Berkeley in the 60's
Directed and produced by Mark Kitchell; cinematographer,
Stephen Lighthill; edited by Veronica Selver; music by
various artists. Running time: 117 minutes. WITH:
Mario Savio, Todd Gitlin, Joan Baez, the Rev. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr., Huey Newton, Allen Ginsberg, Gov.
Ronald Reagan, and the Grateful Dead.
Ordering information
University of Pennsylvania
Port Huron Statement of the Students for a
Democratic Society (SDS), 1962
Tom Hayden and Dick Flacks, "The
Port Huron Statement at 40," The Nation
20th Century: 7th Decade, 1960-1969,
Media History Timeline
American Cultural History, 1960-1969,
Online, The American Experience, Public
Broadcasting System