01.505: Children with Disabilities in the Classroom
Remember that you are using journal entries—originally written for your eyes only—as the basis for summarizing your impressions of a Brian, a student referred for an evaluation of eligibility for special education services. This report will be sent in advance to the parents as part of all of the reports to be reviewed at the IEP meeting. Your report should be in your own words. Language should be sensitive to parents who will be reading the report. Evidence may be for or against, but should be stated in behavioral terms.
Not at all |
Insufficient |
Some |
Consistent |
Your own words |
Vocabulary appropriate for parents |
Tone sensitive to parents |
Tone professional |
Evidence: failure to make adequate progress (i.e., why refer) |
Evidence: SLD (dyslexia) |
Evidence: behavior disorder |
Evidence: differential diagnosis (rule out alternative diagnoses) |
Evidence: Prognosis based on response to intervention |
Recommendations/suggestions |
This is a 30 point grading rubric: 0 points for each item marked Not at all, 1 for Insufficient, 2 for Some, and 3 for Consistent.
Grades based on total points: A = 26-30, B = 20-25, C = 15-19, D = 10-14, F = 0-9. Minor adjustments (plus or minus) to letter grades may result from additional strengths or weaknesses of the report.
Papers may be revised and resubmitted once; the final grade will be a weighted average of the two.