I am an Associate Professor at the Miner School of Computer and Information Sciences, Umass Lowell, since Spring 2025. My research interests include: multi-view learning, transfer learning/domain adaptation, adversarial machine learning, and health informatics. I received my Ph.D. degree from Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, at Northeastern University in 2016. |
I am always looking for self-motivated graduate students and visiting students/scholars. Feel free to contact me with your CV.
For prospective students, you will find PhD application information here |
- [1-2025] My research group moved to UMass Lowell
Adversarial Machine Learning
- Adversary for social good
- Adversarial multi-modal action modeling
- Graph induced adversarial attack
Healthcare Informatics and Medical Image Analysis
- Clinical state progression, 2. Medical image segmentation, 3. Super-resolution
Visual Kinship Understanding. Check recent:
- Paper: FIW dataset, survey
- Workshop: data challenge I, data challenge II, data challenge III, data challenge IV
- Tutorial: tutorial1@ACM-MM2018, tutorial2@CVPR2019, tutorial3@FG2019
Multi-view Learning. Check recent:
- Paper: survey, action prediction;
- Tutorial: tutorial1@CVPR2018, tutorial2@BigData2018, tutorial@IJCAI-2020
For complete publication list, please visit my Google Scholor
Journal Publication:
Neela Rahimi, and Ming Shao, Utilizing inherent bias for memory efficient continual learning: A simple and robust baseline, Image and Vision Computing (IVC), 2024.
- Pankaj Pandey, John McLinden, Neela Rahimi, Chetan Kumar, Ming Shao, Sarah Ostadabbas, Kevin Spencer, and Yalda Shahriari, fNIRSNET: A Multi-view Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network Fusion for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy-based Auditory Event Classification, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024.
- Jiaxuan Zhu, Ming Shao, Libo Sun, and Siyu Xia, ACL-SAR: model agnostic adversarial contrastive learning for robust skeleton-based action recognition, The Visual Computer (2024): pages 1-16, 2024.
- Neela Rahimi∗, Chetan Kumar∗, John McLinden, Sarah Ismail Hosni, Seyyed Bahram Borgheai, Yalda Shahriari, and Ming Shao, Topology-aware Multimodal Fusion for Neural Dynamics Representation Learning and Classification, accepted by IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024 (* indicates equal contribution).
- John McLinden, Neela Rahimi, Chetan Kumar, Dean J. Krusienski, Ming Shao, Kevin M. Spencer, Yalda Shahriari, Investigation of Electro-Vascular Phase-Amplitude Coupling during an Auditory Task, Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. 169, no. 107902, pages 1-10, 2024.
Conference Publication:
- Rui Chen, Haifeng Xia, Siyu Xia, Ming Shao, and Zhengming Ding, IPNet: Interpretable Prototype Network for Multi-Source Domain Adaptation, to be appeared in 2025 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2025.
- Kexin Zheng, Haifeng Xia, Siyu Xia, Ming Shao, and Zhengming Ding, Supportive Negatives Spectral Augmentation for Source-Free Cross-Domain Segmentation, to be appeared in the 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2025.
- Neeresh Kumar Perla, Md Iqbal Hossain, Afia Sajeeda, and Ming Shao, Are Exemplar-Based Class Incremental Learning Models Victim of Black-box Poison Attacks? To be appeared in IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2025.
- Wangguandong Zhang, Haifeng Xia, Rui Chen, Ming Shao, Siyu Xia, and Zhengming Ding. Sketch3D: Style-Consistent Guidance for Sketch-to-3D Generation, ACM Multimedia, pages 3617-3626, 2024.
- John McLinden, Pankaj Pandey, Alex Cerullo, Neela Rahimi, Chetan Kumar, Ming Shao, Kevin M. Spencer, Mascha van ’t Wout-Frank, Yalda Shahriari, Causal interactions between electro-cortical oscillations and hemodynamics during an auditory task, 5th International Neuroergonomics Conference (NEC'24), 2024.
- Neela Rahimi, and Ming Shao, Utilizing Inherent Bias for Memory Efficient Continual Learning: A Simple and Robust Baseline, 5th Workshop on Continual Learning in Computer Vision, in conjunction with IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024.
- Zhendong Liu, Haifeng Xia, Tong Guo, Libo Sun, Ming Shao, and Siyu Xia, Cross-Block Fine-Grained Semantic Cascade for Skeleton-Based Sports Action Recognition, 18th International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG), 2024 (accepted).
- Yinjie Zhang, Ming Shao, Wenlong Shi, Haifeng Xia, Siyu Xia, Autonomous Generative Feature Replay for Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 5760-5764, 2024.
- Wenlong Shi, Changsheng Lu, Ming Shao, Yinjie Zhang, Siyu Xia, Piotr Koniusz, Few-shot Shape Recognition by Learning Deep Shape-aware Features, IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), pages 1848-1859, 2024.
Group Photo:

PhD Students:
- Jiaxuan Zhu, Fall 2024 -- now
- Neeresh Perla, Spring 2024 -- now
- MdIqbal Hossain, Spring 2023 -- now
- Afia Sajeeda, Fall 2023 -- now
- Neela Rahimi, Fall 2019 -- Spring 2024 (AI ML Scientist at PrimeAI)
- Deepak Kumar, Fall 2018 -- Fall 2023 (Assistant Research Professor at WPI)
- Chetan Kumar, Fall 2018 -- Fall 2023 (Research Scientist at Old Dominion University Research Foundation)
- Riazat Ryan, Fall 2017 -- Summer 2023 (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor at Bryan University)
- Venkata Suhas Maringanti (co-supervised with Dr. Vanni Bucci), Fall 2017 -- Fall 2022 (Applied Scientist at Amazon Web Services (AWS))
Master Students (Thesis):
- Rohan Gonjari, Fall 2022 -- Summer 2023
- Pratishthit Choudhary, Fall 2022 -- Summer 2023
- Josue N Rivera Valdez, Fall 2019 -- Summer 2021 (Now PhD at Purdue University)
- Harshitha Srinivas Rao, Summer 2020 -- Summer 2021 (Now at Amazon)
- Deepak Kumar, Fall 2017 -- Summer 2018 (Now PhD at MIND lab)
Undergraduate Students (Research Assistant):
- James Patrick Donohue, Summer 2022
- Andrew C Anctil, Summer 2021
- David O Atunlute, Summer 2020 -- Spring 2021
Visiting Scholar:
- ChunWei Seah (2019 -- 2020)
Senior Area Editors:
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Associate Editors:
- Neural Networks
- IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine
- SPIE Journal of Electronic Imaging
Senior Program Committee: AAAI, IJCAI
Tutorial Organizer
- Multi-view Data Analytics" at IEEE BigData 2018, IEEE CVPR 2018, IJCAI 2020
- Visual Kinship Understanding” at IEEE CVPR 2018, ACM-MM 2018, FG 2019
Program Chair
- Big Data Transfer Learning Workshop (BDTL) in Conjunction with IEEE Big Data Conference
- IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures in Conjunction with (CVPR, ICCV)
Publicity Chair
- IEEE Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures in Conjunction with CVPR2013 (AMFG2013)
- COMP.5230 Computer Vision, Spring 2025
- [8-2022] Grateful to receive NSF CPS Medium Award ($512k) as site-PI to support our AI-enabled organs-on-chips research. Total amount is $1.1M and UMassD is the lead institute
- [8-2022] Grateful to receive grant from NFWF ($207k) as co-PI to support our Electronic Monitoring Program for New England Ground Fish
- [7-2022] Grateful to receive Mass Skills Capital Grant ($500k) as co-PI to support our industrial robotics and cybersecurity research
- [7-2022] Grateful to receive NSF CAREER Award ($498k) as sole PI to support my continual multi-view representation learning
- [2-2022] Grateful to receive MIT Sea Grant from NOAA ($190k) as co-PI to support our Multispecies Groundfish Electronic Monitoring Programs
- [12-2021] Grateful to receive MSF internal SEED Award ($20k) as PI to support AI research to assess changes in demersal fish population and species assemblage
- [6/2021] I accpeted the invitation to serve as the Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- [6/2021] Our work regarding image super-resolution for bioimaging has been accpeted by Sensors and actuators. A, Physical
- [5/2021] Serve as Area Chairs for IEEE FG and ACM-MM
- [3/2021] Grateful to receive NSF REU Site award "REU Site: Secure, Robust, and Resilient AI-enabled System Engineering." Please apply here:
- [3/2021] One paper "DNA-Net: Age and Gender Aware Kin Face Synthesizer" was accepted as oral in ICME 2021
- [2/2021] One survey paper "Survey on the Analysis and Modeling of Visual Kinship: A Decade in the Making" is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence. This is my fifth TPAMI paper.
- [1/2021] Deepak and Chetan's recent work on Collaborative Knowledge Distillation for Incomplete Multi-view Action Prediction has been accepted by Journal of Image and Vision Computing
- [12/2020] Our work on Cost-Sensitive Feature Selection has been accepted by Knowledge and Information Systems
- [12/2020] Serve as Program Committee (PC) for ICML/NeurlPs/CVPR/ICCV/KDD/ICDM/ICME 2021
- [9/2020] Serve on NSF panel
- [9/2020] One Facial Image Blending work has been accepted by ACCV 2020
- [9/2020] Grateful to receive NSF grant to support our Multi-view Graph Learning research
- [8/2020] Congratulations to my students Deepak and Chetan who recently passed their Dissertation Proposal Defense
- [8/2020] Our work on Vitiligo Segmentation in Skin Image has been accepted by Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics
- [7/2020] Deepak and Chetan's recent work on Adversarial Attack on Multimodal Action Recognition has been accepted by ACM-MM 2020 as long paper, congratulations!!!
- [7/2020] Neela's recent work on Baseband Modulation Classification using Incremental Learning has been accepted by MWSCAS 2020, congratulations!!!
- [7/2020] Serve on Senior Program Committee (SPC) for IJCAI2021, Program Committee (PC) for ACCV2020, WACV2020
- [6/2020] Serve as IEEE Boston Section Computational Intelligence Chapter Chair
- [5/2020] Serve on NSF panel
- [5/2020] Deepak and Chetan will do summer internship at Philips Research and ReviveMed in Cambridge MA
- [4/2020] My student Chetan Kumar received CIS Graduate Research Award for the year 2020
- [4/2020] Will organize tutorial "Robust Multi-view Visual Learning: A Knowledge Flow Perspective" at IJCAI-2020
- [3/2020] Grateful to receive University-Industry Collaborative Seed Funding ($28K) from UMD as co-PI
- [3/2020] Research talk on Adversary for Social Good at Brandies University
- [2/2020] Grateful to receive ONR grant to support our Incremental Learning research
- [1/2020] I will serve as the Area Chair of ACM-MM 2020
- [1/2020] Will serve as Program Committee (PC) for ICML2020, KDD2020, and Senior Program Committee (SPC) for IJCAI2020
- [12/2019] Do you believe that you can synthesize your child's face images through Deep Learning? See our recent work: What Will Your Child Look Like? DNA-Net: Age and Gender Aware Kin Face Synthesizer
- [12/2019] My student Chetan Kumar received AAAI 2020 Student Travel Award, congratulations!
- [11/2019] My student Riazat Ryan received IEEE BigData Conference Student Travel Award (35 out of 190), congratulations!
- [11/2019] Our recent work using Adversarial Samples for Social Good has been accepted by AAAI 2020 (oral presentation, acceptance rate: 245/7737 = 3%). Congratulations to my students Chetan Kumar and Riazat Ryan!
- [10/2019] Our recent work on Clinical State Progression has been accepted as a regular paper (acceptance rate: 19.27%) in IEEE International Conference on Big Data in 2019. Congratulations to my student Riazat Ryan!
- [9/2019] Serve as Senior Program Committee (PC) for AAAI 2020 and PC for ICLR 2020, ECAI 2020, and CVPR 2020
- [9/2019] One paper accepted by International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM 2019)
- [8/2019] One Ellipse Detection paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- [3/2019] Student Venkata Suhas Maringanti received 2019 Computer & Information Science Graduate Research Award
- [2/2019] I will serve on the Program Committee (PC) for CIKM 2019, ICCV 2019, IJCAI 2019, IEEE BigData2019, ACM-MM 2019
- [2/2019] Students Deepak Kumar and Venkata Suhas Maringanti will do summer internship at Amazon (AWS) and Philips Research North America. Congratulations!
- [2/2019] We will organize a tutorial on "Visual Recognition of Families In the Wild" in conjunction with CVPR2019
- [1/2019] One paper accepted by IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2019)
- [10/2018] One Robust Metric Learning paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT)
- [9/2018] One Unsupervised Feature Selection paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE).
- [9/2018] One Visual Kinship Understanding paper has been accepted by Asian Computer Vision Conference (ACCV) 2018.
- [9/2018] I accept the invitation and will serve as an Associate Editor (AE) of the IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (IEEE CIM, impact factor 6.611)
- [8/2018] One paper has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI, impact factor 8.329)
- [8/2018] One paper has been accepted by IEEE International Conference on Big Knowledge (ICBK) 2018
- [8/2018] We will organize Family In the Wild 3.0 Data Challenge in conjunction with FG 2019
- [7/2018] We will organize a tutorial on "Recognizing Families In the Wild" in conjunction with ACM-MM 2018
- [7/2018] One paper has been accepted by European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2018.
- [7/2018] One paper has been accepted by British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) 2018.
- [6/2018] We will organize a tutorial on "Large-Scale Multi-View Learning" in conjunction with IEEE Big Data 2018
- [6/2018] I will serve on the Program Committee (PC) for IEEE International Conference on Data Mining 2018
- [5/2018] I will co-chair the 3rd Big Data Transfer Learning Workshop (BDTL) in Conjunction with IEEE Big Data 2018
- [5/2018] I will serve on the
Senior Program Committee (SPC) for
33nd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- [5/2018] One IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE) paper is accepted
- [5/2018] My student Deepak Kumar has been selected for Feature Stories of MS in Data Science of UMass Dartmouth
- [4/2018] One survey paper on multi-view learning has been accepted by IJCAI 2018
- [3/2018] Our Visual Kinship Recognition of Families work has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI, impact factor 8.329). Congratulations to all authors!
- [1/2018] I accepted the invitation to serve as Program Committee of IJCAI 2018
- [1/2018] Grateful to receive Two UMass Dartmouth Multidisciplinary Seed Fundings (MSF)
- [12/2017] We will organize a tutorial on "Multi-view Visual Data Analytics" in conjunction with CVPR 2018
- [12/2017] We will organize "the 8th IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures" (AMFG2018) in conjunction with CVPR 2018
- [11/2017] Grateful to receive the *Microsoft Azure Research Award* to support my research in Visual Kinship Understanding
- [11/2017] We have one paper accepted by ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data.
- [11/2017] We have one paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
- [11/2017] One paper has been accepted by the BDTL Workshop 2017 in conjunction with IEEE BigData Conference. Congratulations to Deepak Kumar and Chetan Kumar!
- [11/2017] Deepak and Chetan gave an oral presentation on "Cross-Database Mammographic Image Analysis" in 2017 New England Computer Vision Workshop [PIC1] [PIC2]
- [11/2017] We will organize *Faces in Multimedia* workshop in conjunction with ICME 2018 at San Diego
- [10/2017] Our *Family In the Wild 2.0* Data Challenge proposal has been accepted by FG 2018.
- [9/2017] We have one paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI, impact factor 8.329), Congratulations to all authors!
- [9/2017] We are grateful to receive Provost's Department Seminar Funds to support our graduate seminar.
- [9/2017] We have one paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI, impact factor 8.329), Congratulations to all authors!
- [8/2017] We have one paper accepted by Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Congratulations to all authors!
- [7/2017] I will be the technical committee member (TPC) of AAAI2018 and FG2018
- [6/2017] I will co-organize 2nd International Workshop on Big Data Transfer Learning (BDTL) in Conjunction with IEEE BigData Conference, Boston MA, Dec 2017.
- [5/2017] Thank State Street Foundation and College of Engineering for the Mini-Grant to support our Data Science course development
- [5/2017] Thank Leduc Center for Civic Engagement's seed grant to support our HCI research
- [5/2017] One paper accepted by IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2017
- [4/2017] Thank NVIDIA for the donation of GPU cards for our deep learning research
- [4/2017] I will co-organize the 7th IEEE International Workshop on Analysis and Modeling of Faces and Gestures (AMFG2017) in Conjunction with International Conference on Computer Vision 2017
- [4/2017] I will co-organize Large-Scale Kinship Recognition Data Challenge in Conjunction with ACM-MM 2017
- [3/2017] One paper accepted by ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2017
- [2/2017] I have one paper accepted by IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2017
- [12/2016] I have two papers accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
- [12/2016] I accept the invitations for PC members of IJCAI 2017, ACII 2017, ICMLA2017
- [12/2016] I receive the Curriculum Enhancement Seed Funding from College of Engineering
- [12/2016] I give a keynote speech in TCFMTL Workshop in conjunction with IEEE BigData 2016
- [10/2016] I accept the invitations for PC members of AAAI 2017 and FG 2017
- [10/2016] I received Service-Learning Faculty Fellowship Award
- [10/2016] I have one paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
- [9/2016] Our action detection dataset (MERL Shopping Dataset) has been released! For benchmark results please see our CVPR paper.
- [9/2016] I have one paper accepted by International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM) 2016
- [9/2016] I have one paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- [8/2016] I am co-organizing "Workshop on Textual Customer Feedback Mining and Transfer Learning" in conjunction with 2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2016)
- [8/2016] I have one paper accepted by IEEE Transactions on Big Data
- [7/2016] We have one paper accepted by ECCV 2016. Congratulations to Allan Ding!
- [6/2016] Our paper "Large-Scale Kinship Image Database and Benchmarks" has been accepted by ACM-MM 2016! [arxiv link]
- [5/2016] We have one paper accepted by KDD 2016. Congratulations to Hongfu Liu and Sheng Li!
- [5/2016] I fishished my PhD progam, and graduated from Northeastern University
- [4/2016] I have one paper accepted by CVPR 2016