"The Greatest Social
Drama of Modern Times:" The Beecher-Tilton Scandal

news stories always generate multiple articles. In
this case, you will be reading historical documents,
scholarly articles, and Internet entries.
You will not be able
to include all of the details provided in these resources in your summary.
However, examining all of the materials will give you a
better understanding of the story and will, consequently,
enable you to summarize it clearly and completely.
Altina Waller, Reverend
Beecher and Mrs. Tilton- Sex and Class in Victorian America
from Chapter One, "The Brooklyn Scandal" 1982
Richard K. Sherwin,
Notorious Adultery Trial of the Reverend Henry Ward Beecher"
(Best run-down of the facts of the case.)
"And The Truth Shall Set You Free, a speech on the
principles of social freedom, delivered in Steinway Hall,
Nov. 20, 1871, by Victoria C. Woodhull,
Votes for Women: Selections from the National American Woman
Suffrage Association Collection, 1848-1921,
American Memory, Library
of Congress. (Background)
The Beecher-Tilton War
First-Wave Feminist
Views of the Right to Privacy