History of Ancient Rome

Class Information



Ethan Spanier



Dugan Hall 205-Q

Lecture Room:

Coburn 109


Office Hours:

M and W 10-NOON or appointment

Lecture Time:

M-W-F 2:00-2:50


Office Phone:


Email: Ethan_Spanier@uml.edu

HIST 226 is a survey of the ancient Roman Empire from its earliest beginnings on the banks of the Tiber River to relocation of its capital to Constantinople. The first half of the course focuses on the Roman Republic and seeks to deal with themes such as myth, militarism, slavery and women. The second half of the course details the history of the Roman Empire and shall look at social life within the empire- citizenship and privilege, imperialism and administration, family and social life, and religious practices.

Several thematic concerns inform the approach to Roman political and social history:

  • the organization and practice of power
  • Understanding how history is depicted in various genres.

 Class Structure:

Class is divided into Lecture session on Monday and Wednesday and a Discussion section on most Fridays. The Discussion sessions should provide ample opportunity for students to discuss their observations of the readings and engage the primary sources.