Last Thursday of the month
5:30 - 6:30 pm
Biology Department conference room, Olsen Hall

Other presentations - 2018 - 2016 - 2015


Konow lab, Barbora Rimkus- 12/18/18

Single bout effect and muscle recovery


Gage lab, Sudarshi Dassanayake - 11/30/18

Building a magnetic tweezer


Moore lab, Dr. Alice Racca - 10/26/18

Thick filament extensibility as measured by X-ray diffraction


Moore lab, Sailavanyaa Sundar - 9/28/18

Biophysical Characterizations of Cardiomyopathy mutations in the Tropomyosin overlap domain


Gage lab, Pabodha Hettige -8/21/18

Alpha-actinin and Titin in the Z-disk, a study with magnetic tweezers


Moore lab, Janel Kydd - 7/24/18

Targeted Curcumin nanoparticles for Photodynamic therapy in Glioblastoma cells


Nugent lab, Divya Tsiros - 6/26/18

Matrix stiffness and VEGF-receptor 2 in endothelial cells


Moore lab, Taylor Mellen - 6/6/18

The impact of tropomyosins on actin filament assembly is isoform specific


Gage lab, Chris Tsiros - 4/26/18

Translocation of molecular chaperons to the titin springs is common in skeletal myopathy patients and affects sarcomere function (and muscle fiber passive tension)


Moore lab, Dr. Alice Racca - 3/20/18

Structural Dynamics of Troponin Ex vivo during activation as measured by bifunctional fluorescent probes


Moore lab, Dr. Jeffrey Moore and Dr. Alice Racca - 2/22/18

Annual biophysics meeting re-cap


Moore lab, Dr. Jeffrey Moore - 1/30/18

Mixed kinetic model to describe the unloaded velocities of smooth, skeletal, and cardiac myosin filaments in vitro