to Gerontology 30.306 |
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Spring 2005
I. TITLE: 30.306 Introduction to Gerontology
FACULTY: Dr. Karen Devereaux Melillo
Location: O’Leary 312, South Campus
Hours: Tuesday,
(and by
appointment as needed)
Mail: 978 934-4417
FAX: 978
934-3006, Located in the Office of the Dean,
Mailbox: Weed Hall Room 222 (must access via
(please include detailed
subject line when sending messages
[i.e., 30:306 Student Question]; otherwise, they will not be opened)
Web Site:
course examines human aging from a multidisciplinary and
perspective. The course will focus on
the adult years
the life span. The bio-social-psychological
factors involved in
to the aging process, to retirement, to family, to leisure,
aloneness, to death and bereavement are discussed together with
special concerns of older adults as widowhood, finances, religion,
and health problems.
completion of the course, the student is expected to:
A. Conceptualize the life cycle, developmental
approach to aging.
B. Express the situational context of aging in
C. Cite the variables that contribute to
successful aging.
D. Evaluate
research findings in the field of gerontology.
behaviors that students will be able to demonstrate upon completion of
this course include:
Identify research findings in the field of gerontology that
describe effective health promotion strategies with older adults.
Analyze existing social policies affecting older adults and
propose and defend one alternative solution to address disparities which may
Apply biological, psychological, and sociological theories
of aging to describe community programs to address an identified need.
Reflect on the impact of aging, ethnicity, and living with a
chronic disease by participating in a structured interview with a community-dwelling
older adult and reporting the analysis of this interview in an oral
Compare and contrast the micro (individual) and macro
(societal) perspectives impacting on successful aging.
Course Graphic: The attached course graphic shows major
elements and relationships between and among the various topics in this course.
A. Time Allotment 3 Credit Hours
Hours 3 Class
Hours per week
Meeting Place Weed Lecture Hall I
South Campus
Pre-requisite/co-requisites: None; 30:306 course number implies
Course Purpose: This
course fulfills a General Education course requirement at UML. “The goals of general education at UMass
Lowell are to help students prepare for a career, for responsible citizenship
in region, country, and world, and for self-fulfillment throughout life” (UML
Undergraduate Catalog, 2002-2004, p. 35).
This course should broaden students’ knowledge, develop their critical
thinking and communication skills, . . . [and enable students to] learn to
appreciate diversity, learn to confront ethical choices, learn to complete
projects individually and with others, and to find information from many sources
(UML, p. 35-36).
Furthermore, Introduction to
Gerontology is offered as a
For Nursing Majors, Introduction to
Gerontology is a required Spring Semester, Sophomore Year course for
Classes entering Year 2000 and beyond.
As a Professor in the Department of Nursing, I believe Introduction
to Gerontology plays a fundamental role in helping students achieve their
professional goals in nursing. I also
believe that gerontology is essential content for all undergraduate students
who want to begin their own process of ‘aging well’ as well as understanding
and effecting change about aging issues within the larger societal context.
Required Textbook:
Hooyman, N. R. & Kiyak, H. A.
(2005). Social gerontology: A
perspective. (7th Ed.).
textbook was selected because of its comprehensive presentation of the
diversities of the aging experience and the older population from a
multidisciplinary perspective. It
examines the social lives of older people by focusing on the historical, cultural,
biological, physiological, psychological, and social contexts of aging. The dynamic interactions between older people
and their environments are stressed as a unifying theme. A multiplicity of theoretical perspectives
and empirical data are discussed (Hooyman & Kiyak, 2001, Preface). This text is available in the South Campus
Bookstore located in the basement of
Lecture - Discussion
assisted instruction
interactive educational programs
Attendance, Participation, and Weekly Questions: Attendance and timeliness are expected for
every class. Late arrivals are sometimes
unavoidable; however, consistent tardiness will be reflected in the calculation
of the final attendance grade. Each
week, prior to the start of the
Unannounced quizzes of no more than 10 questions may be offered as well to verify attendance and offer opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge of content readings. This, too, would be a component of the 5% attendance/participation grade. 5%
B. Profile
of Self at 80: Prepare a 2-page
profile (double-spaced) in which you speculate about what you think your family
life will be like when you are 80. For
example: Where will you live? What kind of family will you have? What kind of relationships will you have with
family members, friends and neighbors?
How will you spend your day? What
is your health status? Describe your health
promotion practices, leisure activities, and financial status. What kind of assistance will you receive if
you are disabled and who will provide it?
What new programs and services might be available to you that are not
available today? What do you like or
dislike about your life? Due
C. Gerontology Fieldwork (option 1): Students are to get acquainted with 2
agencies/services in your community that provide formal programs serving older
adults and/or their families. Write a
very brief report (2-3 page maximum, typed, double-spaced) on the agencies you
contacted in person (not telephone or internet/email contact), including
who you met with, the overall goal(s) and objectives of the
service/program/agency, what needs are addressed by the services provided, who
are the services targeted to, how is information about the program shared with
those in need, who pays and what are the costs, what are the perceived
challenges to achieving the overall goal, how are the program goals
evaluated? Be prepared to discuss these
in class – including how they relate to the text readings/gerontology
coursework. Due Tuesday, May 3
(for group A), Thursday, May 5 (for group B), and
D. Ethnic Older Adult Interview and Report (option 2): Students will conduct an
informal face-to-face (not telephone, email, letter-writing) interview with an older adult, over age 70, from an ethnic group different from her/himself. Ethnicity or ethnic identify “refers to a self-conscious, past-oriented form of identity based on a notion of shared cultural and perhaps ancestral heritage, and current position in larger society” (Craven & Hirnle, 2000, p. 313). The purpose of this face-to-face interview is to give you a better perspective on the impact of aging, ethnicity, past and present life situations, and, if applicable, living with a chronic disease, by participating in a structured interview with a community-dwelling older adult and reporting the analysis of this interview in an oral presentation. While this course project is NOT research, we will review in class, and you will be responsible for maintaining, informed consent and confidentiality as spelled out in the UML Institutional Review Board web site at An informed consent form will be provided to you and must be signed by the interviewee and turned in by you on the scheduled day of the oral report. 15%
On your
written statement, do the following:
a. Give
an overview of the individual’s background to include items such as where they
grew up, ethnicity per self-report, educational level, special interest,
immediate family composition, economic concerns, if any;
b. Describe
what they see as their most important accomplishments and challenges (if any);
c. Determine
what impact, if any, the older person feels being from an ethnic minority has
had on her or his life course;
d. Ascertain
and describe the type of contact the older person has with other people
(particularly young people, organizations, and social services);
e. Understand
how the older person uses these contacts to meet their needs;
Learn about the older person’s perception of how they
are treated as an older adult; and,
g. Describe
what living with a chronic disease means to this individual.
h. Summarize
what this experience of interviewing this older adult has meant to you in terms
of career goals, responsible citizenship, and self-fulfillment, and relate
to the text readings/gerontology coursework.
A narrative of no more than 2-3,
typed, double-spaced pages, of the above (a. -h.) points to be covered, is to
be submitted the day of presentation.
The summary should also include the situation under which interview was
conducted, and general highlights regarding the uniqueness of the interaction
based on the above discussion guide. Reminder: Academic dishonesty policy includes
fabrication of results; the interview must be based on an actual
interaction. If necessary, the Professor
will assist the student in identifying potential candidates to participate in
this process. Due Tuesday, May 3 (for
group A), Thursday, May (for group B),
Students will orally share their interview report or gerontology fieldwork experience with the class in a 5-7” presentation, divided in 3 different sessions as noted above.
Project-Based Learning/Group Oral Presentation: Review of the research literature on an aging
and/or gerontology issue/problem. Examples of gerontological and/or aging journals
publishing peer-reviewed, primary, evidence-based research will be posted on
the class web page. Other appropriate
resources will include professional organization and association websites,
government web sites, agency or provider web sites (list to be distributed in
class), as well as reference material that may be in print or media
format. Each individual member of the
group must demonstrate his/her active participation in both the research review
process, preparation of materials, and oral presentation components of this
project-based learning. Out-of-class
meeting times, and/or online communication via word-document attachments to one
another for editing and coordination, is fully expected. Each group will comprise no more than 6
members and will be assigned to one of 7-8 groups for this purpose. Suggested topics for consideration will be
provided. The dates of the presentations
will be distributed in a class handout.
Each oral presentation is to be supported by audiovisuals (powerpoint
computer-generated slides and/or overhead transparencies), with credit to
citation sources as indicated.
Every group MUST submit a typewritten
outline of their presentation, along with a reference list in APA format,
2 weeks in advance of their assigned presentation date, so that detailed
feedback can be provided (failure to meet this outline deadline will result in
a 10-point deduction on the final presentation grade). The outline and reference list must include
the names and emails of all the participants for return feedback from the
Material covered in class by the
student groups will be used as testable content for the final examination. Presentations will be 30” in length;
opportunities for questions and answers must be carefully integrated throughout
the discussion/presentation as failure to do so will result in point
Grp. # Dates for Presentations: Times: Outline and Reference List Due:
due to semester break)
a. Select
a question/topic (health promotion and aging/older adults) that interests
you. Health promotion can be broadly
defined; the Department of Nursing at UML has adopted the following definition
for your consideration: “organized
efforts that enhance, support or promote well-being or health of individuals,
families, groups, communities, or societies” (Kulbok, Baldwin, Cox & Duffy,
1997, p. 17). Do a literature search to identify at least 2 research
articles on that topic published in professional journals in the last 3
years [2002 to Present] (a list of acceptable professional, peer-reviewed
journals will be available on course website).
You are not to use popular magazines (i.e., Better Homes and
Gardens, Prevention, Redbook). You
may need to find and scan at least 3-5 or so journal articles related to your
topic before you select the 2 you wish to review for your paper. Do not use different articles by the same
author (researcher).
Then, study these 2 or more articles carefully (before you begin to
organize the presentation
format). What are the major points? Describe the nature of the research and the
samples. Analyze each report for
strengths and weaknesses. What are the
major findings? Do you have any
reservations about the conclusions (methodological, ideological, philosophical,
contradictions with other research findings, apparent bias by the researcher,
or other)? Be able to summarize major
points of interest about each article, and then present a review that
integrates and synthesizes what you have learned from these 2 articles. Review their value as research and ability to
generalize, their overlap and differences, agreement or conflict in
Most importantly, describe How
can you and/or others use or apply what you have concluded from these 2
reports, with special emphasis on how you and/or others can use or apply what
you have concluded and discuss the implications for gerontology (aging, older
adult population)? Your presentation
should analyze (critique) and synthesize the research articles, as well as
integrate other resources utilized in preparing for the presentation. You are encouraged to include your own brief
evaluation of the ideas you are reviewing.
A suggested format for evaluating quantitative research articles follows:
· Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
Protection of Human Subjects
The Problem
Research Questions/Hypotheses
Review of the Literature
Research Design
Data Collection
Quantitative Analysis
Conclusions and Recommendations
For evaluating qualitative research articles, consider the following:
· Statement of the Problem
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations
General Guidelines for Project-Based Learning/Group Presentation:
· Present in your own words. Do not plagiarize. If you closely paraphrase, you will run the risk of bordering on plagiarism. I am aware that your presentation is largely based upon ideas that you get from authors; this presentation project is not to be merely an essay about your personal opinions. However, if you paraphrase or condense copyrighted material in such a way that the similarity not only of wording but also of sequence of thought is perfectly obvious, you must properly cite a reference to credit the author (and include the citation in your reference list), whether done orally or in writing (overheads, for example).
· Secondly, while the topic chosen may complement an area of interest that has been developed in a concurrent or previous course, it should not be the same project. It is fully expected that this project is an original work developed exclusively for this course, 30:306 Introduction to Gerontology. Minor adaptations of a previously submitted project/slide presentation for another course are not acceptable and credit will not be given for this same or very similar paper/project if previously or concurrently submitted to another course.
· Details like grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation or neatness, do contribute to the quality of any presentation and should be considered in addition to your treatment of the topic or issue selected. Special attention should be given to the organization of material in your oral presentation and supplemental materials. Overheads and/or Powerpoint slides must be typed, double spaced, using font sizes provided in the templates [do not attempt to reduce font size to fit more material on a slide].
· Please use the reference style of The American Psychological Association ( The Gerontologist (available on 4th floor O’Leary Library or at also explains the use of APA inside the back cover of a recent issue. Pay attention to how reference citations (not footnote numbers) are used. The full reference for the APA format is:
Psychological Association (2001). Publication
of the American Psychological Association. 5th Edition.
The APA format is the requirement for all
· A penalty of 5 points per day will be assessed late papers. All papers must be delivered directly to the Professor (no submissions via email attachment) on the due date published in this syllabus.
Communication skills are important not only in this class, but also in your future careers. If you feel that you might benefit from outside help with writing skills or use of various computer-generated Powerpoint slide presentation formats, assistance may be obtained at the Centers for Learning, O’Leary Library, 3rd floor. Contact them early in the preparation and organization process in order to enhance your skills and improve the final product.
Unit Exam #1 (60
multiple-choice questions),
Unit Exam #2 (60
multiple-choice questions),
Make-Up Exams - Please Note: In the event of personal illness or an extreme family or personal emergency in which a student is unable to be in attendance for a scheduled exam, it is expected that the student will notify the faculty member by voice mail prior to the start time of the exam. Opportunities for makeup exams will be solely at the discretion of the faculty member and, if granted, will consist of one comprehensive exam to be offered (depending on student’s final exam schedule) immediately after the two-hour Registrar’s-scheduled Final Exam for the class.
Final Examination (100 multiple-choice questions
covering content from entire semester), per Registrar scheduling. 25%
for Evaluation: 100%
Penalties will be imposed on late assignments; a 5-point deduction per day
will be taken beginning on the 1st late day (due date) and every day
thereafter (including weekends) until submitted.
Grading Scale:
4.0 = A = 100-95
3.5 = AB = 94-89
3.0 = B = 88-83
2.5 = BC = 82-77
2.0 = C = 76-71
1.5 = CD = 70-65
1.0 = D = 64-59
0.0 = F =
IX. CONTENT OUTLINE (Detailed 3-Page Topical
Outline with Weekly Required and Recommended
Regarding Dishonesty and Cheating:
All students are advised that there are University policies regarding dishonesty and cheating, which may be found in the University of Massachusetts Lowell Undergraduate Catalogue, 2002-2004 (p. 45-47). You are responsible to familiarize yourself with these policies. If necessary, contact your Advisor or Professor for clarification of these policies.
“The University and its programs and activities are becoming increasingly accessible to academically qualified students who are physically and learning-disabled…For further information contact the Office of Disability Services, Southwick Hall, North Campus” [and office available on 2nd floor, O’Leary Library] to learn more about accommodations available to disabled students (UML Catalogue, p. 23)
Please note that this syllabus is only
a tentative guide; deviations may be necessary.
Welcome to what I hope will be a very important and enjoyable
course for you in your General Education curriculum!
30:306 Introduction to Gerontology
Dr. Karen Devereaux Melillo
The following
is a brief list of web sites on aging and related topics and related topics
(not an exhaustive list and many other excellent sites may be accessed; please
check with me before deciding, however).
These may provide helpful background for your research and related
reviews for the project-based group presentation:
Administration on Aging
Alzheimer's Association
American Association of
Retired Persons
American Dietetic Association
California Department of Aging
Health Care Financing
National Institute on Aging
Social Security
US Department of Health and
Human Services
UCLA GeroNet
UCLA Healthcare
UCLA Memory and Aging Research
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