Where did the problem come from?
Who was Fermat?
What makes it his ``last theorem''?
What is mathematics about?
What is proof?
How do you prove something doesn't exist?
What is number theory?
What was Fermat's secret weapon?
What did Fermat know, and when did he know it?
Who were Fermat's successors?
How can complex numbers help you solve problems about real numbers?
How does progress happen in mathematics?
How do mistakes happen?
What's the most interesting false proof of FLT (Fermat's Last Theorem)?
Why is Fermat's claim plausible?
What makes a question important? (and is FLT important)?
What is mathematical beauty?
Who are the amateurs who've worked on FLT?
Who are the professionals?
Who are those ... other people?
How can we be sure of things in mathematics?
Must simple questions have simple answers?
Who "stole" number theory?
What changed in the eighties?
What do elliptic curves, modular forms, Galois representations, and the Taniyama-Shimura conjecture have to do with FLT?
Who are Andrew Wiles and company?
Who gets the credit in mathematics, and more specifically for FLT?
What did Wiles and company do?
Why does the community of mathematicians (most of whom haven't read Wiles' proof) jointly vouch for its validity?
Do mathematicians have anything to be ashamed of, in connection with FLT?
Would Fermat approve of Wiles' solution?
Did Fermat have a valid proof of his own or didn't he?
Where does mathematics go from here?