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Assignment 6

Assignment 6: Disorders Involving Motivation and Behavior                     Due 3/26/01

Answer each of the following questions in a short paragraph (no more than 50-75 words each).  Answers must be in your own words; you may not quote
from the readings or take 5 or more words verbatim from the readings, or use the work of another student.

1. Define the clinical characteristics of abuse and dependence as patterns of substance use disorders; be sure that you highlight the differences between them.

2. Define what is meant by tolerance and withdrawal, and explain why DSM puts a special form of emphasis on them in its presentation of substance use disorders.

3. Rape is usually regarded as an especially abhorrent crime, but only some rapists would qualify for a DSM diagnosis of a paraphilic disorder.  Imagine that you are
interviewing a rapist; briefly explain what you would need to find to justify diagnosing one of the paraphilias, and specify which paraphilia it would most likely be.

4. Explain the tension-reduction hypothesis as it relates to substance use disorders, and show how it represents a good example of applying specific learning

5.   What are expectancies and what viewpoint within psychology do they reflect?  Give a specific example to show how they help us to understand problem

The following questions are only for discussion in class.  You should be prepared to offer your thoughts if called on.

6. Most Americans drink alcohol and/or use various psychoactive drugs, many of which are illegal; how are we supposed to distinguish normal from abnormal use?

7. Briefly summarize one major argument on each side of the alcoholism-is-a-disease debate. (refer to Lilienfeld Chapter 7)

8. Many people claim that alcoholism is inherited; how would you summarize what conclusions current scientific evidence seems to support?

9. Those who believe that alcoholism is a disease often point to the current research investigating neurochemical factors; what are two of the possibilities being
explored, and how might they explain substance use disorders?

10. Identify some of the psychological and social factors that might help us to understand the etiology of paraphilias.

Copyright ©1998 Beverly J. Volicer and Steven F. Tello, UMass Lowell.  You may freely edit these pages  for use in a non-profit, educational setting.  Please include this copyright notice on all pages.