Items from crime scene

Forensic Geology

PowerPoint Presentations


Sherlock Holmes

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Properties of Sand Properties of sand - textures, size distribution, mineralogy. Examples of the use of the properties of sand in forensic investigations.
Mineral Properties What is a mineral? Properties used in mineral identification.
Rock Identification Criteria used to classify rocks and rock classification schemes.
Pigments in Forensic Geology Natural pigments used in art and cosmetics. Examples of the use of pigments in forensic investigations.
Radioactive Isotopes The nucleus, isotopes, radioactive decay, radiometric dating. Examples of the use of radiometric dating in forensic investigations.
Stable Isotopes Stable isotopes. Delta notation. Isotope fractionation. Examples of the use of stable isotopes in forensic investigations.
X-ray Diffraction Crystalline compounds and diffraction of X-rays. Bragg's Law. Using X-ray diffraction (XRD) to identify crystalline solids.