Prof. Hansen teaches the following courses at UMass Lowell.
22.212 Strength of Materials
Course description: Stress and deformation analysis of bodies subjected to uniaxial loading, thermal strain, torsion of circular cross-sections, shear flow in thin-walled sections, bending of beams, and combined loading. Application of equilibrium, compatibility, and load-deformation relations to solve statically determinate and indeterminate systems.
Course syllabus: The most recent syllabus for download is Spring 2013
Course technology: Echo360 lecture recording system, Blackboard Vista class website, online mini-lectures, and Clickers.
Pedagogy: In addition to in-class lectures, class time is also devoted to group-based problem solving. Students have also participated in a service-learning project with the Lowell Transitional Housing Center.
Course syllabus: The most recent syllabus for download is Spring 2013
Course technology: Echo360 lecture recording system, Blackboard Vista class website, online mini-lectures, and Clickers.
Pedagogy: In addition to in-class lectures, class time is also devoted to group-based problem solving. Students have also participated in a service-learning project with the Lowell Transitional Housing Center.
22.296 Mechanical Behavior of Materials
Course description: The behavior of engineering materials is studied with an emphasis on factors affecting materials selection and an understanding of material properties and materials characterization techniques. Laboratory and lecture topics include: Tension, compression, elastic modulus, strain, flexure, hardness, abrasion and wear, and corrosion. In addition, the relationships between processing, microstructure, and material properties are discussed.
Course syllabus: the most recent syllabus for download is Fall 2013
Course technology: Echo360 lecture recording system, Blackboard Vista class website, and Clickers.
Course syllabus: the most recent syllabus for download is Fall 2013
Course technology: Echo360 lecture recording system, Blackboard Vista class website, and Clickers.
22.596 Composite Materials
Course description: The goal of this course is to equip students with orthotropic stress-strain relations and failure criteria to analyze a broad range of composite materials. Students calculate the stress-strain response and failure of a laminated composite material under in-plane loading and/or bending using classical laminated plate theory. Furthermore, composite designs are analyzed to determine if they meet appropriate design criteria, such as a failure or deflection criteria.
Course syllabus: the most recent syllabus for download is Spring 2013
Course technology: Echo360 lecture recording system and Blackboard Vista class website.
Course syllabus: the most recent syllabus for download is Spring 2013
Course technology: Echo360 lecture recording system and Blackboard Vista class website.
22.597 Processing of Composites
Course description: The goal of this course is to provide an overview of the both the scientific and practical aspects of processing composites. An emphasis is placed on polymer matrix fiber-reinforced composites, though short fiber-reinforced composites and metal- and ceramic-matrix composites are also discussed.
Course syllabus: the most recent syllabus for download is Fall 2013
Course technology: Echo360 lecture recording system, Blackboard Vista class website
Pedagogy: In addition to in-class lectures, students are invited to equipment and process demonstrations both on-campus (Advanced Composite Materials & Textiles Research Laboratory for hand lay-up, Plastics Engineering department for thermoforming) and off-campus (boron fiber CVD manufacturing at Specialty Materials Inc. and pultrusion and fiber winding at Plasan Composites).
Course syllabus: the most recent syllabus for download is Fall 2013
Course technology: Echo360 lecture recording system, Blackboard Vista class website
Pedagogy: In addition to in-class lectures, students are invited to equipment and process demonstrations both on-campus (Advanced Composite Materials & Textiles Research Laboratory for hand lay-up, Plastics Engineering department for thermoforming) and off-campus (boron fiber CVD manufacturing at Specialty Materials Inc. and pultrusion and fiber winding at Plasan Composites).

October 16-18 2013
Visit to Specialty Materials Inc. (Lowell MA)
Students from 22.597 "Processing of Composites" toured Specialty Materials Inc. in Lowell. The tour included the only boron fiber manufacturing line in the world, as well as pre-pregging, hybrid fibers, carbon fiber spinning, and boron-magnesium nanoparticle production
Visit to Specialty Materials Inc. (Lowell MA)
Students from 22.597 "Processing of Composites" toured Specialty Materials Inc. in Lowell. The tour included the only boron fiber manufacturing line in the world, as well as pre-pregging, hybrid fibers, carbon fiber spinning, and boron-magnesium nanoparticle production

October 15 2013
Visit to Plasan Composites (Woburn MA)
Students from 22.597 "Processing of Composites" visited Plasan U.S. Defense Composite Structures in Woburn MA. Students saw the largest pultrusion manufacturing set-up in the world, in addition to filament winding.
Visit to Plasan Composites (Woburn MA)
Students from 22.597 "Processing of Composites" visited Plasan U.S. Defense Composite Structures in Woburn MA. Students saw the largest pultrusion manufacturing set-up in the world, in addition to filament winding.