Research Grants
1. "High Dynamic Range Heterodyne Terahertz Imager" US Army STTR, A. Danylov (Co-Pi)
- "Phase locking of 2.324 and 2.959 THz quantum cascade lasers using a Schottky diode harmonic mixer,"
Andriy A. Danylov, Neal Erickson, Alexander R. Light, Jerry Waldman, Optics Letters, Volume 40, No. 21 (2015). (PDF) - "Frequency Stabilization of Optically Pumped Far Infrared Laser to the Harmonic of a Microwave Synthesizer," Andriy A. Danylov, Alexander R. Light, Neal Erickson, Jerry Waldman, Applied Optics, Volume 54, No.35, (2015).(PDF)
- “Widely tunable quantum cascade laser-based terahertz source,” Andriy A. Danylov, Alexander R. Light, Jerry Waldman, Neal Erickson, Applied Optics, Volume 53, Issue 20, pp. 4475-4480 (2014). (PDF)
(This paper was published in Applied Optics and is made available as an electronic reprint with the permission of OSA. The paper can be found at the following URL on the OSA website: Systematic or multiple reproduction or distribution to multiple locations via electronic or other means is prohibited and is subject to penalties under law.)
- “2.32 THz quantum cascade laser frequency-locked to the harmonic of a microwave synthesizer source,”
Andriy A. Danylov, Alexander R. Light, Jerry Waldman, Neal R. Erickson, and William D. Goodhue,
Optics Express, Vol. 20, Issue 25, pp. 27908-27914 (2012). (PDF) - "Terahertz inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging with a quantum cascade laser transmitter," Andriy A. Danylov, Thomas M. Goyette, Jerry Waldman, Michael J. Coulombe, Andrew J. Gatesman, Robert H. Giles, Neelima Chandrayan, Shivashankar Vangala, Krongtip Termkoa, William D. Goodhue, and William E. Nixon,
Optics Express 18, 16264-16272 (2010). (PDF) - “Frequency stabilization of a single mode terahertz quantum cascade laser to the kilohertz level,” Andriy A. Danylov, Thomas M. Goyette, Jerry Waldman, Michael J. Coulombe, Andrew J. Gatesman, Robert H. Giles, William D. Goodhue, and William E. Nixon, Optics Express, Vol. 17, Issue. 9, 7525-7532 (2009). (PDF)
- “Terahertz sideband-tuned quantum cascade laser radiation,” Andriy A. Danylov, J. Waldman, T. M. Goyette, A. J. Gatesman, R. H. Giles, J. Li, W. D. Goodhue, K. J. Linden, and W. E. Nixon, Optics Express 16, 5171-5180 (2008). (PDF)
- “Transformation of the multimode terahertz quantum cascade laser beam into a Gaussian, using a hollow dielectric waveguide,” Andriy A. Danylov, Jerry Waldman, Thomas M. Goyette, Andrew J. Gatesman, Robert H. Giles, Kurt J. Linden, William R. Neal, William E. Nixon, Michael C. Wanke, John L. Reno, Applied Optics, Volume 46, Issue 22, pp. 5051-5055 (2007). (PDF)
Proceeding publications and presentations
- " Frequency Locking of a QCL at 2.3 THz using a Harmonic Mixer," N. Erickson, A. Danylov, A. Light, J. Waldman, 24th International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology, Groningen, The Netherlands, April 8-10 2013.
- “Long-term frequency and amplitude stability of a solid-nitrogen-cooled continuous wave THz quantum cascade laser,” Andriy A. Danylov, Jerry Waldman, Alexander R. Light, Thomas M. Goyette, Robert H.Giles, Xifeng Qian, Neelima Chandrayan, William D. Goodhue, and William E. Nixon, Proc. SPIE 8261, 82610D-1 (2012).
- “Coherent imaging at 2.4 THz with a CW quantum cascade laser transmitter,” Andriy A. Danylov, Thomas M. Goyette, Jerry Waldman, Michael J. Coulombe, Andrew J. Gatesman, Robert H.Giles, Xifeng Qian, Neelima Chandrayan, Shivashankar Vangala, Krongtip Termkoa, William D. Goodhue, and William E. Nixon, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7601, 72150C (2010).
- "Frequency stabilization of a single mode terahertz quantum cascade laser to the kilohertz level," Andriy A. Danylov, Thomas M. Goyette, Jerry Waldman, Michael J. Coulombe, Andrew J. Gatesman, Robert H. Giles, William D. Goodhue, Xifeng Qian, and William E. Nixon, 10th International Conference on Intersubband Transitions in Quantum Wells (ITQW), Montreal, (2009).
- "Prospects for quantum cascade lasers as transmitters and local oscillators in coherent terahertz transmitter/receiver systems," Jerry Waldman, Andriy A. Danylov, Thomas M. Goyette, Michael J. Coulombe, Robert H. Giles, Andrew J. Gatesman, William D. Goodhue, Jin Li, Kurt J. Linden, William E. Nixon, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 7215, 72150C (2009).
- "Terahertz sideband-tuned quantum cascade laser radiation and QCL linewidth measurements," Andriy A. Danylov, J. Waldman, T. M. Goyette, A. J. Gatesman, R. H. Giles, J. Li, W. D. Goodhue, K. J. Linden, W. E. Nixon, 33rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz) (2008).
- “2.4-2.5 THz quantum cascade lasers obtained by tuning the thicknesses of a structure emitting at 2.9 THz,” J. Li, X. Qian, A. A. Danylov, J. Waldman, K. Linden, W. Liu, S.R. Vangala, R.H. Giles, W.D. Goodhue, Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 2007. LEOS 2007. The 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE.
- “Terahertz Behavior of Optical Components and Common Materials,” A. J. Gatesman, A. Danylov, T. M. Goyette, J. C. Dickinson, R. H. Giles, W. Goodhue, J. Waldman, W. E. Nixon, and W. Hoen, SPIE Defense and Security Simposium, Vol. 6212, Orlando, Fl, April (2006).
- “Terahertz Laser Based Standoff Imaging System,” Kurt J. Linden, William R. Neal, Jerry Waldman, Andrew J. Gatesman, Andriy Danylov, Proceedings of the 34th Applied Imagery and Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR05).
- “Performance of Off-axis MBE Grown THz Quantum Cascade Lasers,” Shivashankar R. Vangala, Xifeng Qian, Neelima Chandrayan, Dan Wasserman, and William D. Goodhue, Andriy A. Danylov, Robert H. Giles, and Jerry Waldman, W.E. Nixon, 26th North American Molecular Beam Epitaxy Conference (NAMBE) (2009).
- “Insitu Contact Resistance Evaluation of 2.6-2.9 THz Quantum Cascade Lasers,” Neelima Chandrayan, Krongtip Termkoa, Jin Li, Xifeng Qian, Shivashankar Vangala, William Goodhue, Andriy Danylov, Jerry Waldman, Robert Giles, William Nixon, APS March Meeting, Vol. 54, Number 1 (2009).
- “One-half milliwatt 2.33 THz CW QCL operating at 77 K,” X. Qian, N. Chandrayan, S. R. Vangala, W. D. Goodhue, A. A. Danylov, J. Waldman, R. H. Giles, W. E. Nixon, SPIE Photonics West, OPTO, Terahertz Technology and Applications (2012).
- Xifeng Qian, Andriy A Danylov, Alexander R Light, Jerry Waldman, Neal Erickson, “Frequency tuning of THz quantum cascade lasers,” Proc. SPIE 9362, Terahertz, RF, Millimeter, and Submillimeter-Wave Technology and Applications VIII, 93620U (March 14, 2015).