Learn how to: Create your own Wiki !

A wiki is a collaborative Web site that allows users to create, add to, modify, or delete the Web site content via their Web browser. The creator of the wiki determines who can make any changes to the wiki Web site. Most wikis are open to modification by the general public. The difference between a wiki and a blog is that users cannot modify original posts made by the blogger.

The following steps help you to setup your very own wiki, which is a modifiable Web site that people can visit, using a free online service called: wikispaces.

1. Go to http://www.wikispaces.com/

2. Click on the Tours link to take the following online tutorials:

Note: Be sure your speakers are turned on.

3. Once completed, click on the Home button to go back to http://www.wikispaces.com/

Now, you are ready to create your own wiki!

4. Enter a Username, Password, and your email address.

5. Enter a customized space name. Whatever you use here, will be a part of your wiki Web address. For example, if you enter jsmith, then your wiki Web address will be jsmith@wikispaces.com

6. Click Join

That's all there is to it. Follow the steps that you learned in the tutorials to begin developing your wiki. Feel free to link your wiki to your Web site, and visa-versa. Also, you can link your wiki to your blog, etc.