Ancient Rome      Fall 2012

Writing Guides

On this page you will find tips to writing a quality essay. Apart from the PDFs listed on the "Incremental Essay Assignments" page, below you will find some additional materials that will be helpful for your essay.

Various Handouts:


Here is a webpage from Boston College that explains the general guidelines for writing a good history paper:

Here are a series of *very* useful handouts for writing History papers from Bowdoin College. These are grouped by category:

Getting Started:

Three parts: three%20parts

Checklist: checklist

Road Map:  sample%20road%20map

Building your Argument

Argument Concepts: argument%20concepts

Good Questions: how%20to%20ask%20good%20questions

Essay Structure: essay%20structure

Building your Thesis:

Thesis: bowdoin%20thesis

Thesis Samples: samples%20for%20presentation

How to Read:

Good Readings: keys%20to%20good%20reading

Secondary Evidence:  secondary


Grammar: grammar

Rhetoric:  rhetoric

Scholarly Voice:  scholarly%20voice


Grading Rubric: grading%20rubric










Citations: Here is a PDF I have constructed based on