UMass Online
92.419 Intro to Mathematica
Kenneth M. Levasseur
Department of Mathematical Sciences
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Lowell, MA 01854

Buffon's Needle.


Mathematics, Probability


Imagine a grid of parallel, evenly spaced lines - something like an American football field. A "needle" (a straight line segment) is tossed onto the grid. For a given grid separation and length of the needle, what is the expected number of times that the needle will cross the lines? This is a well-known problem and it's solution is also well known. For example if the needle is exactly as long as the grid width, the expected number of crossings will be 2/Pi.


  1. Schroeder, L., "Buffon's needle problem: An exciting application of many mathematical concepts," Mathematics Teacher, 67 (1974), 183-186.
  2. Information from Math Achives by George Reese

Project Idea(s)

  1. Do a simulation of the basic experiment, possibly with some graphic display. Use the results to estimate Pi. Don't expect a very good approximation however. This is done (see archive below) - a more detailed analysis of the error between pi and it's estimate could be done however. This would require knowledge of confidence intervals.
  2. Generalize toward the Buffon's Noodle problem. Imagine that the needle is a strand of spaghetti and that you've cooked it. What is the expected number of times that the noodle will cross the grid lines.

Prerequisite Mathematics

Required Programming Level

No advanced programming skill would seem to be required; but as with any project, well thought-out algorithms and data structures may be needed to allow flexability in your experiments.

Key Words

probability, expected value, pi, buffon, geometric probablity


K. M. Levasseur (


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