Paper Topics

Due  in writing 10/27

You are to hand in a written summary of the topic you would like to pursue for your final paper.  Remember that your paper will be a 12-16 page paper on a topic of your choice (to be approved in this exercise).  Topics should be of the sort addressed by papers in The American Journal of Community Psychology and should bring a multiage perspective to the topic.


Your papers must have a  developmental focus.  Simply thinking about a topic we have mentioned in discussion (e.g., school achievement) will not be enough.  You need to add a developmental perspective--what are the influences operative in one "stage" that are not the same as another, and how do they operate?


You also want to keep your discussion at a community level, rather than a clinical one.  The distinction can be hard to capture, but if you think about the kinds of issues that have implications for prevention, then you are on the right track.







Remember that your paper must be written according to APA style guidelines.  You  may find helpful information on citing sources, including electronic sources, in the style section of the APA website  (use the top tabs--FAQs especially--and sidebar menus to learn about APA style and get information).