47.504 Family Systems

Capstone Project:  Community Case Study in Family Policy

Spring 2004


The case study will be limited in scope.  The purpose of this project is to permit you to examine policy issues related to family systems in a community organization of interest to you.  The organization can be any community level organization, public or private. It may be a workplace, school, recreational or social service organization.  You may select an organization in which you have a role, but do beware of the importance of being able to get outside your own history with, or notions about, the organization in order to incorporate family systems frameworks.


Your task is to summarize how the community interacts with that organization from a family systems perspective.  Remember that every individual who interacts with an organization is part of a family.


Begin the paper by introducing the organization and its role in the community.  Proceed to summarizing relevant family policy.  In what ways does the organization accommodate to the family role of the individuals who interact with it, and in what ways do they not accommodate?  To what types of families do they accommodate and to what types do they not?



Remember that the organization is itself a system, and may be part of a larger hierarchical constellation of systems (e.g., a public school as part of a school district as part of state and federal government mandates).  You will have to gather information about the organization from a reputable source and reference that information in your paper (e.g., annual report); make sure to use appropriate APA citation form. 


After summarizing, analyze relevant family policy from the perspectives of two stakeholders: a consumer and a manager/owner/provider.  From each perspective, what are the costs and benefits to family friendly policies for a diversity of family constellations?


Conclude with recommendations for ways in which the organization might improve their family policies, why, and what the expected result might be (e.g., better retention, less time away from work, increased attendance, more sales).  Make sure that your rationale for linking policy and outcome is clear from the preceding discussion. 


Because this case study has not been a continuous project from the beginning of the semester, I am not requiring you to conduct interviews of individuals who represent the stakeholder positions you are representing. However, this is an excellent method for capturing the perspectives of folks who relate to the organization in different ways than you might, and I recommend you consider doing so if at all possible.