Wireless Communication
EECE 5820/EECE 4180 Formerly 16.582/16.418
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Class INFO

Class Description:

This course provides students with a solid background in the propagation of radio waves, an understanding of wireless channels and techniques used to communicate over wireless channels. The concepts of frequency reuse and cellular planning are introduced. The class is divided into 3 sections: 1) Propagation of radio waves and the wireless channel, 2) Techniques used for wireless communication and 3) Standards and Systems used for modern wireless communication. Students Taking EECE 5820 are required to do an extra project and to do several extra and more difficult readings.

Course Perquisites: 1) Undergraduate Electromagnetics, 2) Undergraduate Probability Course, 3) Undergraduate Signals and Systems 

Room: Ball 326, Time: Thu 1830-2115



Important Announcements

  The 10 Commandments for Wireless Engineers






Class Resources:

Your Textbook


Class notes are available in the "schedule" section and are password protected. Please get password at first class!

Section 201, Thursday:1830-2130; Ball 326: Schedule/Notes  Course Syllabus:

Server for Streamed Lectures Spring 2017

Server for Streamed lectures Spring 2018

Website for Tech Note 101: http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/pub/ntia-rpt/tn101/

Website for COST-231 Documents:

Slides on Digital Filter Design, Using FDA Tool

NEW MATLAB Tutorial (from Mathworks)

NEW! Celll Phone Field Test Codes


DOCUMENTS about Human Exposure to RF radiation: Myths and Truth (all from the FCC)

    A local official guide to human exposure to wireless signals

    FCC Document OET-65 for calculating human exposure to nonionizing RF radiation

    Summary Of Human Exposure To Radio Frequency Radiation

    FCC Document OET-56 on Human Exposure to RF radiation