+ Question 20 should be E as instructed + Question 1 cannot be A or B and question 2 cannot be B because of question 1 + The pair 10 and 16 have answers A and D respectively. + The pair 6 and 17 do not have answers A,C,E. Question 2 says that question 16 and 17 cannot have the same answer leaving only answer B acceptable for question 17 and D for 6. + Question 13 says that the answer A can be removed from question 3,5,7,19 and 13 itself because than the answer C will be correct. Therefore, answer C for 13 and A for 9 are not correct. We know that question 17 has answer B so answer E is wrong as well. The answer A for question 11 conflicts with question 1, leaving only D as an answer to question 13. + Question 15 has answer A and so does question 12. + Question 9 and 10 cannot have the same answer and so with 10 and 11. Answers D,E for question 2 and not right. + Question 7 leaves answers A,C,E possible for question 8. The available answers to 3 and 4 also remove answer A. + Question 2 removes the answers: D for 5, E for 7, A&D for 14, B for 18 and E for 19. + The answer B is not correct for 5 and so answer E is not right for the first question. + Answer D for 5 was removed. Thus, we can remove D for question 4. + The sum of answers A or E is 6 or 8 (question 8). Because of question 1 the answer to question 4 must be the remaining odd number 5 - answer B. + Question 3 may have answer B or D (odd number) leaving answer E for 5. + Questions 5 and 20 have answer E so B is not correct for 3 leaving only D. So the answer to question 1 is D and the answer to question 8 is E. + All answers E for all remaining questions are wrong. + Question 9 and question 8 cannot have the same answer (E) leaving answer A for 2 and D for 7. + There are 5 answers A (question 4) 3 answers E (question 3) and more than 5 answers D (question 14) leaving only answer A suitable for 18. + Answer B is not correct for 9 (conflict with 11) and also C is wrong, leaving only D. + Question 1-10 are filled so the answer for 11 is B. + There are three questions with answer B (4,11,17), two open questions (14,19) and according to 18 there should be five B answers so we fill B for 14 and 19. + A good check is to count the number of D answers which is 7 right like the answer to 14. When we collect all the answers we get: DAD BEDDED A BAD BAD BABE Now the only remaining question is who in his right mind can build such a test? ;-) Shoham Ziv (sziv@baan.nl) Israel