I tend to like restaurants where each entree is described by one or two dozen words of foodie-ish prose, with at least one participle per entree. Here are my favorite menu participles, gathered over the course of decades of "participle-watching":

accented aged baked blanched blistered braised brandied breaded brined broiled candied capped caramelized chargrilled chopped coated coddled covered crafted creamed crisped crumbled crusted cubed cured curried cut diced dilled dressed dried drizzled dusted encrusted enrobed evaporated extracted filled finished flamed folded fried garnished glazed grilled herbed hopped imported infused jazzed julienned layered macerated marinated mashed melted minted mixed muddled pickled poached reduced roasted rolled rubbed sauteed seared seasoned shaved shredded simmered sliced smoked smashed smothered soaked spiced sprinkled steamed stewed stretched studded stuffed sun-dried toasted topped torched tossed truffled warmed whipped whizzed wilted wrapped yeasted

For extra preciosity, you can stick adverbial modifiers like "hand-" or "oven-" or "steel-" in front of many of these. And of course a French participle is worth something too, especially if it has two accent-marks, like "brûlée". (But negative points for "brûléed".)

If you have some favorites menu-participles that aren't on my list, let me know! (I'm still waiting to catch sight of the rare "festooned".)

I have a special fondness for the word "drizzled". I find that when I'm in an unfamiliar city, doing a search on "CITYNAME restaurant drizzled" or "CITYNAME cafe drizzled" turns up the kinds of restaurants I like!

It turns out I'm not alone in my fondness for the word "drizzled"; according to an April 23, 2011 posting on Arnold Zwicky's language blog, "Part of the pleasure (or the annoyance, if you're so inclined) of drizzled is its specialization to the cookery registers of modern English. You see or hear drizzled with and you know you're in the world of recipes and menus, or at least dealing with someone evoking those registers."

The novelist Polly Shulman told me she's going to adopt this quirk of mine for a character in an upcoming novel. I feel ambivalent about this. On the one hand, if one's achievements can't achieve immortality, it's consoling if one's quirks do. On the other hand, if too many people start using my drizzled heuristic for finding good restaurants with search engines, restaurants might start to over-use the word even more than they're already doing, and the heuristic will cease to be effective.