Chris Liessner Christopher W. Liessner
Christopher W. Liessner is a graduate student in Electrical and Computer Engineering at UMass Lowell. He is majoring in VLSI specialization. He has been in the AETC team as a graduate research assistant since the Fall of 2003. His Master’s research focused mainly on high-speed RF switches. His doctoral research involves optimizing the electrical field in FETs.
Christopher W. Liessner
Advanced Electronic Technology Center
Ball Hall,UMass Lowell
Lowell, MA 01854
Phone- Office: 978-934-3827
E-mail: Christopher W. Liessner
B.S.E.E from Merrimack College, 1985 (Presidential Scholar).
M.S.E.E. from University of Massachusetts, Lowell, 2005
- High Speed RF Switches
- Resistive FET mixing
- Electrical Field Optimization in FETs
- Presidential Scholar, Merrimack College, 1985
- Dean’s Gold Medal Award, UMass Lowell, 2005.
AETC | ECE Department | UMASS Lowell
This Page is last updated Dec 03, 2007.
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