
Honors Workshop


The debate requires that you obtain knowledge, comprehend it, and apply it to current controversies with respect to the selected topics.  The follow up assignment further requires that you analyze and synthesize the information presented in the debate to formulate their own evaluation of the issue.  The Debate will follow the following format.

  Prior to the debate, each student will locate empirical evidence to support the position he or she has chosen.    During the debate, each student will present one piece of empirical evidence in support of his or her position; con first, pro second, exchange third, audience participation fourth.  Instructor will write authors and dates of studies on the board to facilitate note taking.   Students participating in debate will turn in reaction papers two class meetings later.  Students in audience may turn in papers for extra credit.  Papers will be 3-5 typed pages, providing a summary of material presented during the debates, a discussion of any limitations or strengths of the research, an evaluation of the weight of the evidence, and the student’s final assessment the issue.   Assessment is similar for debate and summary paper.

You will be awarded points as follows for your debate presentation:


Summarizes in your own words a pertinent empirical study from a peer reviewed journal, or data from a reputable (US government, scholarly society) internet source

8 Summarizes a pertinent article that is not empirical but comes from a primary source:  scholarly, peer-reviewed journal or professional organizations web site.  This includes theoretical perspectives and invited editorials.
6 Summarizes a secondary source reporting the results of an empirical study, including articles in professional magazines and newsletters or certain media from the popular press (New York Times; Economist; others with approval)
4 Summarizes expert opinion or official policies or positions
2 Summarizes a clear, logical argument based on experience or some other outside source not identified above
0 Provides un supported opinion or personal experience

Points may be modified depending on the quality or quantity of the presentation.  Do not read to the class!  Put your points in your own words so that we know you understand what you have read.  Prepare in advance and talk to me if you are struggling with parts of research articles.  Failure to put things in one’s own words or be able to answer simple questions of clarification will result in a point decrease. 

Debate papers will be graded for even-handed summaries of the presentations, analysis of strengths and limitations, and synthesis of evidence into coherent conclusion.  Scale of points awarded as follows:



Summarizes data from both sides, identifying strengths and limitations, and providing a coherent conclusion reflecting synthesis of the material

12 Includes the features listed above, but for presenting weaker and less complete treatment
9 Omits one major portion of the criteria listed in 15 point description above
6 Omits two major portions of the criteria listed in 15 point description above
3 Omits all three criteria, but at least referring to one source of objective evidence to support opinion
0 Provides un supported opinion