Sample Mathematica code for heuristically determining Laurentness { nb }
The extra-edges rendition of Somos-4 graphs, fit to a square lattice
{ txt }
An example of the Kuo condensation labeling for Somos-4 graphs (a slightly
earlier drawing) { txt }
Mathematica package for drawing and manipulating groves { file
Package for manipulating graphs { file }
Package for studying local moves between groves (requires the previous
two packages) { file }
Note: The foregoing code is now being maintained by Gregory
Price, so email him (FAS username: gprice)
for potentially more recent versions.
Sample runs of some of the above code { nb
Earlier Mathematica code for graphical presentation of cube-recurrence
monomials { nb }
The cube-recurrence article { tex | dvi
| pdf | ps }
Semiformal write-up of grove shuffling and proof that cube polynomials
count groves (for standard initial conditions) { txt
Old version of grove write-up { txt }
Draft of the Ptolemy recurrence article { tex | dvi | pdf | ps }
Front of the REACH 2003 T-shirt { gif }
Back of the REACH 2003 T-shirt { gif }
Musings about graph-indexed recurrences { txt }
Musings about Markov snakes, the Ptolemy recurrence, and Farey fractions { txt }
My log of hours, fall 2002 / spring 2003 { txt }