Forensic Geology
PowerPoint Presentations
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Properties of Sand | Properties of sand - textures, size distribution, mineralogy. Examples of the use of the properties of sand in forensic investigations. |
Mineral Properties | What is a mineral? Properties used in mineral identification. |
Rock Identification | Criteria used to classify rocks and rock classification schemes. |
Pigments in Forensic Geology | Natural pigments used in art and cosmetics. Examples of the use of pigments in forensic investigations. |
Radioactive Isotopes | The nucleus, isotopes, radioactive decay, radiometric dating. Examples of the use of radiometric dating in forensic investigations. |
Stable Isotopes | Stable isotopes. Delta notation. Isotope fractionation. Examples of the use of stable isotopes in forensic investigations. |
X-ray Diffraction | Crystalline compounds and diffraction of X-rays. Bragg's Law. Using X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify crystalline solids. |