Pre-Service Teacher Survey

Sara Diorio and Dr. Doreen Arcus

University of Massachusetts Lowell



We are distributing this questionnaire to get an idea of people’s future teaching plans.  If you would like to help us and have any interest in teaching, please answer the following questions.  You do not have to participate in our survey if you do not want to, just return the paper without completing it.  This survey should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Thank you!


1)     I am a:


___ Freshman                       ___ Graduate student

___ Sophomore                    ___ Other

___ Junior

___ Senior


2) I am interested in a career in teaching. (check one):


___ Yes

___ No

___ Possibly


If you answered yes or possibly above, please continue, checking all that apply.


3)     I would like to teach at the following grade level:


___ Preschool

___ Elementary school

___ Middle/Junior High school

___ High school

___ Post-High school

___ Undecided


4)     I would like to teach in a:


___ Public school

___ Private school

___ Other



5)     I would like to teach:


___ Language Arts

___ Mathematics

___ Science & Technology

___ Social Studies

___ Other

___ Undecided


6)     In my teaching position, I will have:

___ Regular education students

___ Special education students

___ Students with limited English proficiency


7) In which area of education do you plan on teaching in? (circle one):


       Regular Education                        Special Education


8) What types of special needs do you expect to be present in your classroom? (check all that apply):


___ Reading disabilities

___ Language disabilities

___ Behavioral problems (ex. ADD, ADHD)

___ Physical disabilities

___ Psychological/Emotional disabilities (ex. Depression, autism, etc.)

___ None

9) Have you taken any classes in which the topic of teaching students with special needs has been discussed? (check one):


___ Yes, I’ve had 1-2 class discussions about this topic

___ Yes, I’ve had several class discussions about this topic

___ Yes, I’ve taken at least 1 class devoted to teaching students with special


___ No, I’ve never taken any classes that discussed this topic


10) Have you received any training on how to adapt curriculum for special

      needs students? (circle one):


Yes                                      No



11) How prepared do you feel to teach special needs students in a regular

     classroom environment? (check one):


___ I feel completely prepared to teach special needs students

___ I feel somewhat prepared to teach special needs students

___ I do no feel prepared to teach special needs students


12) Which of the following additional resources/training do you feel would best 

      assist you in teaching special needs students? (check one):


___ A class detailing the different types of special needs

___ A class on how to adapt curriculum for special needs students

___ Shadowing/student teaching with a teacher who has experience working

       with students with special needs

___ Integrating, into regularly required classes, instruction on how to modify

      the instruction/plans/curriculum for special needs students

___ I do not feel future teachers need any additional resources/training in the

           area special needs students



12) Have you ever heard of the term “inclusion”?  If so, what does this term mean to you?









Please add any comments below. Thanks again!