TO:                  Vera Ossen

FROM:              Doreen Arcus

RE:                   Student Survey



Thanks so much for helping us distribute this survey to students enrolled in the Fast Track to Teaching Program.  Sara Diorio, a student in the Psychology Department, is doing an independent study with me, in which she is interested in finding out about teachers’ views of inclusion at various stages in their teaching careers.  She is giving related surveys to students in Human Development I who may have some inclination that they are interested in a teaching career, as well as to public school teachers in a nearby community.


She hopes to be able to describe the degree to which teachers and future teachers see the inclusion of special needs students in their classes as an important issue.  We think that the results of her surveys will be informative to preservice and professional development programs.  We will be sure to send you a copy of her findings. 


Sara will come back next week to pick up the completed surveys.  Please give me a call (x4172) if you have any questions.  Thanks again!

