The importance of the French Language


  French: a world language


-  French is one of only two languages in the world spoken on five continents.


-  UNESCO   [United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization], the International Olympic Committee, the International Labor Bureau, and the International Monetary Fund have two working languages, one of which is French.


-  in 1992, French was the 11th most spoken language in the world (122,000,000), ahead of German (118,000,000) and behind Japanese (126,000,000).


- 26,5% of Europeans speak French.


-  Le Grand Larousse de la langue française  (7 volumes) defines 75,600 words in French.


-  France enrolls more foreign students than any other country in the world except the United States : France (136,015) ; U.S.A. (438,618).


-  in 1991-1992, more U.S. students studying abroad go to France than any other country except the United Kingdom: France (11%) ; U.K. (23,3%).


-  There are 57,000,000 foreign students of French in the world:  20 million in francophone Africa ; 12 million in Western Europe; 8.6 million in the Maghreb  (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia); 5.4 million in North America; 4.7 million in Central Europe; 2.5 million in Latin America; 2.2 million in the Middle East and Near East; 800,000 in Asia; and 700,000 in non francophone Africa.


-  French as a foreign language is the second most frequently taught foreign languagein the world after English.



  French: the language of diplomats 


-  The United nations has six official languages and two working languages. French        is both an official and a working language.


-  in 1994, of the 178 speeches made in the United Nations, 85 were in English, 27 in French,  20 in Spanish, 17 in Arabic, 5 in Russian, 3 in English/French, 1 in Chinese and 20 others.


-  The five principal languages in the European Community are: German (23%); French, Italian and English  (17-18%);  Spanish (11%).


   Worldwide, their relative rankings change:  English  (400 million in 32 countries); Spanish (260 million in 21 countries);  French (120 million in 33 countries); German  (100 million in 6 countries);  Italian  (60 million in 1 country).

         - French is the second most studied second language in the European community

(27%), behind English (35%) and ahead of German (14%).



 €  French: the language of international trade


-  The French rank 6th in U.S. foreign investments. Over 1,000 French companies have subsidiaries in the U.S.


-  France has the 4th largest economy in the world after the U.S., Japan and Germany.


-  France is the 2nd largest exporter of agricultural products in the world after the U.S.


 According to the Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the U.S. Foreign Service Institute, it takes approximately 450 to 480 hours of study  (30 to 32 semester units)  to reach a level of proficiency described as “advanced”  by the ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) .


- More tourists visit France than any other country in the world.  Since 1992, the number of tourists visiting France each year is greater than the entire population of France.



€  French in the United States


- There are 40,000 French teachers in the U.S.A.


- in the Fall 1990, French was the second most taught foreign language in U.S. institutions of higher education (272,472), behind Spanish (533,944) and ahead of German (133,348).


-  In 1990, French was the second most frequently spoken non-English language used in U.S. homes (1,702,176), after Spanish (17,339,172)  and ahead of German (1,547,099).


- In 1990, French was the most frequently spoken second language in four states: Louisiana, Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont.