Remember that you are preparing a mini-research review. This project is an individual effort; you are not allowed to work in pairs until the brochure and poster.
For the research review, you are required to read and report on three empirical articles from peer-reviewed journals that address a central question to be posed with respect to one problem area for children or adolescents.
Make sure your question goes beyond simple description of the problem or its symptoms.
Ask about other aspects such as causes, treatments, effects on the family, or effects on peer relations.
There are a multitude of questions you could pose.
Be sure the child or adolescent disorder is at the center of the question and that you are focusing on psychological or psychosocial aspects.
The purpose of asking you to report on a specific area is to provide you with the experience of integrating research results.
Do not read one article for question a, one for question b, and one for question c. You must have multiple perspectives on the question you pose.
For example, it would not be useful to have a broad overview with only three articles as in, "What are the causes, symptoms, and treatments for Disorder X?"
Instead you should pick one of these three and read and report on three articles that address the issue of cause, for example.
You should write enough about each article so that we know how to interpret each set of results.
Relevant information will includes the purpose of the article, who the participants were (e.g., age, SES, clinical population, etc.), and how the data were collected (e.g., questionnaires to parents, interviews with children, fMRI scans, school records, etc.).
But you must also integrate your discussion.
Every paper should begin with a paragraph orienting the reader to the disorder being discussed.
Use general information from your textbook or some other reference.
Note that this general reference does not count as one of your three empirical articles.
Be sure to cite each reference appropriately both in the text and in the references at the end (See general study resources for APA style links).
Papers should be 3-5 pages in the body of the paper. In addition to the title page, abstract page, and reference page, that will give you 6-8 pages total. All papers should be typed and double spaced with 12 point font.
Use in APA style (this is not negotiable).
Make sure the cover sheet is also in APA style and use a single staple in the upper left hand corner.
No fancy covers, please!
You will hand in two copies, an electronic version to TURNITIN.COM and a hard copy to me.
Beware of plagiarism.
Whether it is intentional or not, it is a serious academic offense.
Instances of plagiarism will be handled according to the UML Undergraduate Catalog.