This is the web-page for the article "Fermat's Last Theorem and the Fourth Dimension", presented as a lecture at the fourth Gathering for Gardner in Atlanta, Georgia in February of 2000, and written up shortly afterwards for inclusion in the book "Puzzlers' Tribute: A Feast for the Mind" by David Wolfe (Editor) and Tom Rodgers (Editor), published by A. K. Peters.
To read the final version of the article (as a Postscript file), click here.
(If you like my article, buy the whole book! Keep good guys like A. K. Peters in business!)
If you have problems with the above file, please let me know! And in the meantime you can fall back on an earlier (rougher) version of the file (created 6/20/00): you have to click here to see the text and here, here, here, here, here, here, and here to get the seven individual figures that accompany the text.
I plan to turn this page into a hypertex document sometime soon, with links that provide further background information, references, technical caveats, etc.; watch this space for developments.
I am also working on a full-length book on Fermat's Last Theorem, entitled "Who Proved Fermat's Theorem?: The Curious Incident of the Boasting Frenchman", to be published by Princeton University Press; I'll post more details here as they become available.
In the meantime you can check out links to my course on Fermat's Last Theorem (last taught in Fall 1999), and a bibliography on Fermat's Last Theorem (with an emphasis on material available via the World Wide Web).