/* SPSS Data Definition File /* Created by ddltox on Apr 22, 2003 (Tue 04:26 PM PDT) /* DDL source file: "/csm/7502docs/TMPDIR/AANqayEt.txt". TITLE "GSS Cumulative Datafile 1972-2000". SET CASE=UPLOW. COMMENT DDL indicates that dataset record length (reclen) is 32 columns. DATA LIST fixed records=1 FILE=x /* Replace 'x' with name of your input data file /1 CASEID 1-8 (A) satfrnd 10 popular 12 noplan 14 badbrks 16 mostluck 18 litcntrl 20 showangr 22 showfeel 24 noemote 26 notupset 28 beplesnt 30 notworry 32 . VARIABLE LABELS CASEID 'Case identification number' / satfrnd 'FRIENDSHIPS' / popular 'TO BE WELL LIKED OR POPULAR' / noplan 'THERE''S NO SENSE PLANNING A LOT' / badbrks 'MOST OF MY PROBLEMS ARE DUE TO BAD BREAKS.' / mostluck 'GOOD THINGS ARE MOSTLY LUCK.' / litcntrl 'I HAVE LITTLE CONTROL OVER THE BAD THINGS' / showangr 'WHEN I''M ANGRY I LET PEOPLE KNOW.' / showfeel 'I''M NOT AFRAID TO SHOW MY FEELINGS.' / noemote 'I KEEP MY EMOTIONS TO MYSELF.' / notupset 'DON''T TELL FRIENDS SOMETHING UPSETTING' / beplesnt 'I TRY TO BE PLEASANT SO NOT TO UPSET OTH.' / notworry 'WHEN ANXIOUS, TRY NOT TO WORRY ANYONE ELSE.' / . VALUE LABELS satfrnd 0 'NAP' 1 'VERY GREAT DEAL' 2 'GREAT DEAL' 3 'QUITE A BIT' 4 'A FAIR AMOUNT' 5 'SOME' 6 'A LITTLE' 7 'NONE' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' / popular 0 'NAP' 1 'MOST IMPORTANT' 2 '2ND IMPORTANT' 3 '3RD IMPORTANT' 4 '4TH IMPORTANT' 5 'LEAST IMPORTANT' 8 'DK' 9 'NA' / noplan 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / badbrks 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / mostluck 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / litcntrl 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / showangr 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / showfeel 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / noemote 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / notupset 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / beplesnt 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / notworry 0 'NAP' 1 'STRONGLY AGREE' 2 'AGREE' 3 'NEITHER AGREE OR DISAGREE-IT DEPENDS' 4 'DISAGREE' 5 'STRONGLY DISAGREE' 8 'DONT KNOW' 9 'NA' / . COMMENT md, min and max specifications were translated into the COMMENT following "MISSING VALUES" commands and "IF" statements:. MISSING VALUES satfrnd (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES popular (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES noplan (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES badbrks (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES mostluck (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES litcntrl (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES showangr (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES showfeel (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES noemote (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES notupset (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES beplesnt (0,8,9). MISSING VALUES notworry (0,8,9). SAVE OUTFILE=y /* Replace 'y' with name to give your system file /MAP /COMPRESSED /* Delete this line if you want an uncompressed file .