U. Mass Lowell Prof. Nelson Eby Department of Environmental, Earth, & Atmospheric Sciences




Analytical Facilities


Field Trip Guides


AEG Teachers' Workshop

 AEG 2006


Park Plaza Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts

Teachers’ Workshop – Saturday, November 4

Forensic Geology - An Inquiry Driven Approach to Learning Earth Science

Boston Basin Field Trip

Workshop and Field Trip Pictures

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This must be the place. Is A later than B or earlier than B? Now where did that darn rock (murder weapon) come from? Maybe it would help if you used your glasses.
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Now hear this! Examining contact between Roxbury conglomerate and overlying sandstone. Chestnut Hill Mall. (J. Stokowski) Roxbury conglomerate. Chestnut Hill Mall. (J. Joy) Sandstone showing joint sets. Chestnut Hill Mall. (J. Joy)
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Ripple marks at boundary between sandstone and purplish siltstone. Chestnut Hill Mall. (J. Stokowski) Cross-bedded sandstone overlying siltstone. Chestnut Hill Mall. (J. Stokowski) Siltstone lens. Note ripple marks in underlying sandstone. Chestnut Hill Mall. (J. Stokowski) Mafic sill cutting conglomerate. Chestnut Hill Mall. (J. Stokowski)
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Group looking at mafic sill. Chestnut Hill Mall. (J. Stokowski) Hydrothermally altered basalt (mafic) sill. Chestnut Hill Mall. (J. Stokowski) Fall colors obscuring an outcrop. Newton conservation area. Channel cutting Roxbury conglomerate. Newton conservation area. (J. Stokowski)
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Scaling the outcrop. Sandstone overlying conglomerate. Newton conservation area. (J. Joy) It was definitely worth the climb. What a view! (J. Joy) Vesicular basalt. Newton conservation area. (J. Joy) Roxbury conglomerate outcrop. Newton conservation area. (J. Stokowski)
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Posing for the camera. Newton conservation area. (J. Stokowski) Siltstone showing soft-sediment deformation. Beacon Street and Bishopgate Road. (J. Stokowski) Siltstone showing soft-sediment deformation. Beacon Street and Bishopgate Road. (J. Stokowski) It feels gritty. Must be siltstone. Beacon Street and Bishopgate Road. (J. Joy)

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