01.505  Children with Disabilities in the Classroom






You should be prepared for a 10-15 minute presentation in class just as you might give to introduce the material in your brochure to individuals to whom you would distribute it.  Use whatever visual aids are appropriate.  Expect questions from classmates and 2-3 additional minutes for discussion.




Your brochure will contain type of information for a particular audience.  


Types of information to focus on can include:  early warning signs, how to help, characteristics of disorders, what it feels like/simulations, disability rights, prevalence, types of treatment, who should provide treatment, and so forth.




Make sure to list references appropriately on the brochure.


Use APA citation style for print sources including books and articles.  You don't have to double space or have a separate reference page, but the citation itself should be in APA format.


For electronic sources list the name of the website or a description in English and then put the URL.  Example:


Famous People with Disabilities listed by ERIC, Educational Resource and Information Center.  http://ericec.org/fact/famous.html


Be sure your projects are psychological/educational in nature and not more appropriately suited to general health or pediatrics or nutrition.  If you are interested in a physical disorder, be sure to focus on the psychoeducational aspects of it.


On your brochure, indicate “Prepared by:   [your name or names] as a class project for 01.505 Children with Disabilities in the  Classroom.  Dr. Doreen Arcus, Graduate School of Education, University of Massachusetts Lowell.”  It doesn't have to be huge but must be clearly stated and clearly visible on the cover of the brochure!