Dan.
air aire aria aria
wind Wind vind wind
vent viento vento
weather Wetter vejr weder
noticed perhaps that what is called a tune or a melody in English is named aria in Italian, Spanish or Portuguese, or air in French, probably because the melody of any song, by
definition, must be as light and “airy”
as the air we
may want to end this chapter with the word malaria, the “bad air”, which is the Italian name for paludism, also named malaria in English.
I. Shared Love
express the way we designate love, European languages share two roots: the Indo-European *leubh, to take pleasure, and a Latin
root amare.
Although Latin has borrowed the Indo-European *leubh, which we find in the word libido (desire, lust) and its derivativeslibidinous, libidineux, Sp. libídine, It. libidine, it’s mostly the Germanic languages that prolong this
root: to love and to believe in English; Liebe and glauben in German, gelooven in
for the Latin amare, we find it in amour, aimer, ami, amitié in French and their corresponding forms in other Romance
languages: Sp. amor, amar, amigo, amistad ;
Port. amor, amar, amigo, amizade ; It. amore,
amar, amico, amista, etc...
2. Hatred, Sauerkraut and Sorrel
they say, is an ugly thing. This can be explained however if one considers the
Indo-European root of the word, *kad, which meant both sadness and hate. Hate thus would be the result of the sorrow that somebody or
something has inflicted on you, which does not justify it, but allows to
understand the way you feel... Words that designate hate in the various European languages have very similar forms:
English hate, Ger. Hass,
Dutch haat, Danish had, Fr. haine,
Sp., It.
and Port. odio. In short, hate
seems to be a pretty common feeling!
the other hand, this same root *kad is perhaps
related to another form, *ak, with the sense of sharp or tart, acidic, a form that
has inherited a more diversified lineage. The Latin form acidus has evolved toward words such as acid: Fr. acide, Sp.
ácido, It. acido), acier, acero, acciaio (steel) and aiguille, aguja, ago
(needle) in Romance languages; but also the word oseille in French (sorrel), acedera in Sp., acetosa in Italian.
The English sorrel is related to sour (Danish sur, Dutch zuur, French sur) and, of course, German sauer, hence Sauerkraut, literally “bitter, sour grass”.
if the connection between these two roots, *ak and *kad, is somewhat uncertain, at least
it has the advantage of showing that hate does not inhibit your appetite!
seriously, the root *ak, under its Greek form akros, acute and akra, top or summit, is at the origin
of the word acropolis, the top of the city, as well as the word acrobat, “he who walks on the tip of
his toes”. We find the same root in the name of the “thorny
plant” named acanthus.
3. Pity and Piety
a Latin adjective, pius, of uncertain origin but probably Italic (i.e. pertaining to ancient
Italy or its peoples), which is at the origin of the words pity and piety. These two words, besides their close resemblance, have a
rather strong semantic link. The original sense of pius was “who respects his parents and the gods”; the
latin pietas
therefore designated the fact of honoring the gods or one’s parents, and
this term is going to coexist with the form pity (French pitié,
based on the acccusative form of pietatem < pietas). Pity is a kind of formal doublet of piety without any real difference between them.
two forms coexist with the same sense, two things can happen: either one of
them disappears or they take a different sense. This is what happened:
religious piety, or devotion, came to mean goodness and
compassion at the same time, i.e. pity; then
both words branched out to take on a specialized sense.
interesting to note that, outside of French and English, which borrowed the two
words (pity and piety) from Old French, the other Romance languages don’t
have this distinction between compassion and devotion.
French English Spanish Italian Portuguese
pitié pity piedad pietà piedade
piété piety piedad pietà piedade
4. Anger
existed in Indo-European a root, *ghel, which meant both shiny and green or yellow (i.e. the color of young leaves on trees). It’s going
to produce two words in Greek: bile, kholê, and green, khlôros. In Latin, the root takes the
form fel, which
ended up with the word fel in
Portuguese, fiel in French, hiel in Spanish, and fiele in
the side of Germanic languages, *ghel has retained all its original senses, but under different forms. Thus we have
gall in English, yellow (and its derivative yolk), and gold. The four (gall, yellow, yolk and
gold) go back to the same root, and the same
derivatives are found in almost all Germanic languages.
English German Danish Dutch
gall Galle galde gal
gold Gold guld goud
yellow gelb geel
go back to kholê, bile.
It gave its name very early to a disease, the cholera, originally perceived as a malady of the bile; the same
is true of the word melancholy (gloom),
lit. “black bile”. We still say in familiar French, “se
faire de la bile”, to mean “to get
worried about something”. However, when the word cholera passed from Greek to Latin, it broadened its sense and
replaced the Latin ira (anger), probably because irascible, irritable people were considered as being affected by their bilious system. Thus the Old French word ire (ire in English) disappeared
and was replaced by colère.
form the English (and Danish) term anger, it
goes back to Indo-European *angh, tight, hence the word anguish; Ger. Angst, Fr. angoisse, It. angoscia, Sp. angustia. It also gave the word angina, (Fr. angine, It., Port., Sp. angina). The link between the idea of “tightening” is metaphorical when we talk about anguish; it’s more
physical -- and serious in the case angina pectoris.. But in both cases, although for
different reasons, the image is clear, that of a tightening of the chest, which
creates a moral or physical malaise.
5. Zeal and Jealousy
Greek zêlos,
which meant both jalousy and emulation (effort or ambition to equal or
surpass another), probably because the first produces the second, is at the
origin, at least in Romance languages, of a series of doublets designating zeal and jealousy.
English French Italian Spanish Portuguese
zeal zèle zelo celo zelo
jealous jaloux geloso celoso zeloso
zeal to zealous or zealot, the passage
is simple; and similarly jealous leads to jealousy or jealousness. The etymology of the Greek root
however is obscure. Some see it in the word Zealot, a member of a Jewish sect that
resisted Roman rule in Palestine during the first century A.D. Nothing is so
sure... What is certain is that jealousy and zeal are closely related in terms of the history of the language.
word jalousie means something else in French (in
addition to jealousy):
a venetian blind or jalousie in English as well... Why is it so named? Because it permits
you to watch, through the interstices or slits in the blind, the person(s) of
whom you’re jealous!
6. Negation and Negotiation
don’t know what was the first word uttered by man. One thing is sure,
however, whether it’s na in Sanskrit, no in many languages, nein in German, niet in Russian,
this negative chorus goes back to a common *ne root (with another form, *in that we find in Greek). Whereas
the affirmative sign can be expressed as yes, ja, oui or si, the negation is practically invariant in all European
languages. This does not mean, however, that the negation is always
“visible” in the words that we use. Surely, we see it in the verb to negate (Sp. and Port. negar, It. negare, Fr. nier) or to deny (Fr. dénier, Port. denegar). But, who
sees the negation in a word such as néant (nothingness) or fainéant (lazy, idle)? Forms such as none in English, niemand in
German, ninguno in Spanish, niuno in Italian, clearly go back to the same negative nasal; the
same is true of the word renegade (turn
coat), Fr. renégat, Sp. and
Port. renegado,
It. rinegato.
surprising perhaps is the story of the word négoce (trade, business, commerce) or the verb negogiate. The word is composed of two
Latin roots, neg
and otium
(leasure, rest); the négociant (merchant),
Sp. and Port. negociante,
It. negoziante, by definition is the one who has no leisure time. This doesn’t mean that one must feel sorry for him:
his work is usually profitable...
the other form of the Indo-European root, *in, which turns up as a- in Greek (and in- all learned
forms from Greek, as in atheist), and un- in Germanic languages, as fair / unfair, German unlieb, and as i- in Latin,illisible (lisible = readable, unreadable).
conclude, let’s mention the amusing story of the enemy, a word that goes back to Latin inimicus, formed by the negation in- and a derivative of the verb amare, which is opposed, of course, to amicus
(friend). An enemy,
by definition, is the opposite of your
friend, someone you hardly like!
words society, sect, association, or example, all go back to a same root, *sekw, meaning to follow, which does not convey a very
positive idea of social life: you’re not able to live originally, says
the etymology, you live only by following other people’s behavior.
1. College and Law
word law is not an Indo-European notion in the
lexicon; it goes back to several roots: to Latin lex-legis in Romance languages, which gave
loi in French, ley in Spanish, lei in
Portuguese, legge in Italian, and its derivatives, legitimate,
loyal, legal, legislature. On the Germanic side,
things are more varied. The word law in English
(Danish lov) goes back to Indo-European *legh, to lie down, which gave, in the
other Germanic languages: liegen in German, ligge in Danish and liggen in
Dutch: the law is then “what is laid down on paper”, “what is
fixed”. The same idea is found in German:Gesetz, law; however, the root is
different, since it goes back to *sed (to be seated), which gave setzen (to place): the law is what is placed or put there, like the
pile legal texts that are placed on the desk of a judge or a lawyer...
law, that nobody is supposed to ignore, worms its way into every nook and
cranny of our lives: in privileges first of all, since the Latin word privilegium designated a law edicted in
favor of a specific individual, a kind of private law. The verb léguer in French (to bequeath), which gave legacy in English, comes directly from legare, “send in ambassy”, then to yield, give
posthumously, hence
the word delegate, a person authorized to act as a
representative for another or others.
colleague (Latin collega, Sp. and Port, colega, It. collega, Fr. collègue) is the one who has received the same power; and when several
colleagues are gathered, they constitute acollegium, (Fr. collège, It. collegio, Sp. and Port. colegio, that is to say a group of persons
governed by the same law.
2. Livestock and Wealth
Latin Gothic
pecus (herd)
failhu (herd)
pecunia (wealth)
pecuniary to pick
first element of wealth, because it was the first money of exchange, was
livestock, to which Indo-Europeans gave the generic term of *peku, linked to *pek, fur. It designated at first
animals providing men with wool, such as sheep, before taking on a more general
sense. The term *pek is at the origin of the
Latin pectus,
chest, a part of the body (on men) that is often covered with hair.
same root is found in Latin under the form pecu, cattle and pecus, herd, where it gave the derivative pecunia, first with the sense of wealth with the number of cattle owned, and then just wealth in a general sense. Equally, in Gothic, faihu continues *peku, and conveys for the same reasons
the sense of money and material wealth.
have then with pecunia and faihu the basis of a semantic field, which in both Romance and Germanic
languages assimilates wealth to the
possession of cattle or herd. Thus English fee, Danish foe (salary, fee, next to får, sheep), German Vieh, cattle, French pécuniaire
(hence English pecuniary,
consisting of or pertaining to money,
syn. financial), Sp. pecora (meaning an animal with wool),
closely related to the word pecunia (money), or
It. pecoro (sheep) and pecora (ewe), all come from from the same root and the ssimilation
established by our Euro-ancestors between cattle and money.
remains another form of wealth, the one that is conferred by a lord when he
gives an estate to his vassal, called a fief in both French and English. The vocabulary of feudality in Romance languages is often of Germanic origin, and words
such as feudo in Italian, féodal in French, feudal in Spanish,
as well as English and German, are all derived from the Gothic faihu and the wealth that originates
from the ownership of animals.
3. There is no fun in work!
Romance languages, work is not only tiresome, it’s literally torture. The notion of work is expressed
by two Indo-European roots, *werg and op. The first one, via the Greek ergon, brings us to English work and GermanWerk, with the same sense. The derivatives energia, i. e. force in action, kheirourgia, lit. work done by hand, and organon are found in Spanish in energia and cirugía, in French énergie, chirurgie and orgue, English surgery and organ.
The second root, through the latin opus-opera and operare, is at the origin of the
expression for work in Romance languages. Thus we have:
(work) oeuvre opera obra obra
(to work) oeuvrer operare obrar obrar
(worker) ouvrier operario obrero obreiro
(office) officine officina oficina oficina
a similar manner, the Latin word labor has given French labeur, laboratoire, laborieux; English labor, laboratory, laborious; Italian lavoro,
Sp. and Portuguese labor.
words to say work: ergon, opera, labor. Doesn’t this say something about its
importance? Yet, in Romance languages, it’s another word that is
preferred: travail in French, trabajo in Sp., trabalho in Port.
This is a term that came from the Latin tripalium, i.e. three posts. At its origin,
the tripalium was an instrument of torture. Later on
the word designated the wooden frame used to confine a horse being shod, which
is called trave in English (thus retaining its Latin
origin). Slowly, the word acquired other senses: torment, or fatigue, the fatigue of constant traveling, for example. Thus the word travel in English means to make a (toilsome) journey and finds its origin in Old French travailler. Finally, travail (in French as well as in the other Romance languages)
replaced what expressed previously the Latin root opera, which etymologically makes work
just the equivalent of torture! (As ou know, in English, travail is defined as strenuous mental or physical exertion; labor,
Latin tripalium
instrument of torture
travalho torment
toilsome traveling
Boutiques, Shops and Magazines
an Indo-European form, *dhe (to place, to put), which gave in Greek apothéké with the sense of storeroom,
(similarly to bibliothéké (storeroom
for books). An apothecary, whom we call a pharmacist, or a chemist in England,
is a “shop-keeper” before becoming a pharmacist, and both notions
of “boutique” and “pharmacy” are sometimes confused.
For example, the French word boutique is a phonetic
deformation of apothéké, pronounced in Low Greek as apothiké. One can imagine a derivation
through the following stages: *aboutique,
becoming *l’aboutique with an
article, and then separated in la + boutique, hence the modern boutique. In American English a boutique is a small retail shop, but the Spanish word of same origin,
botica, means
pharmacy; another close term, bodega, means cellar, and the Italian bottega,
boutique. In all
these cases, we see that we change slowly from the place of “deposit “ (French,
dépôt = storage), first sense of apothéké, were things are stored to the place where things are sold.
for the English word shop, it has its
origin in Old Dutch schoppe, which gave Schoppen in
German (shed, warehouse) and the Old French word échoppe. So, whether it’s a boutique or a shop, the terms
designate first an enclosed place in which things are stored, in other words a magasin.
(Ger. Magazin,
Sp. almacén, It. magazzino). Besides this is what the word
means, a term borrowed from the Arabic makhazin, a plural meaning “places
of storage”, “wharehouses”, “silos”. The word magasin in French took the sense of boutique when shopkeepers decided to stock their wares in larger
places, which are both boutiques and warehouses.
word magazine to designate what we call in English a
magazine, as opposed to journal (specialized) or review (erudite), has the same
origin. Again, English borrowed the word from French magasin, which, in the XVIIth century had
also taken the sense of “newspaper where are “emmagasinées (stored) diversified informations”. Thus there
existed in the XIXth century a magazine called Le Magasin pittoresque. Hence, not surprisingly, magazine in turn was adopted in French with the same sense of a
periodical containing a collection of articles, stories or pictures, thus
relegating the word magasin to its
commercial meaning.
shopping place par excellence today is
the supermarket. Again the story of the word marché or market is an
interesting one. The Latin form merx-mercis takes us to commerce, as well as market and merchant, from Latin mercatus, which had both the sense of
commerce and market. There are, of course, parallel forms in the Romance
languages: Fr. commerce, marché, marchand; Sp. comercio,
mercado, mercante ; It. commercio, mercato and mercante, as well as in the Germanic
languages, German and Dutch Mark.
well-named Mercury is, of course, the god of commerce, who
gave his name to the middle day of the week, mercoris dies, mercredi, miercoles, mercoledi. A mercenary is, as the
word indicates, a “salaried” person, who receives merchandise in exchange for his services, whether we call him mercenaire,
mercenario or mercenary.
interesting is the story of the word merci and
its derivatives. The French word merci, in Old French, meant first salary, then price, a
remnant of a period when people were paid with merchandise, and finally favor,
grace, or pity. We have kept trace, in French and in English, of this older
sense when we say: “être à la merci de
quelqu’un” (to be at somebody’s mercy).
modern sense appears through the expression “Your mercy”, that is to say “thanks
to you”.
Our thank you is said gracias in Spanish,
grazie in Italian. This double original sense
(marchandise and thanks) is found in Spanish, where merced means both salary and favor; in Italian, where mercè has kept the sense of “grace”, as in the
expression chiedere merce, to ask for mercy, whereas the word mérce (where the tonic accent is different) means merchandise; and
in English, as we said, where mercy has the same sense of compassion or
5. Street, Straw and Trivial
Indo-European root *ster indicated the idea of expanse; hence the Latin strata, It. strada, (road). This same root gave in
Gothic the term straujan, to spread; hence the idea of litter (Ger. Streu) or straw (Ger. Stroh), and, of course, the word for street.
word for street is rue in French, which goes
back to a root, *reu, that also gave in Latin the word ruga, (Sp. and Port. arruga, It. ruga), which means wrinkle or ridge. The streets then poetically are
considered as the “wrinkles” of the town. Ruga gave us also the word ruin (Ger, Ruin, Sp. ruina, It. rovina and the idea of ruggedness.
these roads, roll carts and chariots... The Sanskrit rathah, cart, the French words roue (wheel), rond (round), rouleau (roll), Ger. rollen, rund, Rollen,
Sp. rueda, rodar, all
came from the same root reth meaning to roll.
about the adjective trivial? The word goes back to crossroad, the tres viae, three roads to be exact i.e.
the town square, where prostitutes were waiting for their customers. The story
does not say whether they had wrinkles. . .
6. Voice, Text, Textile and Toilet
Indo-European root, *wek, which we find in Sanskrit under the form of vak, leads us directly to Latin vox, which in turn gave in English voice, Fr. voix, Sp. and Port. voz, It. voce, and through the verb vocare (to call), gave a long series of
derivatives, such as avocat, abogado, avvocato, i.e. attorney (from Old French atorné (one appointed or empowered to act for another), or verbs such as to provoke, from Old French provoquer, i.e. to call forth, to
challenge; to convoke, from O.F. convoquer, to call together, to summon;
or to vociferate,
which is another way of using your voice...
the voice, the language. Another root *dinghw takes us to Gothic tuggo and Latin dingua, which under the influence of lingere (to lick), changed to lingua. Hence in Romance languages: langue,
lengua, lingua and language, lenguage, Port. linguagem, It. linguaggio, and borrowed from O. French via
English, the word language.
the side of the Germanic languages, the Indo-European *dinghw gave tongue in English, Zungen in German, tunge in Danish and tong in Dutch.
Sanskrit Greek Latin Gothic
d d d t
the beginning was the Word”. At the origin, the Indo-European root *bal, with the sense of throwing,
launching, takes us to Greek parabolê, a comparison, which was adopted
by Church Latin (parabola > paraula in
Low Latin, to designate a simple story illustrating a moral or religious
lesson, Eng. parable). Hence, in Spanish palabra,
It. parola, and the verb parlare in Italian and parler and parole in French. The Spanish verb hablar, for its part, comes from another
root, *bha to
talk, which gave such words as fable, fameux, famous, (Sp. and It. fama, reputation (as defined by the
word of others) and infant (again from
O.F. enfant, from
Latin in-fans i.e. “(one) unable to
end on a beautiful image, that of the “weaving of words”. In many
languages, the combination of words together is compared to the weaving of
cloth. The root *tek-teks, to fabricate, evolved toward Latin texere, to weave, which gave us such
words as tissu, toile and texte. The parallelism between text and textile is found in most Romance languages: texte and textile in French, texto and textil in Spanish
and Portuguese, testo and tessile in Italian. The French word toile (cloth) has also known a strange evolution. The same way as
the word bureau (for desk) comes from bure (cloth covering a desk), the toilette (a diminutive of toile) is etymologically a cloth cover for a dressing table used by
women at their toilet.
7. War, Catch and Captive (or
Bad) Prisonners
man’s “social activities”, war has occupied an important
place for a very long time. Yet, the word for war does not originate in an Indo-European root, nor even a
Latin root, but from a Germanic word, werra, which gave war in English and, with the normal transformation of the w- becoming g- in Romance languages, we have guerre
in French, guerra in Italian and Spanish. The Latin word for war was bellum, which we find in words such as bellicose (warlike in manner or
temperament), belligerence (a warlike
or hostile attitude or inclination), but also in rebellious (who wants to make war again),
from O.F. rebeller.
War and death
are linked, and so are war and prisoners or captives. At the origin of the word captive, there is a root meaning to
take, *kap, which led to captivus in Latin. If you may feel sorry
for the unfortunate prisonner caught by the
enemy, the captive himself often is not held in much
esteem by the opposite side. For example, if in Spanish cautivo means prisoner, its Italian equivalent cattivo means bad or mean.
these words originate in a root meaning to take, and *kap is at the head of a paradigm
(i.e. a list used as an illustrative example) indicating possession in both Romance and Germanic languages. Thus the Latin verb capere gave in Fr. capter, Sp. captar, Fr. chasser, (Eng. to chase), Sp. cazar, It. cacciare (Think of chicken cacciatore or its French equivalentpoulet chasseur). It also gave the Italian verb capire (to catch i.e. to understand). By means of the suffix -cipere, the same root gave also verbs
such as to accept, to conceive, to recuperate, etc.
again an Italian word with the same root, regata (from Venitian regatare, to rivalize, from Latin recaptare), which we have adopted in
English to name the Lowell regata or the boat
races on the Merrimack. . . Another English sport in the catch. “Catch as catch
can” has the saying goes. The verb to
catch and its Dutch cognate kaetsen originate as well in the fertile *kap.
8. Host and Hostage
war, let’s turn to hospitality, which is not as pacific as one could
believe, because the words designating the act or practice of, or a tendency
toward being hospitable, all came from an European root *ghost, meaning stranger. From that root, stems the Latin hostis, which can be your guest (French hôte, Sp. huesped, It. ospite)
when he is pacific (a peace maker), but also hostile (Fr. hostile, Spanishhostil, Italian ostile). In Latin, the place where you receive your host was called hospitalia
i.e guest rooms;
hence the words hôtel, hostel, hospice, hospital, hostess, but also hostage (a person held as a security for the fulfillment of certain
we’ve seen, we have the same derivations in English: host designates a person who entertain guests in a social or
business capacity, and host is also an
army, and hostile means non hospitable... You receive your host as a guest, Gast in German,
geist in Danish, gast in Dutch. And the place where s/he is received is called a
guest house or Gasthaus in German (or Chambre
9. The Right and the Left
ideological connotations contained in the notion of right are perfectly summed up by these the Sanskrit terms: rjuh, right and raja, king. In fact, the Indo-European
root *reg,
which gave right in English, Recht in German, ret in Danish
and regt in Dutch, seems to have meant both the
right side (or the right hand) and righteousness, the right path. Don’t
we say “to be right” in English as the opposite of “to be
wrong” or borrow maladroit from French
to say awkward or gauche?
have the same connotations in Romance languages: The Latin regere gave the French verb régir (to rule) and the word rex gave roi. As a rule the derivatives of
words meaning the right are meliorative: you
are adroit (skillful) in French, diestro in Spanish, destro in
switch side. Left, gauche, sinistra, izquierda... If European languages do not
have all the same root for the term designating the left, they present the same pejorative
connotations. In English, left is akin to
Middle Dutch luft
meaning weak, useless; and the word gauche means awkward of manner, lacking social grace; tactless;
clumsy. . . The French gauche comes from
a Latin verb meaning “to wander”, something akin to “not
going in the right direction”, and the expression “être
means to be clumsy, unskillful or bad at something. The Italian sinistra, (Eng. sinister, suggesting an
evil force or motive) has its origin in the Roman practice of augury when a
bird coming from left was regarded as inauspicious. In Portuguese, sinistra means left and sinistro
means sinister. In Spanish, the word for the left side, izquierda, is a borrowing from the Basque
language, which doesn’t prevent that the verb izquierdar from meaning “to talk nonsense” (or as the French
would say, “déraisonner”).
last word on the political Right and
political Left. Again, let me talk about the French.
During the French Revolution, at the National Assembly, the progressists sat on
the left on the benches of the hemicycle (semicircle), and the reactionaries on
the right, hence the expression “to be from the right”. In English,
we mean by the Left “the individuals and groups pursuing generally
egalitarian political goals by reformist or revolutionary means in opposition
to broadly conservative, established, or reactionary interests”and by the
Right, “a faction, party, or other political group whose policies are
conservative or reactionaries”. Is this again a borrowing from the
1. God’s Light
*dei *ghutom
*dyew hu, sacrifice god
Zeus, Jupiter
, adieu
Latin dies (day)
the origin of the word god, we find in Romance languages a single Indo-European root
*dei, with
the idea of light, luminosity, a root that has evolved in the direction of two
forms, deiwo,
luminous sky, and *dyew, god, which is also assimilated to the idea of light.
*deiwo form
evolved in Sanskrit into devah and in Latin into deus, which gave dieu, Sp.dios, It.dio, Port. deus and their derivatives divine and devin, devineresse
(soothsayer, seer), whose talent could originate only in the divine.
*dyew form,
for its part, is at the origin of Jupiter in Latin, Zeus in Greek, i.e. “the father
of the day”, then “the day of Jupiter”: jeudi, jueves,
giovedi (Thursday).
God is light and the sole light man has at his disposal is that of the sun, *dyew gave also the Latin term for
day, dies.
Hence the di
component in words indicating days, for example: Sp. día, or Fr. quotidien (daily), or English diurnal i.e. pertaining to or occurring
in a day or each day, etc.
Germanic languages, for their part, (Ger. Gott, Danish gud), borrowed from a root, *ghutom, meaning something like
“the one to whom are offered sacrifices”, a trace of which is found
in the Sanskrit hu, to sacrifice, and huta, “the one to whom one offers sacrifices”.
it could have seemed logical, good is not
related to god.
The Indo-European root *ghadh, to gather, has evolved toward the idea of good, i.e.
“well suited”, “that can be put together”. Thus we have
gut in German, god in Danish, goed in Dutch
(not to be confused from Gouda < gold!)
left with the Greek form théos, the origin of which is uncertain. It could
originate in a root *dheu, meaning vapor, smoke, God
being perceived as
a “breath”. If this were the case, théos etymologically would be connected to smoke, Sp. humo, It. and Port. fumo, Fr. fumée, connected also to thyme,
It. timo, Fr. thym , as well as perfume, Sp. perfume, Ger. Parfüm... Nothing is so sure. What is
certain, however, is that théos, in addition, gave atheist, pantheon,
polytheism, as
well as the word enthusiasm i.e. divine
transport, possessed or inspired by a god.
the same root *dheu, to breathe, could possibly be at the origin of a series of words in the Germanic
languages designating the deer (Dutch dier, Danish dyr, German Thier. Not because the deer
“wears” a special perfume, but because it would have been so named
from its “breathing”, heard in the forest...This is in the same
line with what I said before concerning animals, named according to the manner
they are easily identifiable: the fox and its tail: “the hairy one” or the squirrel, providing shade
with its tail. And what about macho-man himself and his testes or
the diminutive testicles? The word comes from Latin testes, meaning witness to or attestation of his
virility. . .
2. When Thought Mixes with
Weight and Pansy
the origin, we find the verb pendere, to hang, let hang, from which are derived verbs
such as peser in French (to weigh, to ponder), Sp. pesar, It. pesare, and pendre (to hang),
Sp. and Port. pender, It. pendere), as well as pencher
(to lean) and poids (It., Port. and Sp. peso). It’s another form of this
verb, pensare,
which gave in French penser (to think),
Sp. and Port. pensar, It. pensare; the image remains the same: penser (to think) is peser (to
weigh) your arguments.
the same etmological series, we find the British pound, (with a remnant of Livre in the sign “£”) both measure of money and
weight, and with its German equivalent, Pfund. The idea of weighing (peser) on a scale easily leads us to the commercial activity: after
weighing your merchandise in the scale, you have to pay for it, or literally make peace with the seller. This by way of saying that the verb to
pay goes back to a Latin verb pacare, meaning to apease. The verb to spend also
originates in pendere.
conclude with the flower that we name pansy in English. Would you know that, once more, pansy is just a deformation in pronounciation of pensée or, to be more poetic, “a fanciful formation from
French pensée (thought) from the feminine past
participle of penser (to think), from Latin pendere
weigh).” The reason? Pansies were used to symbolize remembrance. For
example, a pansy is called viola del pensiero in Italian and pensamiento in Spanish.
3. From Writing to Sarcophagus
did man utilize to draw pictures and express his first written words? Probably
a sharp instrument, silex or blade. At the origin of the idea of writing is a
root, *ker-*sker,
expressing the idea of cutting, a root that is found as well in Sanskrit with
the form krnati,
to wound, and krtih, knife. This root however evolved toward many forms, and we’ll
consider just a few of them.
notion of cutting is found both in Romance and Germanic languages: court in French, short in English,
corto in Italian and Spanish, kurz in German. It is found also in share, shirt, or in the German Schramme, (a scratch).
is a synoptic view of the evolution of *ker-*sker
to cut”
to cut to
piece of meat” bark
short to
sarcophage leather
shirt to
chair / flesh
charcutier cuirass
It’s in a broader form, *squeribh (to incise), that both originate
the idea of scarifying and that of writing, as expressed in Spanish escribir, Port. escrever, It. scrivere, Fr. écrire, Ger. schreiben, to which we could had a long list of derivatives,
such as describe, inscribe, transcribe . . .
early however this idea of cutting into
applied to what could be cut into pieces, such as the word écorce (bark) in French, corteza in Spanish, corteccia in
Italian, or the word cuir (leather), It. cuoio, Sp. cuero, as well as the knight’s cuirass made of cuir
It. corazza,
Sp. coraza.
We also have cork in English or Kork in German to name what the French call a bouchon (stopper).
same root *ker, through Latin carnis, gave also chair, charnier,
charogne in
French; i.e. flesh, charnel-house, carrion
.or carne,
carnaio, carogna in Italian; carne, carnerario,
carroña in Spanish, as well as many other
derivatives with sometimes differing meanings. Thus to the French charcutier
(pork butcher) corresponds the Italian carnefice
(executioner) and Portuguese carniceiro, close to Spanish carnicero (butcher).
the intermediary of Greek sarkos (flesh), we
have also cercueil
(coffin), said Sarg in German, and sarcophage
(sarcophagus) in French. i.e
“flesh-eating (stone)”.
4. To read, to elect, to pick
has picked fruits kowns that they have to be chosen with care. You
wont’be surprised then that a same root, *leg, can signify three things: to
pick, to gather, and to choose. This root, in Greek as well as in Latin,took two different,
although parallel, derivations: the Greek verb legein, while retaining its meaning of gathering or assembling, took on the additional
connotation of saying, i.e. the gathering
of words, while legere in Latin, while retaining its
own sense of picking or gathering, took on the additional one of reading, i.e. the gathering of letters.
to gather, pick, choose
legein Latin legere
to gather to pick, to choose
to say to read
to read (lesson
lexicon to elect
-logue elegant
Romance languages, the verb expressing the idea of reading: French lire, as well its Spanish, Portuguese and Italian cognates, is
linked to the idea of lesson, (the fact
of reading) and to the word legend (from
Medieval Latin legenda, things for reading, and also to sortilege (the act or practice of fortelling the future by drawing
lots, from sortilegus, diviner: Latin sors, lot + legere (to read). This, for the derivation of legere with the sense of reading.
French Spanish Italian Portuguese
(to read) lire leer leggere ler
(lesson) leçon lección lezione leccion
(legend) légende leyenda leggenda legenda
(sortilege) sortilège sortilegio sortilegio sortilegio
for the derivation of legere with the sense of choosing, it takes us to cueillir, from Latin colligere, (to pick), élire (to elect), intelligent, from Latin intellegere, (to understand), légion (because Roman legionaries were recruted by choice), élégant, “who knows how to
choose”, negligent, “who does not choose”, and finally sacrilege, “one who steals sacred
things: sacer, sacred + legere,
to gather, pluck, steal”.
French Spanish Italian Portuguese
(to pick) cueillir coger cogliere colher
(to elect) élire elegir eleggere eleger
(intelligent) intelligent intelingente intelligente intellingente
(legion) légion legión legione legião
(elegant) élégant elegante elegante elegante
(negligent) négligent negligente negletto negligente
(sacrilege) sacrilège sacrilegio sacrilegio sacrilego
you can see, many of these words are found in English under the forms of
borrowings, and in German as well (Lektion, Legende, Legion, elegant).
Greek form legein,
for its part, is at the origin of the notion of logos and the frequent endings in -
logist and -logy, (which indicates discourse or expression). More
surprisingly, legein in Romance languages gave us the word horloge, (clock), Sp. reloj, It. orologio, Port. relogio,
“which tells time”.
5. To see and to Know
and knowledge are, in Indo-European, two associated notions expressed by the
root *weid,
“to see in order to know”. This duality reappears in Greek with on
the one hand, idein, to see, eidôlon, image, and on the other
oida, I know, and eidêsis, science.
vision, knowledge
Greek Latin Gothic
idein histor videre evidens witan
(to see) (who knows)
(to know)
English German
history to
witness wissen
envy wit
Greek forms, quantatively speaking, have left only few traces in modern
languages, although they are important: as for example idea, which means “existing in
the mind, potentially or actually, as a product of mental activity, such as
thought or knowledge” (Fr. idée., It. and Sp. idea, Port. ideia). It gave also the word idol, i.e. the image of a god; and by
the intermediary of Latin, history (Fr. histoire,
Sp. and Port. historia,
It. storia).
Latin forms, on the other hand, have left many traces. For example, the verb videre (to see) has given videre in Italian, ver in Spanish
and Portuguese and voir in French. The
derivatives of the same verb have produced view (It. Sp. Port., vista, Fr. vue ), visage (face), It. viso, Port. visagem (with the sense of making faces), i.e “what is
seen”. From the same Latin verb, by the intermediary of evidens, comes also evident (e-, completely , from ex +
videns, present
participle of videre, to see). Let’s mention also the verb to visit through visitare, (It. visitare, Sp.and
Port. visitar, Fr, visiter), “to go to
see” .
From Latin verb providere, we have the verb to provide (Sp. proveer, It. provvedere, Port. provêr, Fr, pourvoir) and the word
providence, and finally prudent (from Latin prudens, foreseeing, wise, contraction of providens).
Germanic form witan has evolved naturally toward English wit, (Ger. Witz, Dan. vid), wise, (Ger. weise, Dan, viis, Dutch wijs), witness, as well was the German wissen, to know, (Danish vide,
Dutch weten). But the same witan has also enriched Romance
languages. To understand this passage, we need to be reminded that there is a
general correspondence w/g between
Germanic and Romance. Thus, to take a few examples in various domains: war and guerre, wardrobe and garde-robe, William and Guillaume, etc. This is why witan was able to evolve toward Romance forms having an
initial g,
example: a guide, “one
who shows the way by leading”, (from guidar, to show the way), It. guida, Sp. guía and Port. guia.
conclusion, to use a term that stresses visual perception, it is obvious or evident etymologically speaking that
knowledge is directly linked to the act of seeing.
which in Romance languages are called chiffres, come from Arabic sifr, (zero) and for numbers from Indo-European *nem
(to distribute),
which also gave the word numerous.
Even though numbers are “numerous”, let’s limit
ourselves to count from one to ten.
1. The Universe is One, Onion
Indo-European root *oin, unique, through Latin unus, has fed the whole range of the Romance languages:
unique, unique, unité, union in French,uno,
único, unidad, unión in Spanish,
uno, unico, unità, unione in Italian,
uno, unico, unidade,união in
same Indo-European root has given ains in Gothic, hence German ein, English one, Dutch and Danish een. The term has had in Germanic languages the same
derivatives as in Romance languages, linked as well to the idea of unicity
(English one>
only, German ein> einig).
interesting are the words universe and uniform. Universe comes from Latin universum, (whole, entire, “turned into
one”).Uniform, from Latin uniformis, (of one form: uni- + form). More curious perhaps is the word
onion, a word that has appeared relatively
late in French, around the XIIIth century. The Old French word to designate
this vegetable was cive (still used today in my
native patois in Western France), from latin cepa, the derivative of which we find
in Spanish cebolla and Italian cipolla, as well as in such French words as ciboule, ciboulette,
civette (all in the chive family). Hence both chive, (from O.F. cive, from Latin cepa, onion) and the word onion itself (from O.F. oignon) are borrowings from French.
did the cive became onion, and what does this onion have to do with the word one? Possibly because the shape of the onion (from Latin unio,
a dialectal word for a kind of
onion) refers to the perfect concentric unity of its layers in contrast to the
polymerism of, let’s say, garlic.
word to say one in Indo-European came from the root *sem. If it has no derivative with
this sense in European languages, it has not disappeared completely. Thus the
corresponding Greek forms, heis, one, homos. (similar), hêmi, “which has only one
side”, are found in such words as homonym, homogenous, hemicycle. The Latin adverb semper (once and for all, always) may
have disappeared in Modern French, but it has given in Italian and Portuguese sempre and siempre in Spanish,
whereas similis
is at the origin of the word similar in English,
semblable in French, Sp. símil, It. and Port. simile. Under the form simplex (from sem + plectere “folded once”) the
same root has given simple (Fr. and
Sp. simple,
Port. simples,
It. simplice).
As for the Latin singulus, (isolated), which gave singular, Fr. singulier, Sp. and Port. singular, It. singolare, it has also given, in a Latin
compound noun, the word singularis porcus, “solitary pig”, which became sanglier (wild boar) in French and cinghiale in Italian.
Germanic languages, Gothic sama, corresponding to Indo-European *sem, has given same and some in English.
It gave German samt, (with), sammeln, (to gather), sämtlich, (all together”, and zusammen (togeher).
2. Deux (two) and Doubt
(two) ,very early, took the sense of duplication: dvih in Sanskrit, dis in Greek - hence bis in Latin - had first the sense
of “two times”. The Latin root bis is found at the beginning of
many words based on the idea of repetition, as in the word biscuit (from O.F. bescoit, bescuit, from Medieval Latin biscoctus (panis) “twice cooked
bread”), or the word balance (scale), from Late Latin (libra) bilanx, (a balance) having two scales:
Latin bi-,
double + lanx,
scale, plate, pan).
Greek duo
came the Latin form duo, which is continued in double , (Sp. and Port. doble, It. doppio), and gave deux, dos, due, Port. dous. More surprising is the story of
the verb dubitare,
to doubt, i.e. “to be divided between two possibilities”: Fr. douter, Sp. dudar, t. dubbiare, Port. duvidar;
an image
that we find in German zweifeln (to doubt).
us note that in Old French the verb douter meant at first to fear, hence in French as well in English, the sense of
the word redoutable (redoubtable),
“to dread”, ( re- (intensive) + douter, to fear).
the Germanic side, the root *dwi became in
Gothic twain,
hence English two, German zwei, Danish to and Dutch twee, as well as the derivatives of the type twelve,
zwölf, tolv, twaalf.
3. Trinity, Testis or Witness, and Protestants
Indo-European way of naming the Trinity, *tre-tri is found in Sanskrit trayah, Latin tres (trois, tres, tre,
três) and Gothic threis (three, drei), Danish tre, Dutch drie. This idea of “trine”
takes us directly to what is called in English clover (any plant of the genus Trifolium, having compound leaves with
three leaflets) and in Italian trefoglio, Sp. trébol, Port. trevo, Fr. trèfle. The prefix tri- is found in words such as tricolor,
trident, triennium, trifocal, etc. From
the same prefix originates as well the aforementioned word travail (from tripalium, torture instrument made of three stakes), just plain
work in French but toil in English, i.e.
strenuous mental or physical exertion and the adjective trivial (from trivium- trivia, place where three roads meet, public square).
Latin testis, meaning witness (the same
word that gave the diminutive testiculus) gave in the Romance languages testigo in Spanish, teste in Italian,
témoin in French, testemunha in Portuguese as well as testimony, Sp. and It testimonio, testemunho in Portuguese.
the origin of the word testimony is Latin testis,
of course,
(witness); however at the root of
it is trei- :
three or a third person: only a third party can testify in a conflict opposing
two other persons. Or why is the word testament so named? Because it was executed before a third person, that is to say a witness. The verbs to attest and to contest have
the same origin, linked again to the idea of witness; as well as the verb to
protest, which
first meant to declare. Hence the word protestants, who, contrary to popular etymology, are not
“protesting” againt
their catholic brethren, but who bear witness to their faith.
4. From Quart to Squadron
Indo-European *kwtwr is found very regularly in Latin quattuor, which gave quatre, It. quattro, Sp. cuatro and its
derivatives, quarante, quatorze, but also
the word cahier, It. quardeno, Sp. cuaderno (notebook):
for the Romans a “cuaderno” meant a group of four leaflets. This
idea of things grouped by four is found in many etymologies, for example, carrefour (crossroads), which is the crossing of four roads, and via Latin quadrus, we have quatrain, (a stanza of four lines), quart (from O.F. quarte (fourth
part), quarry, from O.F. quarrière, from quarre (square stone), or squadron, a square formation of troups,
from Italian squadrone. The
same root gave fidvor in Gothic, which in turn gave four in English, vier in German
and in Dutch, and fire in Danish.
5. Quincunx and Pentagone
a quincunx? Etymologically, from Latin quincunx, “five-twelths of the Roman
coin (as denoted by five dots or dashes so arranged)”, a coin worth five ounces, but for a landscaper,
for instance, it’s an arrangement of five objects, such as trees, with one at each corner of a
rectangle and one at the center.
Pentagon, as
we all know, is a five-sided building in
Arlington, Virginia, containing the Department of Defense. A penthouse, however, is not a five-sided
house. This pent-
is from Old French appentis, meaning appendage, from Latin appendix (<appendere, to append, attach: ad, on + pendere (to suspend, hang).
as an introduction to the number five , and a way of saying that the phonetic correspondences
between an Indo-European root and Indo-European languages are not always
visible. And yet, as the following illustration shows, the words to say five: panca in Sanskrit, pente in Greek, quinque in Latin, Fimf in Gothic,
all continue the Indo-European root *penkw, which seems to differ greatly
from its derivatives. There is however a very simple explanation.
Normal Correspondences
Sanskrit Greek Latin Gothic
p c
p t
p qu
f hw
Actual Correspondences
panca pente
chart shows that both Sanskrit and Greek words correspond to the expected
forms. On the other hand, the initial of the Latin word (qu instead of p) and the ending of the Gothic
word (f
instead of hw)
do not follow the rule. In both cases an assimilation has taken place, the
initial p-
being in Latin assimilated by the qu (p...qu > quinque) , and in Gothic the final hw being assimilated by the initial
f- (f hw > fimf).
a second stage of evolution, quinque in Latin and fimf in Gothic have been altered as well. Thus, from *penkw to cinq or füng, we have:
Italian Spanish Portuguese
English Danish Dutch German
five fem
we have the French series cinq - quinze - cinquante (5-15-50) corresponding to cinque - quindici - cinquanta in Italian, cinco -quince - cincuenta in Spanish, and cinco - quinze - cinquenta in Portuguese; on the Germanic side, we have five -
fifteen - fifty corresponding to fünf -
fünfzen -fünfzig in German.
6. Six and Siesta
careful! sex
in Latin means six in
English as well as in French. Their cognates are easy to recognize: Spanish seis, Italian sei and
Portuguese seis. They all go back to the same root *seks, and all (except English) are
derived from Latin; the same way as English six (Old English s(i)ex), German sechs and
Danish seks are derived from Germanic saihs.
Greek, the Indo-European root has ended in hex, which we find in hexagone,
hexameter, etc.
If sexagenarian is easy to figure out, (a person sixty
or between sixty and seventy years old), semester (from
German Semester, from Latin (cursus) semestris) indicates that, etymologically, it is a period of six months: < sex (six) + mensis (month), much longer then that
our modern academic semester of 15 weeks.
has borrowed the word siesta from
Spanish, a rest, usually taten after midday meal. To understand the midday
part, we need to go back to the manner the Romans had to count hours: between
sunrise and sunset: 12 hours, which varied in length with the seasons, that is
to say according to the length of the day. These twelve hours were divided
symetrically in relation to the middle of the day, and whatever the season,
winter as well as summer, the sixth hour was
the one that began at noon, called sexta hora. Hence Spanish siesta, “the sixth hour”, the warmest and the
most inviting for a rest.
7. September or November?
is a rare excception, number seven, sept in
French, (Sp. siete, It. sette, Port. sete), has practically the same form as
the Indo-European root from which it stemmed: *sept. In Greek, however, the intial -s has become h, which gave hepta (seven) and hebdomos seventh, which gave French hebdomadaire, (every seventh day), i.e. weekly. On the Germanic side, from
Gothic sibun,
we’ve inherited seven, sieben in German, syv in Danish
and zeven in Dutch, which all go back to the same
Indo-European root.
Latin, septem
gave September, the seventh month. Why the seventh when
we all know that septembre (Sp. septiembre, It. settembre, Port. setembro) is today the ninth month of the year? Simply because
we’re talking about the seventh month of
the Roman year.
what we call a week in English and a semaine in French, (Sp. and Port. semana, It settimana), is, as the Italian etymology
suggests, a span of seven days, just a Latin variant of the Greek hebdomos mentioned above.
8. Octave and Musical
much phonetic originality, the Indo-European *okt gave otto in Italian, ocho in Spanish,
oito in Portuguese, huit in French, oktô in
Greek, eight in English, acht in German, otte in Danish,
and achtin Dutch, a regularity that we find in October, the eighth (Roman) month and octave,
the interval of
eight diatonic degrees between two tones, one of which has twice as many
vibrations per second as the other.
there’s not much to say about number eight, and we’ve just mentioned octave, let’s talk about the music
scale, gamme in French (as in gamut for range). Its name originates in the Greek letter gamma used when notes were written with the help of letters: A for la, B for ti, C for do, D for re, E for mi, F for fa and G for sol. Sol,
or rather gamma,
was then the first note of the scale, hence the word gamme. Later on, to name the notes were
used the first syllables of a Christian hymn to Sancte Iohannes (Saint John):
Ut queant laxis
Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum
Famuli tuorum
Solve polluti
Labii reatum
Sancte Iohannes
ut was found
to be too muffled, not enought resonant, and was replaced in the XVIIIth
century by do,
somewhat created half-hazardly and with no etymology. As for the word solfège, its name derives from the use of
the sol-fa syllables to note the tones of the
9. Nine and Novelty
isn’t much to say about number nine, simply because normal and expected
transformations take us from the root *newn to neuf in French, nueve in Spanish, nove in Italian, neun in German, negen in Dutch and ni in
Danish. Now we know that November was the
ninth month of the Roman year and that a nonagenarian is a person who is ninety years old or between ninety and
one hundred years old.
interestingly perhaps, in Romance languages, and more specifically in French,
is the homonym of number nine (neuf) with
new (neuf). In this case, it’s the
root *new
that leads to Greek neos, Latin novus and Gothic niujis, from which are derived the words described on the
following chart.
Greek Latin
new now
Eng. Ger.
Dan. Dutch
Fr. It. Sp. Port.
neuf nuovo nuevo
neo- neology
Latin novus
comes the novice (< novicius), which designated first a slave
recently bought, then a religious who has not yet made his vows, and finally a
beginner in everything. The Greek neos has given a productive prefix, neo-, which we encounter in neophyte, neo-classicism, etc. as well as in the word neon. Neon gaz was so named, because
at the time of its discovery (the word in French is dated 1898) it was
“the new gas”, from neuter of neos, new. Chysler thought it had a novel concept of a car by named on
its subcompacts Neon. . .
shows a particular sense of humor by naming a fiancé novio (from novatus) and novillo the young
bull. . . as if the two were related. . .
10. Dean, Dime and Decimate
derivatives of the root *dek’m is as regular as the previous ones: it gave Greek deka, Latin decem and Gothic taihun, hence the series of names to say
ten in
English, tein in Dutch, ti in Danidh and zhen in German.
Through Latin, we have dix in French, diez in Spanish, dez in
Portuguese, dieci in Italian.
tenth month of the Roman year was December. We’ve seen already that
the word decanus,
which gave dean in English from Anglo-Norman, literally
means “(one) set over ten ”. We remember also that Spanish dinero, as well as Portuguese dinheiro, goes back to Latin denarius, from the same root. The denarius was a silver coin worth ten aces (The ace of our card games was in Latin both a weigh
and a monetary unit.)
Greek deka,
we have decimal, decade (a period of ten years),
Decalogue (deca
+ logos, speech,
word) i.e. the Ten Commandments, etc. But perhaps the most interesting
derivatives are the verb to decimate and the
once precious little dime. Both words come from decimus, the latter from decima (pars) and O. F.
dime, disme, i.e. the tenth part of something. The femininine form, decima, designated a tax consisting in
taking the tenth of what a property was producing, which
gave modern French dîme (with
circonflext accent replacing the “s” of O.F. disme) and English tithe (from
Gothic taihum and
Old English theotha, tenth).
As for the verb to decimate, it originally meant “to select by lot and kill one
in every ten of.” Its modern sense has somewhat increased tenfold, (we would say in French décuplé = ten times as great) since its
modern sense is to destroy or kill a large part of. . . Ainsi va la vie des mots. . .
© 2002, Joseph E.
Garreau, Ph. D.
Professor of French
Department of Cultural Studies
University of Massachusetts