47-361:  Developmental Psychopathology

Dr. Doreen Arcus


Up to five extra credit assignments can be completed by the last week of classes.  A written summary of your experience must be submitted on or before the last regularly scheduled class of the semester.  Each extra credit summary will be worth 0, 1, or 2 points, depending on the caliber of the submission.  These points will be added to your final grade.  I cannot guarantee grading these until after classes are finished.  They may or may not be returned at the final.


NOTE:  It is not necessary to do extra credit to receive an A in this class.  In many cases, your time and effort will be better spent making sure you understand the material for exams and preparing your required projects.   If you want to consider submitting extra credit, consider one or two rather than the maximum allowable five. 

No more than two from any one category.

FEATURE FILMS  Watch one of the following movies and write a 2-3 page critique of the treatment of developmental psychopathology.  Provide a synopsis of the film and then proceed to identify ways in which it did or did not provide an accurate view of the disorder portrayed.  You must refer specifically to material in your text in at least three areas of your critique.


o         Precious.  Child abuse & developmental trauma disorder

o         Girl Interrupted.  Depression.


o         Little Man Tate. A child with gifted academic abilities but social and emotional problems.  Pay particular attention to the role of attachment and depression.


o         Antwone Fisher.  Developmental outcomes of abuse and neglect.  Note that treatment must focus on the origins of the presenting problems.

o         Odd Girl Out.  Microsystem contributions to depression. Diathesis-stress

o         The Secret. (1992 with Kirk Douglas).  Dyslexia

o         Mr. Holland’s Opus.  Deafness and family dynamics

o         The King's Speech.  Stuttering

o         Sound and Fury.  Deafness, cochlear implants, and identity


EDUCATIONAL & DOCUMENTARY FILMS Watch and write a 2-3 page summary and integration of what you learned in this film with material from the text, making clear connections.

o         Misunderstood Minds  Learning disabilities. http://www.wgbh.org/minds

o         How difficult can this be: Understanding learning disabilities.  The F.A.T. City Workshop by Richard Lavoie. Media Center South

o         Beyond F.A.T. City.  2005 follow up by LaVoie. 

o         Dr. Temple Grandin on visual thinking, sensory, careers and medications.  Autism

o         Behavioral Treatment of Autistic Children. 1988  Lovaas method. O'Leary Library, Media Center South


BOOKS Read and write a 2-3 page summary, integrating material from class and readings.

Axline, V. (1964). Dibs:  In Search of Self.   NY:  Ballantine.  A classic.  Virginia Axline uses the case of a little boy to take the reader through the world of play therapy.

Kaufman, B.N. & Kaufman, R. (1995).  Son Rise:  The Miracle Continues. NY: HJ Kramer  Unusual treatment for autism with intensive parental involvement

D'Antonio, M. (2004).  The State Boys' Rebellion.  NY: Simon & Schuster

Gibbons, K.  (1987).  Ellen Foster.  Chapel Hill, NC: Algonquin.  Foster Care

Pelzer, D. (1995).  A Child Called “It.”  Deerfield Beach, FL:  Health Communications.  The book, an autobiographical account of severe abuse by Dave’s disturbed, alcoholic mother, can be very difficult to read.




If you have another idea, feel free to bring it to my attention! It is best to do so by e-mail with documentation describing the event, book, or film.  No other item will be accepted for extra credit unless I have given explicit approval and added it to this list.