Statement by Principal Investigator


This form must be typed. Do not leave any blank spaces. If any questions are not applicable, please indicate by “N/A”.  If you intend to utilize a questionnaire, please append it to this application. If there is not sufficient space for the answering of any question, please attach additional pages.


1.   Principal Investigator:  Doreen Arcus      

Co-Researcher(s) if applicable:  Meghan McCarthy


Home Address of Principal Investigator: 189 Spring St., Arlington, MA  02476

      E-mail Address of Principal Investigator:

      Daytime Phone #:  978-934-4172 (x 4377 lab)     Home Phone #:  781-646-6326

      Specify with X:            _X_ Faculty/Staff        ___  Graduate Student(s)       ___  Undergraduate Student(s)

      Title (if Faculty/Staff):   Associate Professor


2.            Department:  Psychology

3.   College:  Arts and Sciences (Division Fine Arts, Social Sciences, & Humanities)

4.   Research Project Title:  Other Children in the Family


5.   Date Research is scheduled to begin:  April 1, 2006

6.   Are you applying for funding through the Office of Research Administration, and/or what is your

      expected source of funds, if any? Meghan McCarthy Senior Research Grant, UML Honors Program; PI research funds.

7.   Date proposal must be submitted to funding agency (if applicable):  N/A

8.   Abstract or summarize your proposed research.  (Appended copy of an abstract or summary may be

      used to respond to this question.)    Please see appended summary


9.   Who will be the subjects of the research?   18-25 year old individuals recruited from the University and local community


10. How many participants do you plan to have in your study?   45


11. a.   Does the research involve:  (respond to each category)      YES             NO

                    Children under 8 years of age?  ____       __X__

                    Children 8 to 17 years of age  (under 18)?      ____          __X__

                    Students in elementary, middle, or high school?      ____          __X__

                    College students under the age of 18?      ____          __X__

                    Older adults who are over 65 years of age and have cognitive

                             impairment and/or are institutionalized?  ____       __X__

                    Inmates in penal institutions?      ____          __X__

                    Patients in mental institutions?      ____          __X__

                    Physically handicapped?  ____          __X__

                    Mentally or emotionally handicapped?  ____          __X__

                    Persons incapable of informed consent?      ____          __X__


      NOTE:   If you have checked YES to any of the above-listed categories and your research study involves at least minimal risk; the proposal must receive Full Review.


      b.   If you have checked YES to any category listed above, could the research possibly be done with subjects not included in the above-listed categories?       Not applicable


12.         How will the subjects be recruited?  (Be specific).  Participants will be recruited through flyers posted on campus and in public places in the community (appended).  Postings in community events sections of local newspapers will read:  “18-25 year olds who grew up in families that provided foster care to non-related children are needed to participate in focus groups to explore their experiences with foster siblings.  For more information contact Dr. Doreen Arcus, Dept. Psychology, UMass Lowell, 978-934-4377”



13.       Will you utilize recruitment advertising materials, such as, flyers, newspaper advertisements, etc.?

YES _X__     NO ___     If so, they must be submitted to the IRB at this time.


14.       a.            Which of the following will you do with your subjects?  (Check all the relevant activities.)

      _____  Analyze data previously recorded about them

      _____  Analyze tissues or fluids previously taken from them

      __X      Contact by mail *

      __X      Contact by E-mail *

      _____  Contact by telephone

      _____  Meet face-to-face in the field

      __X      Meet in laboratory

      __X      Interview

      __X      Administer questionnaire

      _____  Test performance

      _____  Manipulate psychological treatment/conditions

      _____  Manipulate physiological treatment/conditions

      _____  Manipulate subjects' behavior

      __X      Record "spontaneous" behavior (audiotape for transcription of comments)

      _____  Record physiological measures

      _____  Other.  Explain:


      * Method of contact for follow-up questionnaires to be indicated by participants


            b.            Describe in lay terms what you will do with your subjects


Participants will be recruited for focus groups in which they will be invited to talk about their experiences growing up with siblings, with the focus on foster siblings for those participants whose families fostered unrelated children and on birth siblings for participants who grew up in families with only biologically related siblings.  The PI will lead the focus groups, asking open-ended questions.  A running record of all comments will be kept by a researcher taking notes, and the sessions will be audiotaped to check for accuracy in the transcribed comments. 


At the end of the focus group, participants will be asked to complete three short questionnaires, one asking about their personality style as children, one asking about the stresses that might have been associated with siblings, and one asking basic demographic information. 


When all of the focus groups have been conducted, a compilation of all comments will be sent to participants so that they can indicate the extent to which they agreed with each item.


c.      If you will be asking questions, testing performance, or manipulating the subject, have you submitted examples of the types of questions, types of tests, and types of manipulations or treatment conditions you will use? (Append copies of questionnaires, tests, interview protocols, or the methods sections of your grant proposal in answer to this item. If you have yet to pick the exact procedures you will be using, then attach specific, concrete examples of the types of test items, treatments, or questions you will use.) All materials must receive IRB approval prior to their use.   YES__X        NO___   N/A___               



d.      If you will be utilizing outside agencies to conduct your research, have you appended the appropriate authorization letters on the agencies’ letterheads indicating their willingness to cooperate with your research?       YES___       NO___       N/A__X         If not, please explain:



15.       Will you be recording any private information, which is identifiable, about individual subjects?    

YES ___    NO __X         If you have answered YES, all Researchers listed in Item 1 of this form should read the following statement and sign below:


I understand that I am obligated to protect and keep confidential any identifiable, private information gathered about individual subjects through the conduct of my research; and I agree to keep such information confidential, unless I obtain the subject's express written permission to do otherwise.


                                                                         Signed: ________N/A________________________________



16.       Will you be utilizing audiotapes or videotapes in your research?            YES __X         NO ____

If you answered YES, these tapes must be destroyed by a date certain, not to exceed three years from the completion of the research project. You will also need to inform the subject of your intent to utilize audiotape and/or videotape by including this information on the Informed Consent Form.

            If the answer to Question 16 is YES:


a.       Please describe in detail what you are doing and the purpose thereof :

Each focus group will be audiotaped. Participants will be informed of the taping and its purpose: to obtain a record of the comments made during the session so that a transcription of those comments can be accurate. 


b.      What will be the disposition of the recorded tapes after completion of your research? As soon as written transcripts are finished, tapes will be destroyed. 


It is the policy of the IRB that research data will be destroyed no later than three years after termination of the research project. Under special circumstances the IRB will entertain individual applications to extend the period of retention of the data from a research project previously approved by the IRB. Such extensions will be granted on an annual basis. Any extension that may be granted is with the provision that, if a further annual extension is not sought or not approved by the IRB, such data will be destroyed prior to the expiration of the ensuing twelve months.


17.       a.      Describe any and all potential risks or discomfort that could result to human subjects as a result of this research other than the risk of disclosure:   It is possible that discussing aspects of family life related to the provision of foster care might be uncomfortable for some participants.  It is also possible that some participants will be reminded of incidents that caused them discomfort.


b.      What safeguards will you employ to minimize these risks or discomfort? We will use an informed consent form that clearly identifies the risks.  The PI will be able to provide resources to any participants who contact her (as indicated on the informed consent) with concerns; each participant will receive the PI’s business card for easy reference, as well as their copy of the informed consent form.


c.   Are there any alternative ways to acquire your research information from human subjects that may avoid the risks identified above?     YES ___    NO __X    N/A ___  If YES, explain why the alternatives are not being used:


d.      Could this information be obtained from animals or other laboratory models? YES ___ NO_X_


18.       If your research involves any conceivable risk or discomfort to subjects, or if your subject pool includes any of the groups identified in Item 11a or any similarly vulnerable group, then you MUST obtain informed, written consent from your subjects and/or a legally responsible guardian (for children and persons incapable of informed consent). If the above is applicable, have you attached an Informed Consent Form signed and dated by all Researchers (and the Faculty Advisor if applicable)? 

             YES __X     NO ___   N/A ___


19.       If any of your potential human participants have a language other than English as their primary language of communication or do not have a good comprehension of English, are you providing a translation of the materials, including the Informed Consent Form, together with a “back translation” and Appendix F?            YES ___    NO ___   N/A __X    If not, please explain:



20.       When you have completed your contact with the research participant, will there be a debriefing session?    YES__X      NO___   N/A___   If your answer is YES, please describe the procedure that you will utilize:   A letter will be included with the movie ticket honorarium that summarizes the study and its goals and provides initial findings.  A brief list of resources for dealing with sibling issues, children in foster care, and traumatic stress will also be enclosed.


21.       To weigh the direct or potential benefit of this research against the inherent risk to the individual, the IRB requires brief and concise answers to the following questions:


a.            What specific information will this activity provide, and what is the significance of that information?  This activity will provide the first account of adult recollections of their experiences when non-related children were living in their family through foster care.  It will suggest sources of individual differences with respect to children’s personal styles for further study and collect the first information about potential secondary traumatic stress.  It will make an important methodological contribution in permitting a comparison of data through both qualitative and quantitative lenses.


b.            Indicate what, if any, benefits may accrue to the human subjects involved:  As our experience suggests, individuals who volunteer for focus groups tend to enjoy the experience. These participants are likely to enjoy sharing their stories with other individuals whose families provided foster care.  All participants should benefit from their perceived contributions to social science.


            c.             Indicate what, if any, benefits may accrue to individuals who are not subjects, but who are similar:  There is a national shortage of families available to provide foster care to children who need it.  At the same time, there is a dearth of information that directly addresses the impact of providing care on children already existing in the family.  The results of this study may be able to so, offering much needed guidance to families and social workers. 



22.       Are the subjects being offered any incentives such as academic credit, monetary compensation, or thing of value, including the chance to participate in a lottery for a prize? YES_X_  NO___   N/A___

            If the answer is YES, please describe in detail: Two movie tickets will be mailed to participants at the end of their participation.


23.       The following requirement must be completed prior to submitting your Single Project Approval application:


a.           If you are a Faculty/Staff Researcher, have you attached a copy of certification (“Investigator 101” Course Module or NIH) for educational training on human subject research including ethics?  YES_X_   NO___   N/A___   If not, please explain: N/A


b.                  If you are a Student Researcher, have you attached a copy of certification (“Investigator 101”

Course Module or NIH) or, in lieu of certificates, an Attestation of Student Competency in Human Subject Research and Ethics form signed by your Faculty Advisor?

            YES_X_ NO___   N/A___   If not, please explain:


24. If your research project is being conducted at an institution that is covered by Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), have you followed the HIPAA procedures for that institution?  YES____NO___   N/A_X_


     It is understood that I will keep on file (for at least three years from the project completion date) and make available, on request by the IRB, copies of signed Informed Consent Forms of all subjects participating in this research.


     It is understood that any medical procedures or medical treatments of human subjects for the purposes of the present research will be performed by, or under the supervision of, a person who is licensed or certified to perform that particular procedure.


     It is understood that students at the University of Massachusetts Lowell should be initially recruited as research subjects by public announcement and not by personal solicitation.


     It is understood that, if there are any changes, modifications, or revisions either in the research protocol, title, or names of Researchers, the IRB must be immediately notified and prior permission must be received before proceeding.


     Graduate Students are advised that it is the policy of the University that all IRB requirements and stipulations must be fulfilled prior to graduation. Failure to complete such requirements and obligations will result in the withholding of a student’s diploma and transcripts.


     Any project which exceeds a period of one year in duration must be reviewed and receive IRB approval prior to the beginning of the second and any successive years of the research project. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to submit a Request for Continuing Review approximately two months prior to the expiration date of the existing approval and, also, to ensure that a Final Report is filed when the project is completed.




I have read the entire Manual of Instructions and Procedures for Research Projects Involving Human Subjects.               I have enclosed the following items from the list below, have checked off and initialed each item enclosed, and  collated them in the order listed:


_X_   Original and copies of cover letter requesting review and specifying whether Exempt, Expedited or Full.

_X_   Original and copies of this form (Single Project Approval Statement).

_X_   If using an Informed Consent Form, original and copies signed and dated by the Researcher(s).

_X_   If a questionnaire is to be utilized, copies of the actual questions that will be used.

_X_   Copies of any recruitment advertising material; such as, flyers, newspaper advertisements, etc.

___     If translation is required, original and copies of the required version and “back translation” as well as        Appendix  F. 

___     Original and copies of each official authorization from cooperating agencies or institutions on their


_X_   Copies of complete research proposal or project description, including Abstract and Methods sections.

_X_   If submitting for funding or you have already been approved for funding, complete copies of entire grant

           application (or equivalent if it is not a grant; e.g. contract).

_X_   Copy of “Investigator 101” Course Module Certificate or NIH Certificate for educational training on human subject research.  In the case of a student, copy of “Investigator 101” Course Module Certificate or NIH Certificate, or in lieu of certificates, an Attestation of Student Competency Form signed by the Faculty Advisor.



(Refer to sections of IRB Manual on Exempt, Expedited, and Full Review for number of copies that will be needed.)



In signing this statement, I certify to the accuracy and veracity of the information provided and I agree to abide by the University policies and procedures governing research involving human subjects, including all IRB decisions, conditions and requirements.





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_______________________________________________     _____________________

 [Every individual listed as a Researcher must sign this form.]