MATH.3220 Discrete Structures II

Section 203- Prof. Levasseur (Schedule and Contact Information)
Spring 2025
Class Meetings: Room: Olsen 410

This section of Discrete Structures II will be using an active learning format, also known as a flipped format.

What does Active Learning mean?

Instead of listening to your instructor lecture on a topic and then trying to apply what you've heard, you will be expected to read assigned parts of our text and contribute comments related to your reading. Then in most of the face-to-face meetings you will work in groups on more challenging problems related to the reading.

Course Goals/Learning Objectives

The two main goals of this course are shared by many other mathematics courses. They are to promote the development of problem solving skills, and to help you develop effective communication skills (see below for more on this objective) for mathematics and related fields. Logic is part of the course and is a fundamental tool for mathematics communication, whether it is for proving a theorem, demonstrating the validity of an algorithm, or explaining the logic behind the solution to a problem.

Another goal that is more specific to this course is to connect computer science and mathematics - Most students taking this course are computer science majors or minors. The topics are all fundamental ones in computer science. Developing an awareness of these connections should help in your future courses in computer science.


Blackboard will be the main launching platform for the course.

Perusall is free and you should be able to log into it directly from Blackboard, but you can also get a free account to see what it's all about at A few other courses use it, so you may already have an account.

Gradescope will be used for at least one problem set. No need to get an account on this platform. You will be able to use it through Blackboard.


Applied Discrete Structures - We will be using a copy of the pdf in Perusall. In addition, you can use the html version. A hard copy is available on, but I don't recommend it.

We will also use some of the materials in another book that I coauthored. You do not need to buy the book since you will be able to download all the information you need for free.


We will be using Mathematica in this course. Mathematica and Wolfram|Alpha Pro are available at no charge to UMass students. They are useful for solving technical problems, obtaining step-by-step solutions, and more. To get access, go to and enter your UMass email. Learn how to use Mathematica at

We will also occasionally use SageMath. SageMath can be used either on your own computer, a local server, or on CoCalc (


Grades will be based on the following factors. The percentages are an example of "reasonable" weights. Read below for more on reasonable weights.

The weights above are arbitrary examples. If the percentage for the reading assignments were changed to 15% and the two hour exams to 20% each, that would be reasonable, right? If you didn't do the readings and had a low grade on that factor, you would prefer this second set of weights since your average would increase. On the other hand, if you did all the readings, the new set of weights would probably decrease your average. In our first class of the semester we will establish a set of constraints on the weights. This will determine a four dimensional polyhedron of reasonable weights. When we do this, I'll have some constraints that I'll insist on. For example, the final exam will always be worth at least 30%. I'll be open to suggestions for the rest. When the time comes to compute your average, what I'll do for each student is to optimize the average grade from among all the reasonable weights.

This idea comes from Benjamin Grimmer: The Grading Polyhedron


The first hour exam will be on Chapters 9 and 10 of the text. The second exam will be on Chapter 11. The final exam will be comprehensive. In addition to prior material, it will be on Chapter 15. However, Chapter 15 builds on Chapter 11.

Cheat Sheets The exams will be closed book with no technology, but one 8.5" by 11" page (both sides) of notes will be allowed in the two hour exams, with three such pages for the final.

You are expected to take exams on the scheduled dates. The Final exam will be scheduled between May 2 and May 9. You are expected to leave these dates open until we get a definite date/time for the final exam, which will be posted on SIS. Do not schedule travel before May 9.


There will be short 5-10 minute quizzes at the end of some classes. I'll let you know in advance when there will be a quiz. The quizzes will potentially be on anything before that day's class material, not new material from that day. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. If you miss a quiz, you will get a zero, which can be the dropped grade.

Reading Assignments (important - read carefully)

Due to the Active Learning format of the course, you'll be expected to read the text associated with all classes but the first few before the class. This is a graded activity which can count for at least 5% of your grade. Grades for the reading assignments will be based on your engagement on Perusall. Engagement includes reading and watching the material (there are videos associated with most readings), asking questions, answering classmates' questions, upvoting other posts, participating in quizzes that are on Perusall, and even making observations about the reading. Most students find it easy to get full credit for most assignments, which is a score of 2. However, your score can be as high as 3, which translates to a grade of 150% for the assignment. Your average can end up higher than 100% and your final average for the readings can as high as 120%. Perusall quizzes are not the same as in-class quizzes. They don't contribute to your quiz grade.

Once the deadline has passed on a reading assignment, you will still have access to the material, but you cannot get any further credit. Be aware of the due dates - for most of the semester, that means you need keep ahead of material we cover in your reading.

Problem Sets

There will be two problem sets assigned during the semester the semester, each worth two quizzes. Grades in problem sets will be averaged with quizzes.


The two general topics we cover in this course are graphs and algebric structures. A more detailed list of topics that we will cover is posted on the Blackboard page for this course. If you're not familiar at all with these topics, don't worry. We start from the basics in both. What you do need to have a good grasp of is the material in Discrete Structures I. This includes basic set theory, counting, logic, relations, functions and recursion. The following SageMath cells can give you an inkling of what the general topics are about.

SageMath Cells

A couple examples of SageMath cells:

First, a directed graph with 7 vertices. We will start the semester studying graphs. Click on the "Evaluate" button to get a result. You can edit the input too. For example, if you add ",7:[6]" to the list just before "})" you will see an extra edge from 7 to 6. If you replace DiGraph with Graph, you get an undirected graph.

... and the addition table for integers mod 11. We will study algebraic structures such as this one in a few weeks. If you replace 11 with some other integer you get a different table. I don't suggest anything too large - less than 50? You can also change "addition" to "multiplication"

Academic Integrity Policy

All students are advised that there is a University policy regarding academic integrity.It is the students' responsibility to familiarize themselves with these policies. Students are responsible for the honest completion and representation of their work. Link to the Academic Integrity Policy

Student Mental Health and Well-being

We are a campus that cares about the mental health and well-being of all individuals in our campus community, particularly during this uncertain time. If you or someone you know are experiencing mental health challenges at UMass Lowell, please contact Counseling Services, who are offering remote counseling via telehealth for all enrolled, eligible UMass Lowell students who are currently residing in Massachusetts or New Hampshire. I am also available to talk with you about stresses related to your work in my class.

Disability Services Academic Accommodations

If you are registered with Disability Services and will require academic accommodations, please notify me via the Accommodate semester request process as soon as possible so that we might make appropriate arrangements. It is important that we connect to discuss the logistics of your academic accommodations; please speak to me during office hours or privately after class as we respect and want to protect your privacy. If you need further information or need to register for academic accommodations, please visit the Disability Services Website.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Classroom Community Standards

UMass Lowell and your professor value human diversity in all its forms, whether expressed through race and ethnicity, culture, political and social views, religious and spiritual beliefs, language and geographic characteristics, gender, gender identities and sexual orientations, learning and physical abilities, age, and social or economic classes. Enrich yourself by practicing respect in your interactions, and enrich one another by expressing your point of view, knowing that diversity and individual differences are respected, appreciated, and recognized as a source of strength.

Mathematical Communication Objectives

One of the objectives of this course is to help you develop your mathematical communications skills. You'll be expected to contribute to the discussion of the assigned readings. In our face-to-face classes you'll be working in groups to solve more challenging problems. The following are a list of the things you should keep in mind for this course. I'll be looking for you to attempt to follow these guidelines.

  1. Ask questions. Notice, identify, and clarify sources of confusion. Look for connections and relationships between ideas. Explore topics and ideas deeply.
  2. Analyze and constructively critique the reasoning of others. Actively listen and summarize key ideas to check comprehension. Test conjectures against examples and potential counterexamples. Work together to find errors and fix flaws. Assess and reconcile various approaches to the problem.
  3. Explain and justify your reasoning. Communicate and justify your conclusions to others. Indicate the general strategy or argument, and identify the key step or idea(s). Actively listen to the critiques of others. Work together to find errors and fix flaws.
  4. Attend to precision. Communicate precisely to others. Use clear definitions, and carefully state any assumptions or results used.
  5. Be clear and concise. Use the appropriate amount of generality or specificity in arguments. Avoid use of any extraneous assumptions, hypotheses, or statements. Indicate any example(s) that you have in mind.
  6. Use and develop mathematical fluency. Use standard mathematical notations and terms (as discussed in class or demonstrated in course materials). Clearly indicate and explain any use of non-standard shorthand, notation, or tools

Source: Richard Wong, UCLA, Active Learning Exchange on MAA Connect