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A cross-cultural study of contemporary European films
with a specific focus on ethnicity. The following themes will be explored:
the ethnicization of the colonial legacy, ethnicities at war, race and
romance, undesirable "otherness". Directors include: Hrebejk and Sverák
(Czechoslovakia), the Dardenne brothers (Belgium), Klapisch (France),
O'Donnell (Ireland), Manchevski (Macedonia), Bodrov (Russia), Koller
(Switrzerland), Frears (UK). No knowledge of languages other than English
is required (all films have English subtitles). Conducted in English.
• To introduce students to the notion of viewing films
critically and cinema both as a form of national cultural production and
the provider one of the central sources of transnational images;
• To consider how cinema contributes to the formation
of European identities;
• To illustrate ways in which the chosen themes are differently
inflected in different national cinemas but can be illuminated by cross-national
comparison ;
• To propose areas of debate, such as multiculturalism
vs. cultural homogenization, and to suggest ways in which students can
explore further the proposed themes of inquiry.
Tentative list of the films to be screened:
Memories of War
• Kolya (1996) Sverác (Czechoslovakia)
• Divided We Fall (2001) (Czechoslovakia) Directed
by Jan Hrebejk. Written by Petr Jarchovsky
• Nowhere in Africa (2001) Caroline Link (Germany)
• Lamerica (1994) Gianni Amelio (Italy)
Ethnicities at War
• Before the Rain ( 1995) Manchevski (Macedonia)
• No Man's Land (2001) Danish Tanovic (Bosnia)
• Prisoner of the Mountains (1996) Bodrov (Russia)
Race and Romance
• Ali: Fear Eats the Soul (1974) Rainer Werner
Fassbinder (Germany)
• East is East (1999) Damien O'Donnell
• Dirty Pretty Things (2003) Stephen Frears (UK)
Undesirable "Otherness"
• Letters from Alou (1990) Montxo Armendáriz
• Journey of Hope (1990) Xavier Koller (Switzerland)
• Time of the Gypsies (1989) or Black Cat White
Cat (1998) Emir Kusturica (Montenegro)
"Young Europe": The new melting pot
• L'auberge espagnole (2002) Cédric Klapisch
N.B.: Students must be aware that moral and artistic criteria differ profoundly between Europe and the U.S. Some films have explicit sexual and violent content. They are shown with this warning and for educational purposes only.
All reading material is available in a course packet
or posted on the course website:
• European Cinema (2004) Edited by Elizabeth Ezra
• a one-page minimum personal reaction paper, at times
preceded by questions either posted on website or distributed before class,
to be handed in (see schedule) after the screening of each film and graded
as follows: 6 points for content, 2 for timeliness, 1 for accuracy of spelling
• a comprehensive final exam, based on the questions
added to each film, taken on the scheduled day of final exams (25 %).
Joseph Garreau, Ph.D., Professor of French & Coordinator
of Languages
Office Location: Coburn 113D
Please communicate by electronic mail as well as phone
and office hours.
Hours: Monday 1:00 to 3:30 PM ; Tuesday
2:00 to 6:00 PM ; Thursday 2:00 to 3:30 PM
Voice mail: 978-934-4297 - Email: joseph_garreau@uml.edu