47.260 Human Development

Your Name:

Getting to know UML resources

Class (circle one):  9:00     10:00

If you have this printed out, you have performed the first task!

1.   Find my office and write down the quote I have posted on my door




2.   Find the A&S Student Service Center in Mahoney and figure out what Donna Allen's favorite flowers are.   


3.   Get the signature of a reference librarian from O’Leary or Lydon Library below.


Remember that you can ask for help in the remaining items, but do not expect the librarian to do the job for you.

4.   Wachs and Kohnstamm edited a book on biological and social contributions to children’s temperaments.  What is its:

    1. Name                                                                                                           
    1. Publisher and year                                                                                   
    1. Call number                                                                                               
    1. On what floor of O’Leary Library will you find it? ________________

5.   Mumme and Fernald published a 2003 article in Child Development with evidence that one year old infants use emotional reactions they see on TV to guide their behavior with objects.  Find the article (either on the shelves or electronically using Psych Info and the UML electronic journals) and identify the four objects they used in their experiments:

    1. __________________________    c.  _______________________

    1. __________________________    d.  _______________________


Due in class on Friday, September 17