Honors Workshop

Scholarships and Fellowships



Undergraduate Fellowships and Scholarships


·        Penn State UFO University Fellowships Office

·        Council on Undergraduate Research CUR Summer Fellowships

·        Your professional organizations

·        Honor societies, e.g., ALD Alpha Lambda Delta

·        SEM students NIST/NSF Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships SURF


Planning for Graduate School:  Tuition remission plus stipend


·        Cornell University Graduate School Fellowship Database

·        Funding from departmental Teaching Assistantships

·        Individual faculty member or Center based grants for Research Assistants

·        Department training grants

·        Careers in high demand fields 

o       UML Graduate School of Education

o       State resources, Massachusetts OFSA

·        General sources of funding may also be available e.g., FAFSA based



Useful items


·        Faculty letters of recommendation

o       Advance inquiry: able to write a good letter for me?

o       Background info that can be used to write letter

o       Provide all information organized by date

o       Stamped & addressed envelopes for submission

·        Curriculum Vitae (CV)

·        Samples of writing

·        Evidence of research productivity