Applied Human Development

Take Home Exam I


  1. There are sensitive periods in prenatal and postnatal (infant) development in which infants may be harmed by exposure to teratogenic agents.   Describe two examples that illustrate the importance of development in mediating the effects of teratogens, making sure to clarify the role of timing in the effects on the infant (i.e., the mother is exposed to the same teratogenic agents—why, specifically, does she not experience the same types of brain damage).


  1. Imagine that the current state is planning to cut early childhood programs severely.  An advisor to the Governor has convinced him that early childhood programs make no difference in children’s test results once they are in school and that they therefore won’t be missed.  Respond to the advisor in a way that supports the usefulness of early childhood programs and focuses on who is being served and how the outcomes are measured.


  1. Bowlby and Ainsworth contributed greatly to our understanding of the importance of primary relations in infant development.  However, the use of the Strange Situation as a metric for the assessment of attachment has been criticized.  What are three pieces of evidence suggesting that the SS might not be a valid method of assessing attachment security.


  1. The Smiths intend to adopt a child who is eight years old.  They were told that because this child had reached age eight without developing basic trust in the world or secure attachments with caregivers, she would never do so.  In other words, they were told that because she hadn’t resolved Erikson’s first stage of trust vs. mistrust by age two that she wouldn’t ever be able to do so.  What about that advice is not consistent with stage theory?  Explain to the Smiths what stage theory really would say about (a) the likelihood their daughter will develop trust and secure relationships, (b) what it would take to do do, and (c) what her future psychosocial development will be like if she does not resolve stage one.


  1. Define resiliency.  Identify and describe four characteristics associated with this phenomenon.


  1. Susan’s mother has a demanding and rigid boss.  Susan is five years old. She has never met her mother’s boss and never been to her mother’s place of employment. At what level of Susan’s ecosystem does the boss operate?  Explain and provide one example of bi-directional effects between these Susan and her mother’s job.


Due Wednesday 10/13/04

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