47-260 Human Development I

Fall 2004

Meet your TA 


Ioana Unda Crisan is a graduate student in the Psychology Department.  She is in her second year of study for the M.A. in Community Social Psychology. This is also her second year as a Teaching Assistant (TA) for Dr. Arcus. Ioana is from Romania.  Her name is pronounced like Joanna with a Y instead of a J (yoANNa). She will be keeping track of your self quizzes and may occasionally make a guest appearance in class.

Here's a little more intro from Ioana herself:  

My name is Ioana Unda Crisan, presently a graduate student in Community Social Psychology at University of Massachusetts Lowell. I am from Timisoara, Romania, and I have a BA degree in Psychology from West University of Timisoara. My future plans involve getting an in-depth knowledge of environmental psychology, and perfecting my organizational skills (administrating non-profits, evaluating programs, working closely with communities to create development opportunities). My interests include public spaces, urban housing, and people's attachment to places. I also have a passion for artistic photography and enjoy alternative rock music.

Below:  Ioana in Timisoara, Romania; near Bran Castle, Transylvannia; and back in the USA, New York City.  Summer, 2004.