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Common Text Reader 2006-2007


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   Selected UML Library Articles  

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Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)            Daniel Boone (1734-1820)            Kit Carson  (1809-1868)

                 Buffalo Bill Cody (1846-1917)            Jack London (1876-1916)            Aldo Leopold (1887-1948)  


Ian Marshall.  “Winter Tracings and Transcendental Leaps: Henry Thoreau's Skating,”  Papers on Language & Literature, Fall 1993 v29 n4.

John McPhee. "1839/2003" (traveling the route of John and Henry Thoreau), The New Yorker, Dec 15, 2003 v79 i39.

James A. Papa, Jr. "Reinterpreting Myths: The Wilderness and the Indian in Thoreau's Maine Woods,"  The Midwest Quarterly, Winter 1999 v40 i2.

Daniel J. Philippon. "Thoreau's Notes on the Journey West: Nature Writing or Environmental History?The American Transcendental Quarterly (ATQ), June 2004 v18 i2.

Gordon Miller. " David M. Robinson. "Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, and Transcendentalism," American Literary Scholarship - 2002, 3-24.

Catherine L. Albanese. "Having Nature All Ways: Liberal and Transcendental Perspectives on American Environmentalism,"  The Journal of Religion, Jan 1997 v77 n1.

Robert Pinsky. "Comedy, Cruelty, and Tourism: Thoreau's Cape Cod," American Scholar, Summer 2004 v73 i3 p79(10)

Scott Slovic. "Giving Expression to Nature: Voices of Environmental Literature," Environment, March 1999 v41 i2



American National Biography - Daniel Boone

Historical Articles

Rich, J. Hampton.  "Daniel Boone, Conservationist."  New York Times,  Jul 16, 1939

Interesting Biography; Colonel Daniel BooneWeekly Register,   March 20, 1813. Vol.4, Iss. 81; pg. 33, 4 pgs

Death of Col. Daniel Boone.  The National Recorder.  November 11, 1820.  Vol.4, Iss. 20;  pg. 315


American National Biography - Kit Carson

Historical Articles

Brown, D.L.  "Kit Carson."; The Rob Roy of the Rocky Mountains".  The Anglo American, a Journal of Literature, News, Politics, the Drama, Fine Arts, Etc. Jan 16, 1847.Vol.8, Iss. 13; pg. 304.

Kit Carson, of the WestBoston Cultivator. September 18, 1847.  Vol.9, Iss. 38;  pg. 300.

An Adventure of Kit Carson: A Tale of the Sacramento Holdens Dollar Magazine of Criticisms, Biographies, Sketches, Essays, Tales, Reviews, Poetry, etc., etc.  Apr 1848.Vol.1, Iss. 4; pg. 209



American National Biography - William Frederick Cody

Bonner, Robert. E.  "Buffalo Bill Cody and Wyoming Water Politics." The Western Historical Quarterly 33.4, Winter 2004.

Greg, Dickinson; Ott, Brian L; Aoki,  Eric.  "Memory and Myth at the Buffalo Bill Museum."  Western Journal of Communication 69.2, April 2005, p85

Herman, Daniel Justin.  "God Bless Buffalo Bill"  Reviews in American History.  Volume 29, Number 2, June 2001, pp. 228-237.

Warren, Lewis. S.  "Cody's Last Stand: Masculine Anxiety, the Custer Myth, and the Frontier of Domesticity in Buffalo Bill's Wild West."  The Western Historical Quarterly 34.1, Spring 2003.

Historical Articles

Prentice, J.A.  "Stork Soliloquies; "Buffalo Bill" Cody."  Overland Monthly and Out West Magazine. Feb 1925.Vol.Volume LXXXIII, Iss. Number 2; pg. 89.

A Talk with Buffalo BillNew York Times.  March 6, 1891



American National Biography - Davy Crockett

Hutton, Paul Andrew.  "Mr. Crockett Goes to Washington."  American History, Apr2000, Vol. 35 Issue 1, p20.

Porter, Kenneth. W.  "Davy Crockett and John Horse: A Possible Origin of the Coonskin Story."  American Literature, Mar 1943, Vol. 15 Issue 1, p10.

Historical Articles

Holbrook, Stewart.  "There Will Always be a Davy Crockett."  The New York Times.  Nov 13, 1955. pg. BRA3.

Col. Davy Crockett. Atkinson's Saturday Evening Post. Nov 16, 1833.Vol.Vol. XIII., Iss.Whole No. 642.; pg. 0_003.

Crockett, Scott and the 'Coon'Forest and Stream; A Journal of Outdoor Life, Travel, Nature Study, Shooting, Fishing, Yachting.   Feb 13, 1904.Vol.VOL. LXII., Iss. No. 7.; pg. 0_002.


Glass, Loren.  "Nobody's Renown: Plagiarism and Publicity in the Career of Jack London."  American Literature; Sep99, Vol. 71 Issue 3, p529.

Gurian, Jay.  "The Romantic Necessity in Literary Naturalism: Jack London."  American Literature, Mar1966, Vol. 38 Issue 1, p112.

Raney, David.  "No Ties Except Those of Blood: Class, Race, and Jack London's American Plague."   Papers on Language & Literature 39.4 (Fall 2003): p390.

Watson, Bruce.  "Jack London Followed his Muse into the Wild." Smithsonian, Feb98, Vol. 28 Issue 11, p104.

Historical Articles

Charges Jack London with PlagiarismNew York Times.  November 4, 1906, p11.

The Lucky Caveman (excerpt from a speech by London).  New York Times. January 22, 1906, p7.

Jack London as his Wife Charmian Knew HimCurrent Opinion. Nov 1921, Vol. LXXI, Iss. No. 5; pg. 645.


Nina Leopold Bradley. "A Man for all Seasons,"  National Wildlife, April-May 1998 v36 n3

Donald Dale Jackson. "A Sage For All Seasons," Smithsonian, Sept 1, 1998

A. Carl Leopold.  "Living with the Land Ethic," BioScience, Feb 2004 v54 i2

Aldo Leopold.  "Wilderness," American Forests, May-June 1991 v97 n5-6

Jeff Rennicke. "A Blank Spot on the Map," Backpacker, May 1998 v26 n4

Gerald F. Vaughn.  "The Land Economics of Aldo Leopold," Land Economics, Feb 1999 v75 i1

T.H. Watkins. "A Signature on the Land," American Heritage, Sept 1994 v45 n5