Maslach Individuation Scale


To what extent are you willing to individuate yourself from others?  To obtain a better idea of this, respond to the following items.  Indicate the extent to which you would be willing to do each of the following, using the five-point scale below.


1 = Not at all willing to do this

2 = Somewhat unwilling to do this

3 = Neither willing nor unwilling to do this

4 = Somewhat willing to do this

5 = Very much willing to do this


___ 1. Give a lecture to a large audience.

___ 2. Raise your hand to ask a question in a meeting or lecture.

___ 3. Volunteer to head a committee for a group of people you do not know very well.

___ 4. Tell a person that you like him/her.

___ 5. Publicly challenge a speaker whose position clashes with your own.

___ 6. Accept a nomination to be a leader of a group.

___ 7. Present a personal opinion, on a controversial issue, to a group of strangers.

___ 8. When asked to introduce yourself, say something more personal about yourself

            than just your name and occupation.

___ 9. Give an informal talk in front of a small group of classmates or colleagues.

___ 10. Speak up about your ideas even though you are uncertain of whether you are


___ 11. Perform on a stage before a large audience.

___ 12. Give your opinion on a controversial issue, even though no one has asked for it.