
The purpose of your genogram project is to help focus your attention on how intergenerational patterns and events can be very alive in family functioning.  You may use your own family, but you do not have to.  If you choose not do use your family, please talk to me about an alternative.

1.  Prepare a genogram that includes a four generations of your family.  You will need to talk to other family members to get the information down straight. Most of the "nuts and bolts" of the genogram are described in Galvin's very useful website.  The genogram you prepare for class should be on poster board or some medium large enough for the class to see when you are making your presentation. 

You will present your genogram in class.  Do not read to your classmates, but talk them through your family and the process by which you arrived at all this information (e.g., how easy was it to track information or how did family members react to your requests?).  Share some insights that you have gained about your family system (you may also elect to leave some more sensitive things to the written summary if you are not comfortable sharing them with the larger group).

You are encouraged to read ahead in McGoldrick, Pearce, and Giordino's (on reserve) chapters on various ethnicities and family systems for a perspective on your family's ethnic heritage(s).

2.  Write a summary of what you have learned about your family and perhaps yourself as a result of preparing and reflecting upon your genogram.  This paper will be a narrative and should include family systems concepts (e.g., triangulation, normative transitions, homeostasis, etc.) in your discussion as appropriate.  You may take a particular perspective (e.g., Circumplex) or apply concepts from several.  You do not need to have outside references or citations, but do include them when you appropriate.  Galvin also provides some examples of genogram annotations.

As always, please type your summary, using 12 point font, double spacing and 1" margins.

The paper length will probably vary. I assume that 2-3 pages will be typical (cover page and approximately 2 pages of text).

Do be sure to include a system's perspective, but also have fun with this one!!!!!