A field element ω is a primitive root of unity if
1. -1 is a primitive (square) root of unity in the real numbers
2. In the complex numbers i is a primitive root of unity
3. 3 is a primitive root of unity in the field
4. 11 is a primitive (
) root of unit in the field of integers modulo
Since p is prime,
This says that
This factorization tells us that there is an element of order in the group
. It happens that 11 is one of the primitive
) roots of unit in
Theorem: In an field F, the only solutions to the equation are
Proof: A solution to is a root of the polynomial
which has the factorization
. This shows that
are root and if
is any other element of F,
are both nonzero, so
so is not a root.
Theorem: If is a primitive
root of unity and N is even, then
(3) is a primitive
root of unity