June 10, 2007
ECONOMIC VIEW http://www.nytimes.com/2007/06/10/business/yourmoney/10view.html
Inequality, Writ Larger
Correction Appended
INCOME inequality is a
hot topic in politics and economics. The rising economic tide is lifting a
bunch of yachts, but leaving those in simple boats just bobbing along.
Two professors — Thomas Piketty of the Paris School of Economics and Emmanuel Saez of the University of California, Berkeley — have
found that the share of gross personal income of the top 1 percent of American
earners rose to 17.4 percent in 2005 from 8.2 percent in 1980.
Many economists,
especially those who find themselves in the Bush administration, argue that the
winner-take-all trend is fueled by other, unstoppable trends. After all,
globalization, information technology and free trade place a premium on skills
and education. “The good news is that most of the inequality reflects an
increase in returns to ‘investing in skills’ — workers completing more school,
getting more training and acquiring new capabilities,” as Edward P. Lazear, the chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, put it last
It takes an optimist to
find good news in the fact that the top 1 percent have steadily increased their
haul while the other 99 percent haven’t; after all, many more than one in every
100 Americans are investing in skills and education.
But the orthodoxy surrounding
income inequality is being undermined by research that looks at institutional
issues: changes in the way the corporate world measures the performance of
workers, the decline of unions, and government wage and tax policy. In this
view, skills, education and trade aren’t the whole story. They’re simply
“factors operating within a broader institutional story,” as Frank Levy, the
Rose professor of urban economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
describes it.
One big change in recent
decades has been a rise in performance-based pay. Through the 1970s, thanks in
part to unions that negotiated wages collectively, “people with different
abilities and capabilities were frequently paid the same amount for doing
similar jobs,” said W. Bentley MacLeod, an economics professor at Columbia.
But as companies and
compensation consultants began using information technology to determine more
accurately the contributions of individual employees, employers began to
discriminate among employees based on performance. In a working paper,
Professor MacLeod, along with Thomas Lemieux of the University of British
Columbia and Daniel Parent of McGill University, mined census data and found
that the proportion of jobs with a performance-pay component rose to 40 percent
in the 1990s from 30 percent in the late 1970s.
“Since companies are
better able to measure precisely what an employee contributes, we’ve seen a
greater range of incomes among people doing roughly the same jobs,” Professor
MacLeod said.
The fact that more
Americans are paid less on the basis of a job title and more on their
individual output inexorably leads to greater inequality. The authors’
conclusion is that the rise of performance-based pay has accounted for 25
percent of the growth in wage inequality among male workers from 1976 to 1993.
“All the bits of
evidence we have tend to say that this trend is continuing,” Professor Lemieux
said. In 2003, the authors note, 44.5 percent of workers at Fortune 1000
companies received some form of performance-based pay, up from 34.7 percent in
1996. And think of the growing legions of self-employed — people selling items
on eBay,
mortgage brokers and real estate brokers, freelance journalists and consultants
of all types — for whom all pay is performance-based. Among these growing
cadres, the dispersion of incomes is rather large.
“When you look at the
self-employed and contractors,” Professor Lemieux said, “inequality is much
Aside from corporate
compensation policies, public policies have played a significant role in
contributing to the growth of income inequality. That’s the argument made in a
recent, brilliant National Bureau of Economic Research working paper by
Professor Levy and Peter Temin, the Elisha Gray II professor of economics at
M.I.T. The paper, which is more narrative than quantitative — Professor Temin
is a distinguished economic historian — argues that the rise of income isn’t
simply a byproduct of the free market working its wonders.
Professor Levy and
Professor Temin divide the second half of the 20th century into two periods. In
the first, 1955 to 1980, a grand bargain between labor and corporate America
involving New Deal-era protections for workers and high marginal tax rates (the
top rate was 90 percent in the 1950s) led to what economists have called the
Great Moderation. The middle class grew dramatically, income inequality
decreased, and corporations generally enjoyed labor peace.
Since 1980, they argue,
it’s been a different story, thanks in part to a shifting political
environment. Unions have weakened, the minimum wage hasn’t come close to
keeping up with inflation, and marginal income tax rates have been cut — the
top marginal rate is now 35 percent, down from 70 percent in 1980. A result has
been declining bargaining power for workers and the rise of a winner-take-all
“The last six years of
federal tax history have involved an inhospitable politics in which winners have
used their political power to expand their winnings,” the authors say. In other
words, if capital has lately been prevailing in the centuries-long battle with
labor, it is doing so with a substantial assist from the government.
Professor Saez agrees with the broad argument, but says that the
impact of tax policy in recent years has been minor. When the top income tax
rate was 5o percent in the 1970s, he says, “the force
to pay according to talent was much weaker” because most of the excess pay
would be eaten up by taxes. “Once the very high tax rates for big fortunes were
removed in the 1980s,” Professor Saez says “then the
market could drive up the compensation at the top.”
WHAT are the political —
and policy — implications of this rethinking of the roots of income inequality?
Too often, economists have argued that the government can’t — and shouldn’t —
do much to reverse the growth of income inequality, beyond exhorting workers to
get more skills and education. But given the institutional factors at work, that may be a cop-out.
“The historical evidence
suggests that institutions do have some power to modify some of these
outcomes,” Professor Levy said.
It is commonplace to
hear that the current set of arrangements and policies is the only possible way
the economy can work, given trends like the rise of China and global economic
integration. As Professor Levy said, “That’s a very convenient argument for people
to make if they’re doing very well.”
Daniel Gross writes the
“Moneybox” column for Slate.com.
Correction: June 17,
The Economic View column
last Sunday, about income inequality in the United States, misstated the
top marginal rate for federal income taxes. It is 35 percent, not 36 percent.